
A Powerful Legacy

A young man who grew up in 1880s London, has been recognized as a wizard by one of the most prestigious schools in the world. Hogwarts has opened their doors to a king among men. Watch as William Lee Lewis ascends to the top, collecting money, women, and power. By the end of his journey not even the eldest of mages can stand in his way. Smart MC, Cunning MC, Strong to Stronger I put Antihero because he's not completely evil just self-concerned.

Daniel56 · Videospiele
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15 Chs

A Trip Through The Sky

"For the last four years, our house has reigned supreme. For the last four years, we've won the house cup, but this year, I fear it will come to an end." Henry 'Harry' Potter, the head boy, spoke these words as he looked upon the mass amount of students crowding the Slytherin common room. He was a handsome young man with brown hair and spectacles, but his face was hard, like it carried the burden for the world.

Beside Harry stood a beautiful young woman who looked like perfection personified; she was the head girl. Her beautiful overflowing black hair and rosy cheeks that decorated her porcelain skin made her look like a goddess. "Bravery, hard work, and intelligence are important," she said, placing her hand on Harry's shoulder, "but what's most important is our cunning, our ambition to rise to the top and lead… Last year, Ravenclaw was within eight points of winning the house cup. Eight points! We are Slytherin! Will we allow some no-good bookworms to beat us at our own game?!"

The room was silent, as if all the students were pondering their answers.

Harry stepped forward, "Will you let them beat us? Will you let them over our pride and dignity? Will you?!"

This time, the whole crowd shouted a resounding NO. Their cries shook the very stone that held up Hogwarts. This was the power of their tongue, the power of the snake that wrapped itself around Hogwarts and devoured any enemy it recognized.

"That is why, this year, we will ask you all to push yourselves. We are leaders, from the mighty seventh years to the lowly first years; that's what distinguishes you from the rest. You all are special; if you have any doubts, just look at the walls around you. We are in Slytherin, the greatest of all houses. We've created some of the finest witches and wizards in all of Europe. And so, as I, Henry Potter, work to place Slytherin at the top of the hierarchy."

"And I, Magenta Hitchens, ensure our dominance over the other houses; I want you all to promise us that you'll rise to the top like we know you can."

Slytherin's head boy raised his head and said, "Promise you'll persevere even in the toughest of times because even if you lose or are defeated, perseverance is the most admirable of qualities."


William lay upon a furred couch; its soft hair engulfed his body and made him feel as if he entered heaven. His body was akin to a dead man's as he lay in the common room's lounge.

Earlier, William and Sebastian entered the common room drunk. The head boy and girl had finished their speeches, and most were already in their bedrooms. The two could barely walk, and their bodies felt simultaneously ignited by flame and chilled by cold. The free liquors they drank and the fatigue from battling the troll finally caught up with them, putting them in this destroyed state.


William furrowed his brows as he felt something hard touch his forehead.


William, still with shut eyes, swung his hand over his forehead, though much to his disappointment, he hit nothing.

*Tap Tap*

As the tapping continued, William became increasingly annoyed. His peace was being disturbed; there was no way he'd let this offensive go. Finally, his face contorted with anger as he flared his eyes open and grabbed the wand, flicking his head.

"Wakey, Wakey," the head boy looked at William with a smile lining his face and his glasses gleaming in the dull green light of the common room. 

"It's the weekend, let. me. sleep." William said, his face filled with anger. You can disturb a man's studies or vices, but you never… disturb his sleep.

"To your dorm, now." He continued, his smile disappearing, "I already had to drag the other 'overachiever' to his room. Do I really need to escort another?"

"And who are you?" William said with an edge to his eyes.

"Slythern's head boy, Henry Potter."

"I took down a troll today; I deserve my rest," William said, releasing Henry's wand.

"Correct, but you'll sleep in your room. Your exploits will give us a 50-point lead on the other houses, but unfortunately, no amount of troll slaying will be enough for you to do as you please…" He paused for a moment before a callous smile appeared on his face. "I hope this mildly infuriates you. Just enough to make you angry, but not angry enough to disrespect the head boy."

William opened his eyes in realization as his mouth spread open. "That's what this is about? I walked out of the common room a minute early."

"It was two minutes. Now get your inebriated self up and get to bed,"

"Fine," William begrudgingly said, getting up. He walked past the head boy with unwilling steps, heading to his dorm.


A yawn escaped William's mouth as he exited the male dormitories. What met him at the exit was Imelda.

"Goood morning, William. Did you sleep well?" Imelda said in a gentle tone.

"Yes, considering…" William's voice trailed off as he thought of the havoc unleashed on Hogsmeade. Another yawn escaped his lips as he stretched.

Imelda took her chance and finished William's sentence, "Considering your brawl with a drugged up, magically enhanced troll. You and Sebastian are the talk of Slytherin. It took him an hour just to leave the common room with how many people pestered him."

William looked around to see that almost no one was around; it was just Imelda and a few students. "What time is it? I didn't check it when I got up."

"It's eleven O'clock. In case you were wondering, Sebastian went to go see his sister, and Ominis went to the gardens to tend to his plants. Anyway, are you ready to fly?"

"Ohh… I couldn't get a broom yesterday; the shop was closed," William said.

"Oh, that's too bad. Now you'll have to use my old broom." Imelda said with a smile lining her face. She then waved her wand, and two brooms appeared in her hand. "This one is mine, and this one is yours," she said, handing over the broom. "Now, let's fly!"


As the sun gleamed high in the sky, two students made their way through the air.

William's eyes were wide, and his heart was popping out of his chest. "Woah! How do you control this thing?!" The broom underneath him was wobbly like a rope suspended in the air.

Imelda looked to him with a smile, "It's all about intent. You fear flying, and so, the broom fears flying. If you embrace the skies, flying will become second nature."

'Embrace the sky, embrace the sky, embrace the sky!" William thought as he clung to his broom like a cat avoiding water.

William's broom continued to shake until Imelda grabbed hold of it. Her grip was firm, yet gentle, as she guided William through the air.

"I've got you," she said. Her warm smile calmed William as they flew. Soon, his ironclad grip loosened, and he sat up straight. His eyes focused on Imelda, never looking to the ground.

They flew in silence for a while as William gazed towards Imelda. "Thank you, Imelda."

She pulled her eyes away from the horizon and looked towards William, "You're welcome; it's a pleasure."

William then looked towards the massive valley in all its grandiosity. "It's so beautiful." Swamps, forests, mountains, villages, and hamlets littered the landscape. 

"It truly is a marvel," Imelda said. "So, where do you want to go, William?"

"How about up there?" William pointed to a cliff overlooking Hogwarts and most of the valley. 

"Sure, hold on!" She yelled as she upturned their brooms and increased speed.

"Woah!" William exclaimed as they shot past the top of the hill. She then turned the brooms to the ground and yelled, "Jump!"

Imelda rolled to the ground in a perfect landing, but William wasn't so lucky. He attempted to roll, but halfway into it, he slammed his back to the ground.


"...Haha! Are you okay?" Imelda said through her laughs.

"Yeah… I'm okay. Though, I could have done just a bit better," William said with a pained voice.

"Yes, just a bit," she said as she walked over to William, offering him a hand. "Let me help," she said with a pleading gaze.

William decisively took her hand and stood.

"Let's get to know each other," Imelda said, leading William, by the hand, over to the cliff's edge.

"Well, you know more about me than I do you, so you start first," William said as she sat down on the cliff.

"Okay, I'm Slytherin's Quidditch team captain and one of its chasers. I'm one of the most talented flyers Hogwarts has seen, and I'm an exemplary student," she said as 

William followed suit, making sure not to look down. "Very nice. I've been interested in Quidditch ever since Professor Fig told me about it, although I don't think I'm interested in flying itself."

"Hey, some people aren't meant to be flyers. Though it's a calling I and many others have."

William furrowed his brows as he questioned, "But who are you really? Besides the achievements and qualifications, who is the real Imelda?"

"Well, I love flying and Quidditch. Muggle studies have always fascinated me, and I love the outdoors. Autumn and winter being my favorite seasons. What about you?"

"Summers have always been my favorite, the beauty of the green fields and the smell of the flowers. But what contrasts that is the city's machinery. It intrigues me, whether it be the development of the camera or the invention of the machine gun. I love science and philosophy, electricity, and now, magic. This world is just… magical."

"God, this place is beautiful!" William exclaimed as he looked out onto the mountainous valley.

"It sure is…" she said, a somber tone washed over her, "I've always taken the view for granted. I learned to fly from a young age, but I never really observed the beauty around me."

"…What's a machine gun? I've never heard of it." Imelda said after a long silence between the two.

"It's a gun that can fire ten bullets a second and 600 a minute. It's a weapon of mass destruction that even the most powerful wizards wouldn't want to face." William said matter-of-factly. 

Imelda turned her lively brown eyes to William and said, "That's so cool! I want one of those. Maybe I could mount it to my balcony and shoot it into the sky," her voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Haha!" a boisterous laugh escaped William's mouth as he imagined Imela firing off the most powerful gun ever made with a gleeful smile on her face.

"Hah," a sigh left her lips. "Too bad my family would never allow it."

"Hmm," William placed his hand to his chin as he looked towards Imelds. "I have a house just outside of London with one. You could come to my house over winter break and fire it if you'd like."

"Really!" She said as her eyes lit up. She lunged for William, hugging him. "Thank you so much," she said, her angelic voice close to his ear.

William's eyes shined with surprise before he embraced her and said with a light smile, "You're welcome."