

“Where am I?" Why am I in the jungle? why can't I recall what occurred yesterday? Where are my brother and parents? all I remember is my name is…Athena Blan... hold on, I can't even recall the name of my pack.” These thoughts ran through Athena’s mind. Athena is an eighteen years old rogue who lost her memory after an incident at her pack. She somehow gets into the moonlight pack as a pack assistant where she has to prove her worth to the alpha; alpha Rafe who separated from his father’s pack alongside Micco, his beta because his father was responsible for his mother’s death. His main goal is to outshine his father's pack and avenge his mother. Would he be able to achieve this? and would Athena be his downfall or strength?

_koko · Fantasie
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4 Chs



Where am I?" Why am I in the jungle? why can't I recall what occurred yesterday? Where are my brother and parents? all I remember is my name is…Athena Blan... hold on, I can't even recall the name of my pack.

After some while, I began to hear the crackling of leaves and stems. Unsure of what to do, I immediately began running as quickly as my leg could permit me.

All I know is that I have to flee as quickly as I can, pleading with the moon goddess to spare me from whatever or whoever is chasing me. "I swear I will behave well if you do," I thought while running. I was panting from my exhaled breath as I prayed. I continued running and running until I felt a twitch in my foot, at which point I shouted in agony. Because I was unable to continue running, I began leaping more quickly. As a result, I could hear what was pursuing me running more quickly and could feel it approaching closer. I suddenly dropped, expecting to strike the ground and bracing myself for that, but instead, I struck my head hard on a tree, feeling warm liquid flow down my face, realizing that I was bleeding, letting out even louder screams, and starting to have blurry visuals.


Where was I? I wake up with a sharp pain in my head. Walls are the only thing I can see. After what seemed like hours, I sighted two men entering, and with tears in my eyes, I pleaded "please don't murder me I'm only a little girl please, I don't mean any harm please…"

I was pulled out of the room, should I call it a room or a cage? The one with the stronger muscle yelled, "SHUT UP, carry this wench to the alpha and let him pronounce his verdict." What kind of pack is this, why would they think an 18-year-old girl intends any harm? I just hope the alpha is kind and will accept me into his pack. I still have to locate my brother and Parent, I only hope they are ok.


Now that we have kept all the girls for so long, they must be transferred to Skylight Pack, which is only two hours away from Moonlight Pack, which is my pack. Since the majority of these females are either lost or orphans who escaped from dangerous orphanages, I believe using them as pack assistants will be to their advantage. I mean, this is the best technique to prevent vampires from killing them.

"Are all of the girls present?" I questioned my beta. "Yes sir" he responded.

I started checking each one to make sure Amigo, the alpha of the skylight pack got the best because he detests how unappealing his pack assistants seem. I selected which ones should be given to Amigo and retained the others. I said to Micco, "Take the rest away."

This would be the second group of assistants I would be sending to the skylight pack. When we first saved the assistants three years ago, Amigo took the majority of them to reinforce and build up his pack. Most of them ended up getting married to each other; some of them are still serving as assistants today. Amigo, for example, married one of the assistants who later got killed because of a pack dispute. Amigo has evolved and developed significantly since that time.

I've frequently groused to Amigo about how a pack cannot be led by a gentle, kind Alpha. I've come to terms with the reality that I'm a no-mercy Alpha and that this is how my pack developed into the most powerful in the country.

In the meantime, let me briefly introduce myself. I grew up in a household where my father believed women shouldn't be treated well; I watched as my mother was frequently beaten and how servants weren't treated with the deference they deserved. I realize that by this point you are probably confused about how a ruthless Alpha saves lost girls.

I've always had a gentle heart, but after my father killed my mother, everything changed. I decided to put an end to him, so I left the pack and began creating my empire. For me, helping females is a means of making up with my mother for failing to help her when I had the chance.

A man who cries himself to sleep doesn't believe in love, and gets delight from being one step ahead of his father is hiding behind this brutal Alpha. For three years, my pack has been at war with the Lumi pack, which also happens to be my father's pack. Let's stop here; over time, you will learn more about me and this conflict, which will end when either my father or I pass away. Judging by the appearance of things, I am not going to lose this war to that oaf.


I thought I would meet a nice leader, but what can I say, he is just like his men—his face lacks any sign of happiness or smile. Well, considering what I heard about the other pack, I'm not too glad I wasn't chosen. The Alpha is a wonderful man, but he recently lost his wife, who had previously served as his servant. I just hope that things won't grow worse for me because the men I've been seeing are joy-stealers. We haven't been taken for a tour of the area, but an assistant who brought us dinner last night seems pleased, so it's possible that the individuals in charge of us are simply not nice people. Only God knows where my parents are, and I miss them terribly.

We were all led to our rooms and instructed to take a nap because this is the final opportunity we will get to do so. I guess my life just got worse after I said it could get any better. The only thing I want to do is go to sleep and hope that when I wake up, this will all have been a dream and I'll be back with my pack.


The beta, whose name I now believe to be Micco, roared at me, "GET UP YOU DON'T HAVE ALL DAY TO SLEEP!"

I moved as quickly as I could and was instructed to leave because the alpha wanted to speak with us. When I arrived, I realized I was the last person to arrive. alpha Rafe instructed me to move aside because I would be punished for sleeping in late.

After we were told what we would be doing and for whom, we were instructed to go. I was instructed to follow the alpha.