

Oh, we shall be late if we don't hurry. These foreigners don't enjoy being delayed in any form.

This was sometimes in 1969 in Nembe Kingdom of Nigeria, present day Niger Delta in same Nigeria.

Strangers spotted everywhere in the fast growing community of the popular Nembe community, commercial activities has occupied the minds of the people that the presence of the strangers was seldom noticed. Night falls is fast approaching when a tall handsome but strange man walked into Chief Alabo's compound, " Papa, Papa, cried little Aye, " kumo bo ti ooo " meaning, father, a someone is here.

Chief Alabo's jolted from the thought he wallowing dashed into the open square of his compound, how may I help you? Am here to see Chief Alabo and I presume it is you, hope no problem? Chief Alabo interrupted with an iota of doubt in voice. No problem at all, may I sit? with all pleasure, Chief Alabo responded.

That was how the beginning of the fall of a great kingdom started.