

“Where am I?" Why am I in the jungle? why can't I recall what occurred yesterday? Where are my brother and parents? all I remember is my name is…Athena Blan... hold on, I can't even recall the name of my pack.” These thoughts ran through Athena’s mind. Athena is an eighteen years old rogue who lost her memory after an incident at her pack. She somehow gets into the moonlight pack as a pack assistant where she has to prove her worth to the alpha; alpha Rafe who separated from his father’s pack alongside Micco, his beta because his father was responsible for his mother’s death. His main goal is to outshine his father's pack and avenge his mother. Would he be able to achieve this? and would Athena be his downfall or strength?

_koko · Fantasie
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4 Chs



This morning I woke up to a call from Micco, he wanted us to come to a conclusion on the comet pack exchange, I informed him to let us meet in the office by 6:30 am to finalize our decision.

On getting to the office, Micco was already there waiting for me with a cup of black coffee. One of the reasons I love Micco is not only because he was the only friend who was willing to move out of my father's pack with me knowing fully well moving out of the pack makes us rogues and no pack would be willing to take us in, but also because of how intelligent he is and how he never misses any little details when it comes to business and decisions making.

"Good morning Micco."

"You really need to find your mate man; I hate the fact that I have to see this annoying face by this time. Who picks 6:30 am to have a meeting If not this annoying guy who decided not to find a mate and now, I have to suffer for it" Micco said with a smile on his face

"Man, you aren't better than me "I replied to Micco

"We both know I am. Let's get down to business I still need my beauty sleep man, it's not easy to keep all this handsomeness in check" Micco said

"I have no reply for you man. I have this feeling that we are missing something about this contract we are about to sign with comet pack, and I hate the fact I can pinpoint it. But since you have gone through it well, let's draft out the mail we would be sending to them" I told Micco.

"I wonder why you have this feeling; this is the first time you are feeling this way when it comes to any exchange. Let's do this let's agree to give them 50% of the ammunition they requested and let's see their response to that" Micco said.

I was about to respond to Micco when Athena came in to inform us about breakfast being ready.

"I just nodded"

"I agree with this decision, let's draft an email with this suggestion of yours" I replied to Micco

After we finished drafting the email, I told Micco to let's go down for breakfast.

"I must say Athena is really good at cooking, the meal is good," I told Micco

"For me, it's a simple meal" Micco's replied

"It is a simple meal, but she tried, not everyone is good at making a fluffy pancake. Don't let me remind you of the pancake you made last summer mate" I replied to Micco

"That pancake was just a simple mistake, moreover we were out of eggs and we both wanted pancake I had to improvise," Micco said.

I decided to just ignore Micco, as I have learnt over the years that it is hard to win an agreement with Micco.

"Would you send the mail when you get back to the office? As I have other pack duties to attend to" Micco said

"I would do just that. Don't forget to meet with Torak we need an update on my father's pack. We need to plan our next move" I told Micco

Torak happens to be the man who my pack use to spy on my father's pack, he reports to Micco weekly on the daily report, the pack's next move, and whatever information we need to know to plan an attack on

"Ok, I would be on it. Don't miss me too much my love" Micco said

"I have no reply for you man" I replied Micco.

On getting to my office, I noticed the door was wide open and I could hear noise coming out of the room. Upon entering inside I noticed Athena writing down something and going through the drafted mail. Could she be working for my father as a spy? what's her business with that mail and the files on the table?

I decide to move closer first to see what she was penning down.

Why was she writing an anonymous note?

"What are you doing?" I questioned Athena.

"I…. noticed there were some figures missing, and the number of foods the comet pack wants to offer in exchange for ammunition wasn't adding up. I wanted to bring to your notice what was missing before you send the mail of arrangement to comet pack. I'm sorry for snooping around sir" Athena replied with a shaking voice.

"Let me see what you penned down" I responded

After going through what she wrote, I realized Athena just saved my pack from losing ammunitions worth millions of dollars. She must be really smart, I wonder what her position was in the pack she was coming from? Because all that she penned down was well analyzed and someone who didn't have experience in running a pack can't do what she just did.

"Wow, thanks for drawing my attention to this. Would work on it" I replied to her with a smile on my face.

"Did you just smile? It's been a long a woman made me smile, we need her and Micco working together. It would be nice having a female on board. we just need to put her through the test and after that, we know what next to do with her. I hope she passes." My wolf Nyko said.

"You can leave Athena, I would call you when needed," I told her

"Micco! Guess what, Athena just got what was missing in that contract with the comet pack. Come to my office" I informed Micco on the phone.

By the time Micco arrived, I already sent a mail of rejection to the comet pack that the moonlight pack won't be going forward with the contract.

I explained everything to Micco and I could see the shock on his face.

"I already sent a mail to inform them we won't be moving forward with the contact. I also need you to put Athena on serval kinds of tests as I plan to have her on the board, I want her working really close with us. So, I have to make sure she is a loyal person." I informed Micco

"Ok, when do you want me to start the test with her?" Micco replied

"Let's start tomorrow," I responded to Micco while trying to sort out some files.