

“Where am I?" Why am I in the jungle? why can't I recall what occurred yesterday? Where are my brother and parents? all I remember is my name is…Athena Blan... hold on, I can't even recall the name of my pack.” These thoughts ran through Athena’s mind. Athena is an eighteen years old rogue who lost her memory after an incident at her pack. She somehow gets into the moonlight pack as a pack assistant where she has to prove her worth to the alpha; alpha Rafe who separated from his father’s pack alongside Micco, his beta because his father was responsible for his mother’s death. His main goal is to outshine his father's pack and avenge his mother. Would he be able to achieve this? and would Athena be his downfall or strength?

_koko · Fantasie
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4 Chs



As this would be their new pack, I called on the new assistants to introduce them to the rules, and regulations in this pack. After doing so, and just as I was about to shear them to their new department, I noticed a little girl running in who reminded me of my little sister, who we lost when she was five years old during a field race. I requested her to step aside and informed her that there would be repercussions for her late arrival. I also did not share her with any department, as this was only my way of getting to know her and keeping her near to me.

As I was addressing the assistants, I kept looking at this petit girl and all I could see was my younger sister and mom. I also noticed she had a confused look on her face and kept chewing her nails.

I informed Micco to instruct her to follow me after the meeting with the assistants.

The plan is to have her as my personal assistant and get to know why she's on the run.

"what's your name, and why are you out of your pack?" I asked.


while following the Alpha, I had this strange feeling I can't pin point.

On getting to his office, he asked a strange question, "what's your name and why are you out of our pack?". Wait a minute I was told to follow you for my punishment so why this question. First, I wasn't given a department and now this man wants to know about my personal life, a life I have no idea about. What do I tell him?

"DO YOU TALK OR YOU ARE MUTE?" The Alpha shouted

"Maybe we should behave mute, and we won't have to answer him. But I'm really comfortable with him and want us to explain things to him, maybe he can help us find your parents. Moreover, he is cute, have you noticed how built he is?" My wolf said.

"HELLO!!!?" The Alpha said.

I can feel him get irritated, I better talk or get ready to behave mute for the rest of my life.

"Hmmmmm My name is Athena Blan…something, I can't remember my last name or the name of my pack, or why I'm even out of the pack. The only thing I can remember is my name, I'm 15 years of age, I have a brother whose name I can't remember and my parents are still alive."

"Ok, so for how long have you been rooming around?" he asked.

"I don't know I only remembered being chased by your men". I replied

"Ok, you would be my personal assistant. I hate lazy people and make sure to ask questions when you don't understand. You would also be in charge of making my meals and Micco's. I would give you a book that has what you need to know about me, go back to your room and bring your stuff to the room after this office. That would be your new room. Mine is just across. After that make my lunch and get my room clean. That would be all you can leave." The Alpha said

Did I just hear I would have a room to myself? And won't have to eat assistant meal. Wow, what a good upgrade. I just hate the fact that I get to see that Micco face.



I woke up at 6: 00 am, had my bath, and packed my hair in a messy bun. I headed straight to make alpha Rafe's and beta Micco's food before 7: 30 am as instructed in the manual alpha Rafe gave me. I made them pancakes with fruits and coffee, the manual said Rafe likes black coffee while Micco prefers iced coffee. I headed up to Alpha Rafe's office to inform him that his breakfast was made, Micco was there with him as well. Alpha Rafe simply nodded while Micco simply ignored me. I left them and went to take care of Alpha Rafe's room.

I wonder why Micco didn't like me since the first day he set his eyes on me, the worst of all his that the treat's other assistants differently. I remembered last night I saw him laughing with other assistant and I was shocked, even after he left, I overheard the other assistants talk about how friendly and kind he is to them. Do people just wake up and start disliking people?

"Maybe he has an evil wolf because I wonder why he doesn't like you, even the almighty alpha Rafe likes you, let's forget about that bitter man and focus on our work because we can't have alpha rafe angry," My wolf said.

I agree with you Lola. Lola which happens to be the name of my wolf, I said.

After I was done cleaning alpha Rafe's room It was time for me to get his office tidy. I got to the office door and found it open, so I entered and started cleaning. while cleaning his table I stumbled upon some files and noticed it was some of the importing and exporting in which the pack does.

"Wow, this pack must have a lot of resources for them to be making this much. Wait Athena look at this, the one with Comet pack at the title. open it" Lola said.

"Lola we are not meant to be looking around," I replied Lola.

"Athena just opens it, one look won't hurt, I know you want to know what is there. Just open it and let's just have a quick look before anyone comes in." Lola said.

"Okay" I gave in to Lola's demand, "I just pray we don't get in trouble for this Lola," I told Lola.

Once we opened the comet pack file, we started looking around, I got to know the Comet pack wants to exchange food for ammunition. But judging from what looks like alpha Rafe's writing, I feel the amount of food the comet pack wants to exchange is not up to the amount of ammunition they are asking for, and I think they have been having a back and forth on the issues.

"Wait Athena I feel this comet pack wants to dupe the moonlight pack, look at these numbers, they don't add up. From the look of things, he has agreed to these terms and all that remains is for him to send an email of agreement. the moonlight pack would be losing lots of money" Lola said.

"Wow I didn't even see this, no wonder the alpha didn't notice. But how do we inform the alpha about this? I asked Lola."

"Let's just write an anonymous note down, let's say Christmas came early for alpha rafe and the moonlight pack, "Lola said

When I was done writing the anonymous note, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Alpha Rafe's angry face looking at me.