
A New World to Conquer

THIS IS NOT MY FANFIC. This work belongs to LordOfTheGrey, if the author wishes, I shall delete it. Reborn after my embarrassing fall at Godric's Hollow as the Potter brat was an interesting experience. Getting sorted into Hufflepuff, even more so. But reborn as the Lord of Winterfell in Westeros as my playground? Now that was new, even to a retired Dark Lord.

Dark_B3rry · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter 2

Following the end of my O.W.L.s and a failed Job Counseling which ended with Professor Sprout obliviated and once again my faith in Hogwarts broken and their close mindedness, I began pondering my choices in life.

You have to understand that by the time I had graduated the first time, the number of Mudbloods were less than Half-bloods and Purebloods by a margin. Looking back now, if there were no World Wars, I probably would've united the so-called oppressed faction of the Wizarding World against the Purebloods. But I had no funding and the rich were usually Purebloods, That and it felt good squandering their money. I honestly had absolutely no belief in blood superiority. In my first life, I was a half-blood with a squib as a mother and a filthy muggle as a father and I still reigned supreme over the other slytherins. My only concern regarding blood was the maintenance of ancient bloodlines.

My only problems were that if I did support them against the minority Purebloods I had to have a pretty large funding, and I wasn't going to waste my money with no revenue to back it up.

I found my answer and funding in the form of the one thing that muggle-borns and half-bloods tried and failed over and over again. Making muggle electronics work in the Wizarding World. They may have failed repeatedly but I, Harry Potter, was far more superior than any wizard, Pureblood or not.

Turns out, even with my intelligence I hit a wall with my research. Apparently Magic makes the electrons inside of any metal goes fuzzy as fuck, which causes the wires to melt rather spectaculary. While I could replace the copper wires with a more stable conduit of magic, I would have to also replace every microchip, wire in any appliance with runes, which essentially meant I would be rebuilding the whole thing. I found my answer in the creepy old wandmaker known as Ollivander. I had put some sort of a miniature wands with the core of a 3-Year-Old Nargle, turns out the buzzing sound usually accompanied with Nargles was the sound of magic being sucked to maintain its invisibility. Using these nifty creatures I managed to amplify their effect into a wooden ball – a conduit of magic – and place runes that only allows magic inside and transform it and release it as electricity. There was only a problem of their discharging and the extinction of their illustrious species but that was quickly remedied by the Potter-Lovegood Mythical Creatures Natural Reserve. While I got billions almost as soon as we began selling our appliances that work anywhere to muggleborns and halfbloods who wanted to live in the Wizarding World , the Natural Reserve was my first step into the Political Arena

My Sixth Year arrived with no special surprises, except that Sirius Black and Bellatrix managed to fight each other and got their souls kissed by the dementors over a game of Gobstones. Why they allow Gobstones in Azkaban, we can only guess. But I was now the head of the Black Family. Lucius threw a hissy fit ofcourse as his son had a higher claim than I, but the will of Sirius Black coupled with the Black blood I had and a completely unrelated gesture of my eyes turning red and filled with malicious intent, which I am quite sure the goblin noticed but chose to ignore, and he started sputtering apologizes and tripping out of the bank as fancifully as a Malfoy can.

I still look upon my Seventh year with fondness, The Goblet of Fire was introduced at the beginning of the year and as this was my last year in Hogwarts and I don't actually need to study 12 Newts or not. I decided that I would go out with a bang and win that children's tournament as I was bought from the moment Dumbledore uttered eternal glory.

I was mightily disappointed of course, get a golden egg? While I wanted to carve the stone which the nest sat upon and summon it as whole or even summon and banish the dragons neck simultaneously, I always had a flair for theatrics. In a mighty battle which I turn the Dragon's fire into a fiendy dragon of itself and made it attack the dragon, summoned chains of steel from the ground as if they were summoned from hell itself, and proceeded to subdue the dragon in an impressive fashion in an act of magic that these children have probably never seen before and got my egg in ten minutes.

The second task was equally as disappointing as the first. Still I think I was pretty impressive, I pulled a Moses during the second task and actually fucking parted the Lake for the spectators which had the judges of the foreign schools gaping.

The third task was truly fucking boring, As I was set first to go, The moment the bell rang I had already carved out a path dead center in the maze, transformed into my animagus form – a rather good looking Dark Phoenix, Black and Gold and 5 times as big as Fawkes, got the Goblet and arrived back all in less than 50 seconds.

I appreciated the one thousand galleon which were promptly sent to as an incentive for research as I couldn't "encourage" my researchers with crucio's these days. Truly being evil was far more liberating but I actually cringe these days and shy away from actual torture; an unfortunate side effect of being reborn.

I utterly smashed my way through the records for the NEWTS, I mean getting all O's was impressive in itself but getting 12 O's and the highest grade in every single NEWT was a first in 690 years!

I returned to the Muggle World head held up high and disgustingly rich with the best research facilities anyone can afford in both worlds, both were working together with the strongest Dark secrecy charms that I could cast, pouring money in my pockets.

I was quickly surrounded by wealthy purebloods who all wished that I join their factions, I gently rebuffed all of them. I was going to break wizarding politics forever!

I had already started attending Wizengamot sessions; almost everybody was kissing my ass. I was firmly neutral for the first 5 years as I spent them pilfering through Nicholas Flamel's knowledge and eventually making my own Philosopher's stone, it was only 20 years later that I had discovered that it was by a request from Dumbledore that he offered an apprenticeship to me. I loved the irony of Dumbledore giving me even more secret knowledge, the old man actually died on 1999 by choking on a lemon drop. I honestly had nothing to do with it. Fawkes decided to join me on my immortal conquest throughout the world, it also may had something to do with my beautiful anamigus form.

The following decades passed in a blur, I supported the half bloods and mud bloods while periodically influencing the minds of the Pureblood children by compulsions to shy away from marrying other purebloods, in 50 years there was not a single Pureblood in Britain.

Following the Pureblood extinction, The wizarding community made itself invaluable towards the muggles mostly by few enchantments and runes carved on generators to make them run on magic, unbreakable charms and everlasting-motion runes did wonders to the muggles. The entire world energy was soon supported by secret facilities that were mostly run by muggles and only called in periodically for maintenances and improvements. In return nuclear weapons, missiles, bullets and almost every way to kill a person was available for us to study which we promptly made Magical-Areas-Only wards against.

Regardless of the prosperity of Muggles and the symbiotic relationship between us, it was soon evident that we couldn't live comfortably while the muggles continued polluting the world, it was a shit-hole living in most places in the world by the year 2200. The earth was getting seriously cramped and the pollution was harming magic as a whole.

It was ridiculously easy to place subtle compulsions on World Leaders and send a discreet nuke bomb from North Korea to The United States and boom! A third world war which ended up with almost the entirety of earth filled with radioactive waste and almost 98% of the muggles dead, their farms unusable and whoever left alive was barely hanging off life.

The radioactive waste took almost 30 years to cleanse using druidic magic and massive cleansing rituals that used almost all the remaining muggles blood. It was seen as a fair recompense for the destruction their species has done to the planet.

The earth was soon back in top shape and I had finally achieved my dream, a wizarding Utopia! The birth rates of wizards sky-rocketed as soon as most muggles and their filthy toys were cleansed, the chemicals were reacting badly with witches. 3 centuries and I had no heir and the biggest monopoly and the wizarding world and probably fucked both your grandchildren and their grandchildren. Uniting the hallows, consuming life elixir and my botched up horcrux attempt meant that I wasn't going to lose my stamina or youth any time soon. I had a few passing relationships but none that I actually cared to marry.

My life in the world has continued to a throughout the past few centuries; fucking, drinking, Inventing and ruling the world efficiently for the most prosperous years in the history of mankind.

Eventually; according to Death, who has become my only somewhat friend and companion the sun was going to go boom, and not even I, Lord Voldemort, could do anything about it. Natural order of things, he said. Now you might think that I would bemoan the fact that I was immortal and that I couldn't fall in love or see my family in the afterlife. Why would I do that?

I was immortal, I most likely slept with a billion girls, I had everything I ever wanted, I visited wonderful places. Really being immortal never got boring. I got to fly to outer space even and created the first Naked Inter Galactic Broom Race Charity Event which is one of my proudest achievements so far. So when Death told me that no, I couldn't actually move on. I was elated! But I wasn't going to just stick around Death until it's time for other planets and the entire universe to end.

No, I was far greater than that.

I was going to travel through dimensions.

With a combination of runes, arithmancy and space-time physics and ritual that most likely absorbed the remaining magical energy in the planet. I succeeded.

Unfortunately, I couldn't transfer my entire immortal body through the ritual; only my soul, knowledge and memories.

So with a bit of help from Death in pinpointing my soul so it doesn't end up in a commoner's body or god forbid, a woman's body, I managed to transport my soul to a ,hopefully , a good body.

283 AC, Starfall, Dorne

I blearily opened my eyes and tried to concentrate on my surroundings, I was lying on a rather uncomfortable crib and I could hear voices in the distant. Must be my parents! I was excited and a tad nervous, I was an orphan dark lord in my first life and a light paragon leader in my second life, also an orphan. I had never experienced the feeling of parents caring for me and wondered how I should communicate with them. Would they be obstacles and constantly coddling me, an 800 years old former dark lord?

As I looked to my right I could see my mother for the first time, I instinctively knew she was my mother. She was tall, almost 5'7". Her long dark hair was framing her pale skin, tumbling around her shoulders, with piercing violet eyes that were glistering with unshed tears she suddenly looked out of the window and let out a wail of agony and promptly threw herself from the tower..

That was odd…

I truly didn't care about having parents but this was getting ridiculous, I had the pleasure of being born into three different bodies and each time my mother died in infancy. I held no hope that my father in this world was still alive. It probably had something to do with some morbid cosmic joke between the Gods.

I was quickly cradled by a pair of rough hands and had a look at the grimmest looking person I've ever seen in my entire life, and I had a long life.

He whispered softly, "Hello, little Brandon. I am your uncle Ned."


From what I could skim off the filthy muggle who was dressed up ridiculously, my father is also called Brandon Stark – Muggles were truly creative , The heir to Winterfell, and future Lord Paramount of the North. Or rather was called, turns out he was killed by the "Mad King" who had him bound with a leather cord around his neck and a longsword just out of reach, causing him to strangle himself trying to get to the sword to save my grandfather who was being cooked alive infront of him. Both were there to retrieve my aunt, who was kidnapped, raped and eventually died due to birth fever a couple of weeks ago.

What a lovely family.

I could see myself fitting in with them.

Now if someone could get me a pair of tits so I can have some milk I would truly be content.