
Chapter 87 Dare me

In the ladies vehicle, all were seated delicately enjoying the sweet services from the appointed maids in the car. Such is more than a audition to them. It was a summer vacation! That's how them feels.

Just that moment, some group of ladies eyes darted to the side of the stunning new girl in their mist.

They still don't understand how she gets in the first place? She's just new to their company and haven't even entered the spotlight yet. But she was chosen among them when they're Professionals and experts in the game. What so special about this girl? The worst path, she just came in with a rich looking fellow. Didn't she plays her way into this industry? She had not even spend up to a day or minutes in the company but she was already chosen. With all these thoughts, the ladies wonder if she was really that innocent as she looks. Their eyes were full of suspicious as they glared at her suspectedly. How come the CEO of Walter group pick her?

Dawn with curiosity, one of the ladies ask after a well observation on the girl who was simply enjoying her juice just as the others.

"Hey you're Rosary right?" She blinks her eyes. Warming up to start a conversation. Which draws the others toward her ( Rosary)

"Yeah" Rosary answered with a smile. She was happy that someone finally want to start a conversation with her. She had been dying on how to make new friends among the girls.

"Alright. So, how long have you been in the modelling industry" the girl asked further.

Rosary who wasn't aware of the arrow attack from the girl simply said the truth about herself.

"I'm have not been in the modelling industry before" she said honestly. That shocked all the ladies in the car. So, how come she made it into the deal? Was she having an affair with their manager to get her the contract? They thought, staring at her wildly. She must have seduced Mr Adam for that!

The girl who asked smiled. This was just what they're looking for. Something to attacks her painfully from behind.

"Are you saying. You have never been into the industry before like works as a sided model for any companies?" She asked again.

Rosary quietly shook her head, referring it as NO.

"Well, how can you explain on how you get into the deal contract?" Another girl asked, sitting beside the first girl that question Rosary.

"I... I don't know. Maybe it was God will. It just worked so fast. first I remember, I came in for the first audition and second, I am here! I have always dream of becoming a model ever since the time of my childhood. I'm happy it finally come to pass" Rosary exclaimed excitedly. While the ladies that question her roll their eyes. For that fact, it everyone dream but what they didn't understand how fast she gets in. When they start their journey in the modelling industry with painful ass. it's takes time, days, months and even years for them to even be notice about Brentwood corporation. Since it was hard to get into a best modelling company since they're all looking for extremely professionals with no slight of mistake. There is something susp7 about this girl Rosary. If she haven't seduced Mr Adam into the deal. Then, there might be something else.

"But that didn't..."

"Aww, that amazing! You're welcome to broad Rosary!" A girl shouted happily interrupted the others from throwing dirty word at Rosary. She clearly understand what the others are planning to do. It's not the first time, they always wants to bully new attendance in the company.

Rosary shift her gaze to the girl who was smiling warmly at her.. she returned the smile.

"Don't worry Rosary. If you need any help just let me know" the girl playfully said.

"Sure I will but what's your name?" Rosary asked.

"Ava, that's mine name. Nice meeting you Rose!"

She was the only one who makes her feel completely welcome. While the others darted their gaze to somewhere else. It would be better to spot outside the car than looking at a trash who plays her way in, in one way or the other.

After some minutes. The car's stopped in front of a well fascinating building. The ladies agape amazingly at the mansion before them as soon they step down. Is this the hotel they're going to spend their days on before the contract will be over?

Whosoever this Mr Lim is. He's more than a million when it comes to wealth. They just can't believe theirs eyes. Mr Lim must be truely a generous man from this inside.

"Do you think Mr Lim organized this for us?" Miss Bright who was referred as the stunning lady from the judge simple asks.

"Yeah I think so" Adam answered agape. He was still confused about all these. First, he sent expensive vehicles to pick them up and now, order them a well furniture hotel. This Mr Lim is a mysterious man. He's just a mystery no one can understand or solved even though they tried.

"Why don't we go in before the sun beats us black and red" Mark joked. The handsome fellow. Who was one of the judge that day.


With no much thoughts, everyone walks in.

Immediately, they step their feets in. The hotel receptionists approach them.

"You're welcome to Brand hotel. Please can you permit we lead you to your rooms?" The head receptionist asked

" Of ..... Course! " Adam answered, darted from his fantasy world before landing his eyes on the stunning maiden talking to him. Mr Lim even arrange a receptionist to direct them to their rooms? This must be a dream!

" Sure sure. Please lead the way"

" Alright" the head receptionist clap her hands, and the all receptionists that came to them split up themselves. Some to the ladies and other to the judges.

"Please wait behind" the head receptionist said to Rosary.

"But... Why?" She asked confusedly. What is the reason for she to wait behind when others are leaving. Adam wasn't there to asked what going on, since he ad made his way to his room along with other two judges by the help of the receptionists assigned to them.

"Nothing milady but just wait" the head receptionist said. The other ladies glared mockingly at her maybe the CEO of Walter group have finally realized that he chose her wrongly.

"But Miss, she came with us" Ava tried to back Rosary up since no one cares.

"I know but it would be better if you follow instructions" the lady said calmly to Ava. Before she joined the rest girls to depart to their rooms leaving Rosary at the first floor of the hotel.

Rosary who was confused about the situation, didn't bother to fight again. Let her just wait for the receptionist next instructions. Since she is here, it would be impossible they want to send her back. Right? She thought. Patiently waiting for the receptionist head to come back which she did.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting milady" she apologize. Bowed her head low.

Rosary doesn't understand the attitude of the receptionist. Why is she calling her milady when she haven't even cross the line yet!

"I'm sorry but can you call me Rosary? That's my name not milady" she correct but that only made the receptionist smiled.

"This way" she directed and Rosary followed her behind. They gets into the elevator. She wonder why the receptionist told her to wait behind when she clearly knew she came here with the girls.

She was so curious then, she asks. "Excuse me madam but why did you ask me to wait behind and where are you taking me?"

The lady smiled. "Well, to your room milady" she replies with a lovely smile.

"My room? But aren't I sleeping in the same room with the girls?"

"No milady". Seriously, don't this woman understand english. Haven't she told her already she was not to be address as milady instead of her name.. who the hell is this?

"Y'all have different rooms milady. And we're going to your room" the lady explained, also smiling. The smile that refused to died off her face! .

"Alright" Rosary said. Waited for the elevator to stop anytime soon for her to escape from this lady creepy smile.

When the lights blinks to the last number. The lady faithfully said. "We are here!"

Shifting Rosary gaze from her shoes to the elevator numbers on the wall. Number 16! The last floor!

Is it the last floor the rest of the girls are? Rosary asked herself while follow the receptionist out of the elevator.

Rosary eyes darted around, and she noticed the written on the first wall. VIP center!

What is he doing in the VIP center, is this part of the CEO plans for them? She thought while walking quietly along side with the receptionist.

She stopped and click on the doorknob. "Welcome to your room milady" the receptionist announced while Rosary face lost in thoughts.

What...the ...fuck!