
A Not-So-Arranged-Marriage

DaoistoHeXQS · Urban
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2 Chs

A Fresh Start

"Your presentation was great today Mr. Chu! You never fail to amaze us!"

This is the ninth time Logan was congratulated by a professor. He was nodding, smiling and thanking them as they come to him for a hand shake and some for a photo.

"You will conquer the business world for sure."

His mind suddenly stopped at these words.

"You will become a great businessman someday, son. One who will conquer the business world."

Those were the words from his father nearly 10 years ago. He was in his study. Logan loved to ask questions about his dad's work. He was a curious kid. He was always amazed at how incredible his father was.

Lucas Chu. He never came from rich roots. He worked his way up. His business, his company, it was his blood and sweat and even tears. He was one of the few tycoons who gained excellence without being helped by rich families even he married Olivia who was from a rich clan. He was a genius.

Logan was always aware of how great his father was. He was not just great in numbers and negotiation, but he was great as a father. Logan knew it in his heart. Despite of the busy schedule he had, he always found time to bond with his son. They would go skate boarding or fishing. Sometimes they would visit libraries and would read books about business and adventure stories.

Lucas was his son's inspiration.

"You remind me of your father."

Another compliment that almost made his heart stop.

Logan just smiled gently and bowed his head. He is not the type to talk a lot when he was off stage or outside the negotiation table. He was shy. He always was.

After a long day, he went home to his apartment. He opened a bottle of wine and poured some in a glass. He sat down on a chair by the window. He lives in an apartment on the 60th floor and so a breathtaking city view was a given.

His peace was disrupted when his phone rang.

It was Facetime.

"Yo Bro!"

"Hey Log!"

Bright faces from Simon and Corrine showed up on his screen after he accepted the call.

"Hey guys!" He said in the calmest tone possible.

"Hmmm. I can't tell Loggy if you sound like everything went well." Corrine said after sipping her coffee.

"Come on babe, he's always like that!"

Corinne laughed.

"I'm still not used to hearing Babe from you guys." Logan said.

"Baaaaaabe!" Corrine stressed it out in a baby voice.

"Awwww, I love you!" Simon responded and she kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm hanging up you guys!" Finally a strong tone came out from Logan as he was annoyed by the two getting all sweet.

"Bitter! Go get yourself a girlfriend Loggy!" Corrine teased him.

"Yeah bro, you're in LA. Everybody's gorgeous over there! Ow!" Corrine hit him on the shoulder.

"For the nth time Sime, I'm not going to get one. I still have things to do. After graduation, I'm flying back there."

"Really?!" Both were shocked.

"I have mentioned this last week guys, did you even listen to me?" Logan was rolling his eyes at both of them.

"Sorry. But wow! You're coming back bro! When's graduation by the way?"

"Next week."

"Next week? How come you never mentioned this to us?"

"Nah, I'm not going to attend though. I will just get my credentials and then fly back there."

"Are you serious?" Corrine took the phone from Simon.

Logan sighed. He knew what Corrine is going to do and say next.

"We need to talk Logan Chu."

"Yeah yeah." He rolled his eyes again.

"Don't you do that on me huh! You have to attend the ceremony. You know what, Simon and I are going there with you!"

"No! Don't!" He immediately refused.

"Nah-uh! You're going to attend graduation with us. We're leavingn tomorrow."

"What?" Simon reacted.

"Yes we will."

"Come on babe don't be impulsive about this."

"I'm mad at Logan Chu, that's why I'm impulsive."

"Fine, I am attending. You don't have to come here."

"No, we're flying there bro. But not tomorrow." Simon took over the phone now as Corrine walked out pissed off.

"Is she still not over her attitude?" Logan asked.

"Typical Corrine. She'll never change, I guess. We'll just have to live with it. I mean I love her for who she is."

"Don't with the cringe words again."

"I just missed you bro! I am happy you're coming home."

"Yeah me too. I missed everyone and everything there."

3 days later at the airport...


People noticed the screaming from the arrival area.

Corrine was running to hug Logan. Simon was behind her with their baggage.

"I missed you!"

"Wazzup bro!"

Corrine couldn't stop talking in the car. She was blabbing about a lot of things-- gossip, and latest news in the business world.

"In 'N Out!" She exclaimed.

"Please Loggy, I am starving." She was rubbing her tummy.

"Will that shut you up?" Logan asked.

Corrine rolled her eyes.

"No but I have to eat. Now, pull over."

"Okay madame."

She was quick to get down and went inside to order her food. The boys followed her after, but they decided to take out and eat in the car.

"May I have my peace while eating Corrine Angela?" Logan asked.

"You should enjoy food in silence babe." Simon added.

"Am I the third wheel here?"

The boys didn't respond and just ate their burger.

Corrine was so hungry that she finished first before the boys could even finish theirs even if she had more food than them.

After that, a snore was heard from her.

Simon made her lean on him as she was now asleep.

"Silence, finally." Logan teased.

"She just missed you bro. We talked about you a lot on the plane."

"That explains the number of slipping accident I had since yesterday."

Simon just laughed and laughed even more as his girlfriend's snore became louder.

At Logan's Apartment

"Wooww!" The newly awaken Corrine collapsed herself on Logan's sofa.

The boys sat beside the kitchen counter and talked over a can of beer.

"What a great place you have her bro," Simon said while rubbing his pointer against the bottle of the beer.

"Yeah, this actually belongs to Dad."

"Really? Wow. But isn't an actual house on land better than an apartment? Don't you love the outdoors?"

"I would love to have a house but this one's closer to school. Besides, my dad bought this already so I kept my money for the future."

"That's a good decision though. You grew up well Logan."

"Did I?" He laughed. "Two days ago I fought with a seven-year-old over a limited edition candy."

Simon burst into laughter, "What in the! Why would you do that?"

"Because I wanted it, silly! It's pretty famous on Instagram."

"What a man-child we got here."

"Look who's talking. Corrine told me about the Toy Kingdom story last year."

"Ugh! Corrine!" He rubbed both his palm on his face.

"Who spends 50,000 on toys, Simon? What the heck?"

"I couldn't help myself, okay? It's like they're all talking to me to buy them."

"I can't believe Corrine let you do that."

"She was with me buying stuff too."

"I heard my name," said Corrine who just entered the kitchen who was heading to the fridge.

"Have some beer Chicken Corrine."

"Nah, water's fine." She took a bottled water and sat with the boys.

"I don't like your apartment." Corrine blurted out after drinking water.


"It's so empty Logan! Did you even live here?"

"That's being minimalistic Corrine."

"That's different from being boring. How did you even survive living in an empty apartment?"

Logan squeezed Corrine's mouth, "You just can't stop talking, can you?"

Corrine pushed Logan's hands, "Yes I can't. And now I'm here things are going to change Loggy."

"Why did you bring her?" Logan facing Simon who is just smiling looking at his girl friend.

"Isn't she amusing? She acts like a mom." Simon adoring his beau.

"She's not my mom." Logan protested.

"Oh honey, I am way better than your mom." Corrine said and grabbed the vacuum cleaner.

"You guys better stay in here and lemme do my thing."

Logan just sighed.

"Okay, do it."

Corrine brought vacuum cleaner, broom, and other cleaning stuff in the living room.

"I liked the place when I entered, but now it looks so boring and dull." She mumbled to herself.

Corrine returned to the kitchen.

"I'm going to borrow your car." She said while showing the keys to Logan.

"Where are you going?"

"Shopping." And then she ran.

Before the boys could even stand up, she was gone.

"Just let her be." Simon gave up.

"How could you even stand her? She always gets in her way?"

"Corrine loves to take care of things, the house, food and clothes. I think I am so lucky to have her in my life."

"Really bro? You were always fighting when we were kids because she always wanted to be first."

"Yeah but I grew to love her. She's amazing. She's so understanding. Even if she has strong opinions, she still lets me decide for us."

"That's hard to believe."

"Yeah. She always lets me decide but she says what she wants to but I always have the final say."

"Well, not bad."

After a couple of hours, Corrine came back.

Not alone.

She brought some men with her.

They were carrying furniture and other stuff.

"What's going on?" Logan was confused with all the things entering his apartment.

"You're welcome Loggy!"

After signing all the receipts, all the men finally left.

Corrine looked to the two boys who were still speechless.

"So? What do you think?"

"I don't need all of these Corrine. You just wasted your money."

"Why won't you just thank me Loggy? These are my gifts for you. I haven't taken care of you for years, and this is me just making it up to you."

"You don't have to Corrine. You guys have always been taking care of me."

"But that's not enough for me. I want this apartment to have a life. Everything's grey and black. And no TV? Are you even human?"

"I have no time for TV."

"You're graduating, you have time now."

Corrine opened the box containing the TV.

"Help me Babe."

Simon quickly assisted.

Corrine installed wallpapers with patterns in bright colors. She also changed the sofa covers with a bright yellow color. The grey carpet was removed and she placed a fluffy white one. The curtains were changed to white from black.

Logan went out to buy groceries and when he returned...

"Wow." The only thing he could say.

"Welcome home Loggy!"

The apartment was 10x brighter.

Logan never thought that his home could be this bright and better. He really had no time to redecorate stuff. This was pre-decorated when he entered. He just used everything in it. He bought some few furnitures that he though he needed and then that was it. He never decorated. He just lived there for more than 5 years.

"What do you think?" Corrine's eyes were sparkling as she was waiting for her friend's approval.

"It's great Chicken Corrine. I love it. Thanks." Logan smiled shyly.

"Yeeey!" Corrine jumped around happily.

"She's always good at this." Simon said while helping Logan unpack all the groceries.

"She is but sometimes it annoys me too"

Simon just chuckled.

Simon cooked dinner. They had steak and salad and they also drank wine after.

At 11 PM, the three of them sat in front of the TV watching Stuart Little 1.

"Aren't we too old for this?" Logan asked.

"Go to sleep grandpa, we're watching this." Said Simon with eyes glued to the screen.

"It's talking mouse you guys."

"Said the guy who fought for candies," Corrine teased.

"Wait Sime, you told her?"

"Yeah, haha."

Logan smacked him with a pillow.

"Just watch Loggy."


Logan just sat back and watched the movie with his friends.