

A Princess who is trapped in her own cage that everything she wants is forbidden love, care and support that later on she was diagnosed with depression at a young age

Roylyn_Legaspi · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Forbidden Love and Dreams


I have been in a relationship a few months ago his name is Jeremy but our love story ends so early because I got so scared of my brother that if I don't follow his commands I will be probably ending up being a punching bag of him that's why I broke up with Jeremy just to be sure that he won't get in danger because of my monster brother. All I can do now is listen and follow my brother's commands just to be safe even though inside I'm dying to be out of my cage all my life is hell I can't love I can't join any school organisation and many more I even can't go out without anyone to accompany me how I love to feel free like others that they are allowed to do anything they want but me here in the house doing house chores and studying online. But every time I see my friends post in Facebook and Instagram I can't stop myself on breaking down it hurts a lot that I can't handle it anymore I just cry and cry until I calm down. Now the Roylyn that my ate Ken saw is different from the Roylyn that she met few years ago I changed alot that I sometimes don't recognise myself that's because I feel so hurt and I feel so lonely that even my one and only baby sister treats me as her enemy even I ask so many times for her to forgive me she just gives me a cold shoulder and a too much attitude she always treats me like this but what did I do nothing I did nothing because even she was my sister I still consider her as a part of my memories even she threw away the five years friendship that we have just because of my one mistake and everything disappeared from me. Now my full focus is on my studies and of course the slow healing process of my heart and soul and I always pray so that God will hear all my pain and help me to be healed with his love. Loving myself now is the biggest thing I ever do fixing myself is also will be my biggest achievement when the time comes and this suffering will be done and I wish to live my life happily.