
The sword masters at alfaea

Frairagonda had settled her fairies down, explaining to them that the person they were looking for was Hogan. "Hogan the master of the sighing steel? First time I have heard that one, the demon sword's master, bringer of death and so on." Naruto snickered

" Watch it boy I can still wipe the floor with you if I wish. " Hogan said a playful glare on his old face. " Right and the fact I was only holding you of with a blade and no magic or trickery? " Naruto smirks a glint in his eyes.

" Disrespectful brat be glad we are in the presence of such beautiful lady otherwise I would teach you a lesson!" Hogan growled his hand twitching for his sword. The two sword masters locked eyes and magical energy flowing of them.

"Boys that's enough! Stop acting like children and behave. Seriously Hogan sometimes it boggles me that you are the same age as I and a former member of the company of light." Fairagonda said scoldingly

The two sword masters looked sheepishly at the group of fairy and rubbed the back of their heads simultaneously causing the younger fairies to giggle." Nice to see that miss Fairagonda's lecture doesn't just work on students but on sword masters as well." as Stella gave of an other giggle.

Hogan turned serious and looked at the group of fairies:"Fairagonda why are these young ladies here searching for me, a washed up old man, in such a dark place."

To his surprise it wasn't Fairagonda that rather the young red haired fairy of the group that spoke up. "Master Hogan I am Bloom the princess of Domino and it's kingdom Sparks. I have come here to ask for your help." Bloom stated.

"Sorry to interpret you princess but maybe we should take this conversation to a less dark and drury the light fairy seems to be getting anxious and uncomfortable?" Naruto said knowing that Stella and those from her planet can not stay long in places that were incased in the shadows. All eyes then turned to Stella whom was looking uncomfortable and looking all around her like something was going to attack her at any moment.

"Sorry Stella. Hogan would it be alright if we take this conversation to Alfea?" Fairagonda asked, cosurn for her student etching her voice.

"How can I revues a request from such a beautiful fairy as your self. I would as that we bring Naruto with us, he will just vind his way there if we don't bring him with us. And then I will have to listen to him complain on how I never take him any were." Hogan said with a long suffering sigh and a hidden smirk at the jab he had given to his young student. Earning a growl and a grumble from his student." I was twelve years old and you left me here on my own to study 'it will help if you read these things on your own'." his student said in a mocking manner earning a glare from the older man. "And as I recall that was the first and last time you left me to my own devices. The punishment for that was particularly cruel and harsh." the young man said as he remembered that time. All the guardians was where painted orange and all had some strange faces on them. He had to wash all the guardians parts and create a whole new prototype. This all had to happen with in a week and he still had to continue his normal training on top of it all. He had learned a valuable lesson that day do not piss off Hogan of the sighning steel.

"Of course he can come with us I have a feeling that he will be of great help in the Winx next adventure." the headmistress of Alfea said. "Now every body stand closer to me I'll teleport us."


"Now let's continue, young princess of Sparks. Wat is so important that you saute out an old man like me for?" :Hogan asked now considerably more calm than when they first met. A blessing to young princess who desperately needed his help.

"My father's sword you are it's creater. I was told that magical sword's creater can find it no matter where it is." Bloom said, the sword masters face instantly darkend.

"That sword was my masterpiece I was. The most powerful sword I have ever made a true testament to my long years I spent learning my craft. I created that sword in the days when the three evil witches were just beginning to take over the magical realm, I spent seven days with no rest in forging that sword. It was a beacon of hope and in you father's hands that flame was lit and people had hope again." here Hogan sighed in sadness."I and a others how was able followed then in to battle many die and at the end only six of us were left. In that final conflict your mother and father tried to seal the three witches but the witches would not go with out taking ower greatest heroes with them." Hogan now had rage in his eyes. Rage at the witches for taking his friends from him and at him self for not being able to help them in time and in the years since for not finding them.

" I made this sword in the hopes it would bring us victory and that it did but at the price of Sparks and it's king and queen!" Hogan exclaimed with sarrow in his voice.

"For years I have been searching for a sign a whisper of their presence and nothing. The first ten years I was alone in my search. But then I found Naruto on a planet void of human life except for this boy. And for the last eight years I have been teaching him and with his help my quest continued. I was less lonely and honestly without him I would have given up years ago. We have searched the magical universe both the light and dark yet nothing. When you found us in my forge it was my last ditch effort to find some trase of the sword's magic, but nothing. " Hogan slumped down in to a chair that Naruto had brought for him.

Bloom's face turned ashen in horror she could not believe this her only real lead to vind her birth perents was a dead end." No! You couldn't have searched every were there has to be somewhere you haven't looked, a clue you have over looked, something, anything!"Bloom cries desperately.

" My princess I have look every where I could think of but I have found nothing. I know how you feel, l feel it as well but I can not help you in this indever. " the sword masters said sadly.

Bloom sakes her head in denial, she ran from the room screaming 'NO' al the way down the hall and towards her room she sheared with the other Winx.

In the office the other Winx turned glers on the old sword master, Stella was the first to speak :"How could you do that to Bloom! How could you rip all her hope from her!" she raged at the old man. But it was not the old master did not answer her but rather the younger master that spoke. "It might not look it but Hogan was being kind. What would it have to her if Hogan had given her false hope only for it to be cruched when she finds nothing?"Naruto asked." Hogan never said he would not help her he said that we have found nothing but we have been focusing only the magic of his sword. There are other ways by none we are addept in."

Fairagonda spoke then :" Let us leave Bloom alone for awhile. Naruto wat did you mean about other way to find Bloom's perents? "she asked

" There is blood traising. a witches spell that can lead you in their general location. Next is relic traising, some families have relics or artifacts that can give an indication of the person's living family and relatives. I do not know what the king and queen would had and the first option is a bit risky and would need to vind a trust worthy witch to preform the spell. "Naruto explained.

Fairagonda was thinking over what the blonde had said, the Winx also thought over the blonde's words. Frairagonda then clapped her hands." Alright girls we can talk more about these options later. Now you have to go get ready for you fairy guardian seremoany." Fairagonda said her mind still contemplating the young man ideas.

The rest of the Winx club left the head mistress's office going to their room al of them thinking the blonde's suggestion over.

" Young Naruto I hope you are right in your idea is fruitful and there is a lead somewhere out in the magical universe. For now you and Hogan must rest. Injoy Alfea and the the nature a round you. I must prepare if you have any questions or need help with anything feel free to ask any of the staff." Fairagonda said leaving her office and the two sword masters

" Naruto why give them hope? We have done everything in our power to find the king and queen and nothing." Hogan asked defeat in his voice.

" We did not have Bloom, Hogan. For what a I know the ties of bloom is stronger than any magic that you and I have. We must trust in these girls, I think they are we have lacked al these years. We must trust in them."Naruto spoke a spark entering his eyes. Hogan looked at his young apprentice and wondering when the young boy he had rescued al those years ago had grown up and became a man. Hogan let out a small reigh chuckle causing the blonde to turn and look at him.

"It looks like my student has grown up and is ready to become his own master." he said. This caused Naruto the let out a peal of laughter :"No, no. You're not getting rid of me that easily old man you will be stuck with me for a while longer." Naruto said a great deal of joy in his voice this made Hogan smiled.


The magical ceremony had begun and all the graduating fairies had gathered. The Winx were the only ones to meet the requirements this year al except one Bloom. She had al the power her friends had gained but she needed a planet to become a guardian fairy. Bloom sat on the roof of the school watching the proceedings with a sad look in her eye. She had hoped that she would receive this honer with her friends but it looks like she was being left behind. She thought of Hogan's words, it did not inspire much hope in fact it had only smached wat little she had. The others had told her what Naruto had said but she had now clue where to start, she knew little to nothing about her home world.

"What has you so down my lovely Bloom? Or maybe you're a wicked witch that has replaced my Bloom!" a voice she knew very well said in a dramatic manner causing her to break out of her dazed state and smile at him. Skay the crowned prince of Ereclion and her long time boyfriend.

Bloom jumped up and hugged him she had missed him. She had gone with her friends to search for Hogan a month ago and she had not seen him before they left.

"What has gotten you so down?" Skay asked consern lasing his voice. "They have nothing! Nothing to help in the search for my percents!" Bloom cried into his chest. Skay pated her back and whispering softly to her telling her everything was going to be alright. Bloom eventually calmed down. "My be I should go home to Venisa and Mick to clear my head." She said. Skay sensing his time was coming near for him to leave he said :"Bloom I nead to tell you something..." But he was interrupted by the hum of a hovercraft the colors of his home, a young worrior woman standing at the open door.

"My prince it is time to leave the king commands it!" she said with a finality in her tune indicating that she would not take no for an answer. Skay turned to the woman annoyens for her untimely inturuption "Can't I just finish?" Skay asked hopefully. But the woman would not buge, :"No!" she stated simply. Skay sighed now it was no use she would relent. He turned to Bloom regret in his eyes, :"I will see you soon and I promise to speak to you as soon as possible!" he promised as he got onto his hover bicke. And flying into the larger craft.

Bloom watching sadly with sadness taking over her again.