I got terrible grammar...
{Are you tired of virgin? Tired of watching Porn and playing with yourself? do you want to turn your sad and honestly humiliating life around? Do you read light novels and close your eyes dreaming to be that MC? Do you want to hug your waifu and if skilled enough marry them, instead of dying alone while looking weird?}
'my phone is hacked?' a young man who had just stumbled upon what might be godly porn frowned slightly. The Porn was Called Two Girls One Cup, he wanted to see how creative these females were with this cup. yes, readers, this is godly porn you two can watch. I promise you there will be huge regrets at some point after or before watching it,
the young man tried to remove the pop-up but found he couldn't this forced him to read it, but as soon as he did, he was annoyed. these scammers nowadays are getting smarter, and many people would fall for this, and think it's their ticket to leave this world. but he knew better... plus he just wanted a bust a nut before no nut November started, it will be a month until he could... let's be honest, he would fail the first day,
{this is no scam, answer the question. do you, a sad, sorry piece of shit wish to turn his life around? become something better that could turn his dreams into reality, instead of eyeing anime girls with his hands in his pocket? do you think life has been cruel, and you have been born in the wrong world?}
another pop-up suddenly appeared, stunning the young man. he was just thinking this was a scam, yet the phone seemed to have read his mind. no normal man would believe in such foolishness, plus he was hurt.
{do you want to travel the endless numbers of worlds, do as you wish while aiming to rule over everything? do you wish to be reborn with the chance to truly be the best there ever was, not to stand as strongest among the norm, but even others like you who got the chance at a golden finger? if yes, sell your soul to me, Sora. God will not give you this wish or opportunity, but I will}
the young man's phone suddenly turned blood red, the young man known as Sora was horrified seeing this and reading the new pop-up. the phone grew hot, forcing him to throw it, he was horrified, but he soon saw that the phone floated up, and turned to look at him.
the young man slowly crawled backward in fear, never in his life had he ever seen anything like this. the whole room was blood red, and the only other form of light within this room was the phone, which was slowly floating toward him,
'is this the devil or something... t-than he can't be trusted, no matter how good the temptation might be?' The young man thought seeing how things slowly began changing around his room, anime girls all appeared nude, before surrounding him
'... he wants my soul. is it worth it? no, it isn't, how would one go about without a soul anyways? if there is one thing anime taught me, it's that fear shouldn't control me. my anime wisdom is something he dares challenge?' the young man thought as he forced the females away from him
"giving this chance up is something you will regret for the rest of your life. do you not wish to turn everything around for the better" a sweet anime girl's voice sounded from the phone, but towards the end, it cracked turning demonic.
"oh god, to think I was thinking of selling my soul." the young man said in relief, he almost failed the devil's schemes. it was all a gamble, he didn't believe the devil would go so far for a soul, was a soul worth everything he promise? also, who would say that he would have some plot armor within this anime world? he might just end up dying. at the end of the day, normal was safer, and the strange things were too risky.
"foolish. you could little brat..." the demonic voice disappeared, and the phone fell to the ground, pop up windows appeared on the screen, seemly the devil had lost its ability to speak
"were you feeding off my fear or something... or my sins?" the young man said in confusion as he picked up the phone. he looked at the pop-ups wish had curses that targeted his 9 generations, displeasing the young man. he had the upper hand and had nothing to fear
the young man tapped the screen, and the pop-up windows slowly began disappearing, closing the sinful tabs. the young man found that there was a new app, a blood-red app that had horns, hesitating for a moment, he tapped the app.
there he saw the devil. but it was not as how people would picture him, he looked beautiful. the young man went blank seeing his appearance, his mortal mind would have fallen apart seeing this luckily the devil seemed to be sealed away and badly weakened.
chains wrapped around his body, with some tabbed through his pure black wings, at the same time he had a huge sword stabbed through his back, and into the ground.
the devil had long blonde hair, an appearance that wasn't that of a male or female. he seemed to transcend the limitation of beauty and step upon one said gender, instead, he was beauty itself, males and females would eye him with unmatched lust.
currently, the devil was looking straight at the young man. hatred filling his eyes, Sora smiled disdainfully, to think he almost bought upon the end of the world. but the devil's scheme was good, targeting him while being so honest did hurt, it didn't help that he read novels where MCs sold themselves to the devil.
Sora would have sold his soul... but lucky he had anime wisdom, unmatched knowledge he had picked up from his countless years of watching anime. all of this came together to form Sora' Wisdom, one of which was to never make important life choices for or because of a woman.
Never accept something that you don't fully understand, if it sounds too good to be true, 9 out 10, thats because it's too good to be true.
Fear is nothing to be ashamed of, everyone has something they feared. but what should be ashamed of is being unable to stand up to their fears, not allowing the fear to control them
Sora didn't come to comprehend all of this without any special help, his grandfather was a wise man who had raised him for many years, giving him his wisdom. it was also his grandfather who gave him his old phone before he died.
"... Human, once I escape, you will be the first person I target." He said angrily, but Sora ignored him and turned to look at the few tabs within the app. there was a set free tab, which pressed could allow Sora to free this person.
there was an information tab, which Sora hit and closely went through. it gave a summary of this guy.
in the beginning... well, before the beginning even started there was God. It was his booming voice that birthed the beginning. the world 'Let There Be LIght', these words began the big bang, God went on to create heaven along with countless angels,
but among these angels was Samael, the most beautiful of all angels, along with his brothers the first humanoid angels, but Samael and his twin Micheal stood out as God's best work. Samael was the strongest, smartest, and most capable of all angels, but in the end, he grew tired of being a puppet.
God claimed that he gave everyone free will, but in his eyes, that wasn't true. they would always be within God all eyes, if they truly had free will, then they should be free from the foresight or predictions of others. yet God knew everything,
Samael along with many other angels who agreed with him raised to overthrow God, in a battle for absolute freedom, they fought, but God never even made a move and they were defeated. Micheal wanted to kill them, but God who hasn't made a move or done anything since the beginning of this world made his move.
Samael was cast down into hell along with all the angels, they all turned into fallen angels, and were forced to remain in hell, but Samael managed to escape, he changed his name and began walking among gods creations, and went on to destroy it.
He shattered this world into an uncountably infinite number world worlds, forming what people like Sora would call an Omniverse. each world formed was a small target of the former world, humans had the unique ability to foresee these other abilities threw dreams, which they would rewrite as books, comics, and so on. of course they changed the original with their ideas.
But before he would go on and finish what he had done, he had enraged god, leading to him being split up into an infinite piece spread out all over the Omniverse, eaches sealed in unique ways, the one Sora held was just an infinitely smaller part of the original Samael.
"Haha, what a dumb ass. how do you go against someone who is all-knowing? like explain that to me, all-knowing, all-powerful, and is everywhere?" Sora laughed mockingly, the fact that this proved that there might be a god didn't bother him as much.
but the devil was enraged with Sora's words, at least he had the balls to fight for his freedom, unlike the endless mindless fools who just accepted their fate.
Sora looked at the other tabs, there was another tab that read punishment, which was pretty much a way to torture the devil. at the top of the screen, there was a tab that read 0, seeming to be points of some kind, but Sora didn't know how to get points.
he noticed a tab icon of two gates, tapping it Sora saw that it was something like a world travel tab. for 100 points, Sora could travel to another world, since he had 0 points, he went on to go and see other things.
he saw the shop tab where he could buy anything across the omniverse, all he needed was enough points. and he could boy anything he could think of. if by chance the omniverse didn't have what he was looking for, he can draw it and give said the thing he grew abilities, and turn it into reality.
"alright big guy, how do I get points?" Sora asked with narrowed eyes, how could he pass off such a good offer? Lucifer coldly looked at Sora, before ignoring him and closing his eyes to rest. Sora being displeased moved out and tapped the punishment tab. but he found to buy any form of punishment, he needed points.
frowning slightly, Sora looked through the apps to see if he missed anything. he tapped all over the screen, but nothing happened. confused and not knowing what to do, went on to go over everything that had happened.
Lucifer wasn't a liar from the information given to him, he was a person so prideful, that the very concept of lying was below him. everything he said and does is wordplay, not lies, but put together in a way that he gets what he wants.
Lucifer wanted his soul and had pretty much promised him a chance to leave this world, most likely, for his soul, he would have become Lucifer's puppet, something controlled to help Lucifer regain his true form or something.
Lucifer had only shown any signs of power when he was about to submit sins and only grew weaker once he began facing him. with all of this, Sora concluded, that Lucifer's power and maybe the points were linked in some way and shape or form to sins or fear.
thinking this, Sora thought of how he could best test his theory. so he sat before his computer and went on to watch porn. as he watched, he saw that no points were gained and Lucifer didn't seem to be growing stronger.
with that, he gave up and decided to go over it tomorrow. closing the app, he was about to turn off his phone when he realized his wallpaper and the whole phone had completely changed while he was on the app. all his apps had disappeared and only a few major apps remained.
Google Maps, Good Music play, Chrome, and App holding Lucifer. but they had greatly changed, tapping the Good Map. the saw everything had changed, it showed where he was within 100 meters with him being in the center, but within these 100 meters, it showed everything. allowing Sora to see everything like he was a god.
beyond the 100 meters, it was completely dark. when Sora moved around his room, that darkness would be cleared slightly. the darkness didn't swallow the parts which were masks, he kept mapping and allowed Sora to view what was happening in seemly live time.
at the same time, Sora found that he could upgrade the map, but it cost 10 points, it seemed as if the upgrade to the map would increase the range only, and when reached a level the map would allow the map to have new functions.
Good Music play, allowed him to listen to music, but to listen he needed songs, he needed to buy songs using music. and he couldn't download the music using a second-party app
chrome on the other hand had changed, there was a limit to what he could search up, but he seemed to have data everywhere he went. the things he searched for weren't limited to the land or world he was in, simply little to his level,
upon opening, the first thing Sora saw was his statue's window. his image was there, from his states like attack power, speed, defense, and so on. Sora was able to move around the 3D image of himself to see everything, it even had squares listing his equipment and their effect and grade
it was within chrome that Sora got information about how to get points. the system tiered being from 10 to 1. 10 was the weakest tier being the level of humans, and 1 was the strongest and highest tier, being the level for beings like Lucifer each tier is split into A, B, or C. and at later stages, these could further be split into low, mid, and high.
Tier 10: Human
10-C: Below Average Human level
10-B: Human-level
10-A: Athlete level
Tier 9: Superhuman
9-C: Street level
9-B: Wall level
9-A: Small Building level
Tier 8: Urban
8-C: Building Level
High 8-C: Large Building level
8-B: City Block level
8-A: Multi-City Block level
Tier 7: Nuclear
Low 7-C: Small Town level
7-C: Town level
High 7-C: Large Town level
Low 7-B: Small City level
7-B: City level
7-A: Mountain level
High 7-A: Large Mountain level
Tier 6: Tectonic
6-C: Island Level
High 6-C: Large Island level
Low 6-B: Small Country level
6-B: Country level
High 6-B: Large Country level
6-A: Continent level
High 6-A: Multi-Continent level
Tier 5: Planetary
5-C: Moon level
Low 5-B: Small Planet level
5-B: Planet level
5-A: Large Planet level
High 5-A: Dwarf Star level
Tier 4: Stellar
Low 4-C: Small Star level
4-C: Star level
High 4-C: Large Star level
4-B: Solar System level
4-A: Multi-Solar System level
Tier 3: Cosmic
3-C: Galaxy level
3-B: Multi-Galaxy level
3-A: Universe level
High 3-A: High Universe level
Tier 2: Multiversal
Low 2-C: Universe level+ (an infinite size universe)
2-C: Low Multiverse level
2-B: Multiverse level
2-A: Multiverse level+ (an infinite-size multiverse)
Tier 1: Extradimensional
Low 1-C: Low Complex Multiverse level (one to two higher levels of infinity greater than Low 2-C)
1-C: Complex Multiverse level (three to five higher levels of infinity greater than Low 2-C)
High 1-C: High Complex Multiverse level (six to seven higher levels of infinity greater than Low 2-C)
1-B: Hyperverse level ( 8 to any higher finite number of levels of infinity above Low 2-C)
High 1-B: High Hyperverse level ( countably infinite number of qualitative sizes above Low 2-C)
1-A: Transcendent
Low 1-A: Low Outerverse level- Characters who can affect objects with a number of dimensions greater than the set of natural numbers, meaning in simple terms that the number of dimensions is aleph-1 (An uncountably infinite number, assumed to be the cardinality of the real numbers themselves)
1-A: Outerverse level- Characters who can affect objects with a number of dimensions equal to the cardinal aleph-2, which in practical terms also equals a level that completely exceeds Low 1-A structures to the same degree that they exceed High 1-B and below. This can be extrapolated to larger cardinal numbers as well, such as aleph-3, aleph-4, and so on, and works in much the same way as 1-C and 1-B in that regard.
High 1-A: High Outerverse level- Characters who can affect objects that are larger than what the logical framework defining 1-A and below can allow, and as such exceeds any possible number of levels contained in the previous tiers, including an infinite or uncountably infinite number. Practically speaking, this would be something completely unreachable to any 1-A hierarchies.
to get points, Sora needed to kill. the stronger the target the more points Sora would get, of course, he couldn't kill aimlessly. there was a set type of people he needed to kill, mostly being people who brought huge danger to the world. beings like MC who always sized the day,
in other words, this phone wants him to travel from world to world, keeping the balance of yin and yang balanced out. it turned out that God had disappeared years ago, and with his disappearance, the more the heroes win, the more the light swallows the darkness until there is no more evil within this world. which would lead to this world he created slowly falling apart.
without God, then there can't be but a world of absolute good, and no evil. there can be a world where all the heroes always win, of course, no one knows why he created this world like this, but he had disappeared and no one could find him.
{Name- Sora
Age- 17
Bloodline: [unnamed bloodline]
Titles- None
STR: 5 (the normal fully grown human State is 3)
AGI: 5 (the normal fully grown human State is 3)
END: 5 (the normal fully grown human State is 3)
WISD: 5 (the normal fully grown human State is 5)
CHARISMA: 5 (the normal fully grown human State is 2)
LUCK: 0 (the normal fully grown human State is 3)
Abilities: [Perfectly Balance],
Items: [Gods Phone]
[Perfectly Balanace]- you are perfectly balanced, each time you learn or get something, you would instantly gain the opposite of the thing. increasing your strength will in return increase your defense, agility, and wisdom. your wisdom in turn improves CHARISMA and the other way around.
your luck and bad luck cancel each other out, so you will never suffer bad luck, and at the same time any good luck.
note that learning someone, like breathing fire will give you the ability to breathe water and ice. at the same time, you would learn to eat fire, which in return will allow you to eat water and ice.]
[Gods Phone- nothing much is known about this phone, but it holds a piece of God's most beloved angels,]
[unamed Bloodline]- you're not human,