
A Poledancer's Revenge

That year, I saw all the eyes of the world and was ridiculed. But all I did was to live... I thought my life path was probably like this, but I met him by mistake. The man who suddenly broke into my life turned my world upside down. Since then, I know that no one in this world can be trusted

leading_bird · Fantasie
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54 Chs

##Chapter 9 Secret Found

I counted all the people in the room. There were a total of nine of us. Only a boy didn't have a companion. He looked young, around 18. He could well be a driver.

I seldom serve guests in private rooms. Anna rejected the requests from those less powerful guests, but if someone like Wayne asked for someone, she could not refuse.

I was still observing them silently when Wayne suddenly stood up. He walked toward the man who had just toasted to him. To be exact, he targeted the girl next to the man. I thought he wanted the girl. Even the girl was dumbfounded by his move, and she looked joyful.

To my surprise, Wayne only fetched a glass there. I was a bit disappointed. I was expecting if he was interested in the girl, I could slip away.

Wayne went back to my side with the glass, and he tried to pour wine for me. Not only me but also the man and the girl were shocked.

I whispered to him, "I got this."

I reached out to grab the bottle, but he patted hard on my hand. I could only take it back.

"Nuts," I murmured.

"What was that?" Wayne turned around and stared at me. I was frightened and couldn't believe he had heard me.

"It's nothing. Haha," I grinned at him to cover up.

"Cheers," said him peacefully.

I suddenly realized the man was scheming. There were empty glasses everywhere, but he had to take the one in front of that man. Wayne had been giving him a hard time ever since he came in the room. I had no idea how the man offend him.

I suddenly remembered a high school classmate. She always pranked others and made it so that she couldn't get harmed anyways. Dreadful.

I came back to my senses and toasted. Before I could decide whether to chug the whole thing, I saw him doing so already.

I looked at the cup and frowned. I wasn't into wine, but I still drank it up.

After the glass of wine, I became braver. I couldn't help asking him, "Who is that man?"

Wayne glanced at me and said nothing.

I must have pissed him off again. Why did I ask him? I was asking for trouble.

"Some sort of a manager in my company."

"Eh... I see." I was caught off guard as he only answered me after a good while.

Of course, Mr. Wayne didn't need to remember some sort of a manager.

When we just finished our conversation, everyone came to toast to Wayne, except the man who was rejected. Wayne didn't reject them this time. I had to take several glasses with them.

After a while, people have started moving around. They were enjoying themselves.

Someone came to toast to Wayne and talked to him, but I didn't care what they talked about.

I had drunk a lot and wanted to go to the toilet. I kind of admired Wayne, for he sure was a good drinker.

Maybe the wine gave me courage, I patted on his shoulder, "I gotta go to the restroom."

Wayne nodded, and then I walked out of the room.

When I got out of the restroom, a figure quickly passed by me. I didn't react at first. After thinking for a while, I realized it was that manager in our box.

I followed him. He was making a phone call to someone, and he went for the staircase. I thought he must be plotting something, so I was curious about what was going on.

I tried sneaking closer, but I still had heels on. It was the first time for me to eavesdrop. I was so nervous that I hid behind the door and held my breath.

"Mr. Fox, he brought a woman today. I think she works here... Yeah... Alright. I'll keep an eye on him..."

So they were keeping an eye on him. I thought I found something phenomenal, and I was too scared to stay there. I then trotted back to the room right away.

I sat on the couch and my heart raced. What I had heard went on in my mind over and over again.

Mr. Fox? Who was Mr. Fox? I looked at Wayne. I knew he had some brothers. I couldn't tell which Mr. Fox he was talking to.

"Penny for thoughts?" Wayne suddenly started, which startled me.

"Oh. Nothing. I think I'm getting a little drunk," I tried bluffing it out.

"You sure can't take much."

I didn't reply to him. I looked down at the glasses on the table. As I frowned and kept thinking about what had happened just now, suddenly it occurred to me that the manager was sent here to monitor Wayne by someone.

No wonder Wayne asked me to work with him. Although I did nothing, I was a disguise. Rich family sure had more complications.

I was wondering if I should tell him the truth. After some struggle, I decided to tell him. After all, I owed him one.

"Hey, Wayne," I broke out. Now with all the alcohol, I dared to call his name.

"What did you call me?" I saw a dangerous look in his eyes. I realized I had gone too far.

"Well, Mr. Wayne," I wiped off the sweat and approached him. I said in his ear, "I overheard the manager making a call to someone that he is monitoring you when I went out just now."

I tried catching traces of emotion on his face. But to my disappointment, he wasn't surprised at all.

"So you've known it all along?" I asked.

Wayne didn't answer. But I knew he had known it earlier from his smile.

I felt Wayne was even more scheming. A man who got out of his way to hide from danger was smart. However, a man who knew the danger but put himself in it was not only smart but cunning.

According to his character, I guessed the manager wouldn't end up all too nicely. Thinking of that, I felt a thrill down my spine.

I was lucky that I offend Leopard instead of him. Leopard would give me physical pain, but Wayne could utterly destroy my life.

"Although your information is useless, that was quite brave of you. Cheers," Wayne held his glass and toasted to me.

I was almost drunk, so I didn't feel like taking more. Besides, it was hard liquor.

I hesitated, but Wayne was reaching out his glass waiting for me. I gritted my teeth and chugged the wine. I almost threw out.

I tried hard not to embarrass myself and prodded myself up with my arms. I said to Wayne, "Please excuse me." Then I staggered out of the room.