A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
Mark grunted softly then ran toward Amadeus then went for a straight punch, but Amadeus dodged the attack then struck Mark in his stomach. Mark coughed blood then fell to his knees. Amadeus kicked Mark away, sending him crashing into a table.
Caroline dashed toward Amadeus then went for a spinning heel kick, but Amadeus blocked it then went for a counter, but Caroline did a back handspring to dodge Amadeus then grunted as she quickly evaded his next strike. Mark ran toward Amadeus and struck the side of his face with a powerful punch. Amadeus was dazed a bit then Caroline kicked him away.
The Karma Gang members began to fire bullets at Amadeus, but he used his aura to deflect the bullets. Amadeus adjusted his mask then dashed toward Caroline, knowing she is a threat with her quick reflexes. He charged for an attack, but Chloe interrupted him with a butt attack then punched his back. Amadeus groaned then grabbed Chloe's hair then threw her into Caroline. They both fell then Amadeus fired a beam of energy at them.
"Maple!" Chloe called out.
Maple howled loudly then an energy shield blocked the attack. Amadeus was surprised and looked back at Maple.
"The dog did that..?!" He said in shock.
Maple barked at Amadeus then howled and aura began to surround her body. She began to transform into beast-like wolf then howled and her aura disappeared.
"These Destiny Harem Women and their supernatural abilities. Shiro made sure you all could combat people like me huh?! Well I'll tell you...No one can compare to me!" Amadeus bellowed and began to power up then awakened his Limit Break.
Caroline helped Chloe up and grunted softly. "You're so heavy.."
"I'm sorry~" Chloe giggled then grunted softly.
Mark watched Amadeus then looked at his Crest of Brotherhood. "This isn't enough power to do anything to him...but I must still try!"
He ran toward Amadeus and went for an attack. Amadeus caught his hand then palmed Mark's stomach. Mark coughed a lot of blood then was blown away into the main building. He crashed through the wall and rolled on the floor. Mark laid there and his vision was slowly fading away.
Erik ran toward Amadeus and bellowed. "You are NOT Shiro!"
Amadeus smirked then leaned back to dodge Erik's attack then grabbed his neck and choke slammed him on the ground, creating a small crater in the ground. Erik coughed blood and the color in his eyes faded.
"I'm much better than he is." Amadeus said then kicked him away.
Maple ran toward Amadeus then slashed her claws at him, but he dodged it and palmed her head, blowing her away. Maple yelped and hit the ground and struggled to get up. She whimpered softly and panted heavily, in deep pain.
Caroline and Chloe noticed this then decided to retreat. Chloe whistled and Maple found her strength to get up and run after Chloe. Amadeus held his hand out toward them.
"You're not getting away." He said then fired a ball of spirit energy at them.
Caroline looked back then pushed Chloe out the way to protect her then she noticed the ball of energy warp to the sky then explode.
A woman landed on the ground on one knee and her aura surged around her body. She stood up and flipped her long brunette hair. Her blue eyes shined, her demon tail swayed and the tiny demon wings on her head fluttered.
"Who is that..?" Amadeus asked and felt powerful demonic aura coming from her.
"G-Gloria..?" Caroline stuttered.
Gloria smirked and crossed her arms. "The best woman has arrived. I had to traverse that stupid forest to get here. Glad I made it in time before all the collateral was destroyed."
Gloria Aoi. The Love Demon of Obsession and Insanity, and she's the only actual Love Demon to exist. She still obsesses over Shiro even through he's married.
"Gloria Aoi..? Heh.." Amadeus chuckled then laughed. "You think you have what it takes to beat me, Gloria?!"
Gloria smirked and hopped up and down. "I have...the power of Reality Warping. It's gonna take some serious balls to go toe to toe with someone like ME!"
Gloria gave Amadeus an insane look then dashed toward him. He grunted at her speed and went for an immediate attack, but her body deconstructed into butterflies then she reconstructed behind him and struck him with a powerful blow on his back with her elbow. She kicked him away then warped reality to bring him back to he then she punched his face, blowing him away. She once again warped reality, bringing him back to her then she pressed a sphere of energy against his stomach, blowing him away a third time.
Amadeus groaned as he rolled backwards on the ground then recovered only to see Gloria already in front of him. She struck his face with a powerful kick, sending him crashing through the building. He slid backwards in a hallway and fired multiple spheres of energy at her.
Gloria clapped her hands and erased the spheres of energy from reality then began to wall jump toward Amadeus then came down with a powerful right hook. She followed it with a tornado kick then grabbed his leg while in midair and pulled him toward her. She grabbed his face then slammed him to the ground.
'Her skill...with Reality Warping...did she master it..?!' Amadeus thought to himself while in pain.
Gloria picked him up and threw him down the hall then smirked. "This is too easy!"
Amadeus grunted and warped away, retreating once again. He knew he couldn't win against Gloria. Gloria watched him then sighed and reverted to her human form. She walked over to Mark who was still laying on the ground. Gloria crouched down and pat his back, healing him with her magic.
She got up and walked to the others and healed them as well. They all gathered together in the middle of the courtyard.
"That was amazing! You came back after ten years to help us?! Do you know where Chelsey is?!" Caroline asked and held Gloria's arms.
Gloria smiled and nodded. "Firstly, Shiro asked me to come back and find a guy named Ryder and Chelsey is still in Esoria. It's not easy for a human to traverse the Forest of Beginning, but since Chloe managed to do it somehow, it's safe to assume someone had to be leading her out."
"As long as I know she's safe.." Caroline sighed.
"That guy...who was he?" Gloria asked.
"Amadeus. He's a student here and his plan is to kill Ryder. We mustn't allow him to do so." Mark explained.
"There isn't much we can do, even with Chloe's mythical dog we are at a loss. The only one who can deal significant damage to him is Gloria." Caroline said.
"Where is Ryder?" Gloria asked.
"He should be training, if not he's probably resting at home. It'll be better to catch him during the day." Caroline said.
Gloria nodded then a cloak appeared over her body. "If anything goes down, here's my number. Call me."
Caroline took the number and nodded. "Gotcha."
The next afternoon...
Penny, Dawn, Tao Sun, and Melody are still trying to awaken their energy. They struggled and struggled. Their inexperienced bodies were becoming strained.
"Alright that's enough." I said and smiled. "You all are trying too hard which is causing the strain in your bodies. Not everyone can awaken their power through rage as I have. The most common practice is to have a clear mind. A Tranquil State."
"Tranquil State..?" Penny asked and tilted her head.
I began to emit a calming presence and the women looked at me then began to feel calm and relaxed. They closed their eyes.
"I would rather you all go down the Tranquil Path instead of the Heartless Path. I want the best for you all." I said then smiled at them.
Penny's aura began to form around her body. The same with Dawn and Tao Sun then finally Melody. Penny opened her eyes and looked surprised.
"I-I did it!" Penny said excitedly.
"Whoa.." Dawn said and looked at her arms and legs.
"Now we are really like the anime characters." Tao Sun said.
Melody looked at her hand then threw a Pressure Strike. She smiled and nodded then looked at me. "Finally...I can use what Wendy taught me."
I nodded then noticed someone had appeared in the virtual prairie with us. The person had powerful energy and I looked at them.
"Hello, Ryder." The person said then took off their hood. "My name is Gloria."
Talenta grunted as she noticed Gloria. "Gloria?!"
"Gloria!!" Luckie said happily.
"No way...One of the women that disappeared came back! Gloria Aoi!" Penny said then stood up quickly.
"Mind if we talk in private?" Gloria asked me.
I looked at Penny and the others. "Let's take a short break."
"Okay!" They said then I turned off the training field.
Gloria and I walked outside the room and she sat down in one of the chairs and sighed softly. I looked at her and waited for her to talk.
"As Shiro's successor, Shiro wants the best for you. That's why you have access to his domain whenever you please. Your inner power comes from there. Everything you need, he provides when he deems convenient. You need a guardian because you are the number one target. Oceanview is in grave danger." Gloria said.
"I know. Amadeus came here and attacked us. That's why I'm training them. They want revenge and I want to end this so we can gain back our peace." I said.
"The Dean, Grace Vega, had agreed to close down Oceanview until all Black Market members of that college are exterminated, but you need a guardian so we are going to find you one." Gloria said.
"I have the Agency. I don't see a need for a guardian." I said and crossed my arms.
Gloria seemed surprised by my answer. "Wait what? You don't want a guardian?"
"No." I said then closed my eyes.
Gloria smiled and stood up. "You're that confident in your abilities?"
I looked at Gloria and nodded. "I trust all Agents in their abilities. I trust my own power. I trust the Anime Club. No guardians are needed unless absolutely necessary."
"If I had to choose a guardian, I would choose Leonidas. He will be the one to protect me if the agents are not around. I trust him completely." I said.
"What if I told you that he wanted me to be your guardian, not just me. The Destiny Harem Women in entirety." Gloria smiled.
"Why though?" I asked.
"Because...The Black Market wants to open the gates to Esoria. Doing that will allow your enemies to invade Esoria and they want to kill Shiro. Shiro has worked hard for the last ten years to prevent that. We can't allow them to bring harm to Esoria." Gloria said.
"Who are these Destiny Harem Women?" I asked.
"Every woman that went missing for ten years which includes me and Chloe. Shiro has blessed us with power, although I am the only demon out of them as I am a Love Demon." Gloria said and her tail swayed from side to side.
"Whoa did you hear that? That woman is a Love Demon." Penny said.
"What's a Love Demon..?" Dawn asked.
"I don't know, but the Mask Ryder has might be an answer." Melody said.
"So how about it? For us to prevent that gate from opening we have to go to Destiny Island." Gloria said.
"Not yet. I still have much work to do in America." I said. "Plus, I want to spend as much time with my lovers before I eventually have to accept my fate."
Gloria smiled at me and crossed her arms. "I can respect that. Listen, I'll be in Destiny Island...where it all began. We have to destroy that gate. End this for good."
I nodded then watched her walk off. "What will happen after we destroy that gate..?"
Gloria stopped at the elevator. "No one will be able to enter to Esoria without the help of an outside source. That would leave Shida and Acillia on Earth, and you will be able to stop them for good."
"I understand." I said.
"Good, meet me at Destiny Island whenever you're ready to finish everything. Destiny Island and Heavenly Bay...two countries I never thought I had to revisit." Gloria smiled and walked into the elevator and turned toward me. "One last thing Ryder.."
I looked at her and watched the Elevator door close. "What is it?"
"Your Destiny... Let's just say, your path has been chosen. You will meet a Goddess." Gloria said then the elevator door closed.
I smiled and closed my eyes. "A Goddess."
"She means my Master, The Goddess of Talent. Her name is Flair. I don't know what she means by path has been chosen. Is Flair coming to Earth or will you go to Esoria..?" Talenta thought to herself.
"But I don't want to leave Paid Relationships behind. I've spent countless hours with them. To just leave them, I can't." I said.
Luckie smiled at me then crossed her arms. "Well don't go!~ No one is forcing you to go..~ The only reason Shiro went to Esoria was because Felola, Goddess of Lust, declared a war with him and Earth. In the end he won her heart and prevented Earth's demise."
"I see. This is a lot to think about honestly. Charlotte had to deal with these people for years?" I sighed.
"Ryder." Dawn called to me.
I looked back and noticed Dawn and the others were listening the entire time. I smiled and walked toward them. "I'm not leaving you all behind, but there are things that need to be done. There are things I still want to do with you all, places to explore with everyone. Earth has changed and I want to see all those changes with you all. So let's do our part in winning this war."
"Yes!~" Tao Sun nodded.
"Hmph! I was already planning to." Melody smiled.
"I'm right by you every step of the way." Dawn smiled.
Penny watched me then smiled and held my hands. "It felt like only yesterday when you became my first. Now we are fighting for the same cause. We won't let you down."
I smiled at Penny and gently squeezed her hands. "I know you won't..~"
Penny giggled softly and her Love Sigil shined faintly. She closed her eyes and felt my energy around her body. "I love you..~"
"I love you too..~ And you Dawn. And you as well Tao Sun. And I love you, Melody." I smiled at them.
Melody blushed madly then looked away quickly. "I-I...I love...youtoo..."
Tao Sun smiled sweetly and her face began to heat up. "I love you too Ryder..~"
"It's about time you tell that to me." Dawn giggled. "I love you too, my love..~"
"Alright, let's get back into it. There's no telling when he's going to strike again." I said.
"Right!" They agreed in unison.
Amadeus sat on a cliff and sighed. "Gloria Aoi..."
Kama appeared behind him and his wings disappeared. "You failed once again, but I can not blame you. Gloria is too strong for us in a normal sense. If we want Ryder dead, we need to isolate him."
"How? He's rarely alone and my abilities don't affect Agents. They are way too loyal to him." Amadeus said.
"We set traps. If we conquer Oceanview, we conquer the entire Texas Branch. If we kill Ryder, no one would be able to stand against us." Kama said. "So we jump him."
"Oh?" Amadeus smirked. "You don't care about the faithful ones? Hmph...alright. We jump him."
Kama nodded and watched the sun set. "Once this is over, we will finally have superior power over everyone and everything."
"Yeah. The entire Realm will be ours." Amadeus chuckled.
To Be Continued...