

“Where am I?" Why am I in the jungle? why can't I recall what occurred yesterday? Where are my brother and parents? all I remember is my name is…Athena Blan... hold on, I can't even recall the name of my pack.” These thoughts ran through Athena’s mind. Athena is an eighteen years old rogue who lost her memory after an incident at her pack. She somehow gets into the moonlight pack as a pack assistant where she has to prove her worth to the alpha; alpha Rafe who separated from his father’s pack alongside Micco, his beta because his father was responsible for his mother’s death. His main goal is to outshine his father's pack and avenge his mother. Would he be able to achieve this? and would Athena be his downfall or strength?

_koko · Fantasie
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4 Chs



With a shock on my face, I turned to see Alpha Rafe's angry face, what have I gotten myself into?

"Lola, you see what you have gotten us into, I need to stop listening to you."

"I was just trying to help you woman," Lola said angrily

"What are you doing?" Alpha Rafe said with an angry tone in his voice

"I…. noticed there were some figures missing, and the number of foods the comet pack want to offer in exchange for ammunition wasn't adding up. I wanted to bring to your notice what was missing before you send the mail of arrangement to comet pack. I'm sorry for snooping around sir" I replied with a shaking voice.

He must be so pissed with my response because he looked uninterested and pissed.

"Let me see what you penned down," Alpha rafe said in a more deep and angry tone

I handed him the paper where I penned everything I noticed down. after a while, I noticed his face looked calm and I think I just made the alpha of the moonlight pack smile.

"Wow, thanks for drawing my attention to this. Would work on it" he replied with a smile on my face.

Wow, the Alpha can actually smile. I'm starting to think he is not a bad man Afterall

"You can leave Athena, I would call you when needed" Alpha Rafe said with his mood back to normal

Not surprised to see him back to normal, maybe with time, I would get to see that cute smile again.

"Woman, are you falling for the alpha?" Lola said

"I thought you won't talk to me again, and I'm not falling for him" I responded to Lola as I walked down the staircase on my way to the kitchen to start making the alpha's lunch.

"I'm still expecting my thank you woman," Lola said

"Can you stop calling me woman, I have a name you remember. And thanks for helping me out." I replied to Lola.

By the time I was done making the lunch, on my way to inform the alpha his food was ready, I meet Micco on the staircase. He had an irritated look on his face.

"MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!" he said with an annoying but low tone. He spoke like he didn't want the alpha to hear his voice but loud enough for me to know he was angry.

Did the alpha shout at him? Or is he angry that I was able to point out the errors? but why would he be angry?

"Maybe he works for comet pack because he is supposed to say thanks for helping us and start being friends with you like the way he is with the other assistants," Lola said with an irritated tone in her voice.

"You may be right on this let's just leave him to do what he knows how to do, dislike us for no reason. Thank God we don't work or report to him," I responded to Lola.


It's been three months since I started working closely with Micco and alpha Rafe.

It's been a roller coaster of emotions; some days are more favorable and pleasant and some days are annoying. Working with Alpha Rafe has been really nice. I got to know more about him and about how nice he is. Looking back now I can say I'm happy I didn't get picked to go to amigo's pack.

I'm not only the head of all assistants in the pack, but I'm also a person who looks into all contact with Micco and alpha Rafe before they are signed. This position doesn't have a name yet but come to think of it if four months ago someone would have told me I would be in this position, I would have denied it and told the person he was mistaking me for another Athena.

Sometimes I wish I can remember the name of my pack and for me to be able to trace my parent for them to see my achievements and what their daughter has become. The other day Alpha Rafe asked the pack doctor to come run some check up on me to know why I can't remember anything, after a series of checkups, the pack doctor informed Rafe that my brain is choosing not to remember the past. He also said to him it might be a good thing because I may have passed through a bad experience. Thinking about it maybe my parents were killed and I can't remember.

On the other hand, working with Micco has been a pain in the ass. We never seem to agree on anything and most times the alpha would have to step in to resolve the issues. There are times Micco would make mistakes and put the blame on me, there are times when he would do some work behind my back just to get all the glory from the alpha. Surprisingly no matter what he does the alpha for once hasn't said anything bad or overreacted to any issue. There is even a time we heard an outside pack meeting and Micco give me unnecessary work to handle just so he can go alone, if not that he is the beta and I do carry out some secret check on all the reports he submits to the alpha, I would believe he is do all this because he is a spy for another pack. But he has a clean sheet. I feel he just dislikes me for no reason.

Athena!! Micco screamed my name from his office.

Walking out of my office I answered "what"

"I need your signature on this document" he responded angrily. At this point, his angry voice doesn't move me.

After I was done signing, I asked "is that all?"

"Yes, and just so you know don't try to get too close to the alpha, that position is for me alone. And I know you are trying to come for my positions, as you have worked your way to where you are. Just know I'm not letting you have this position or place without a fight. THE ALPHA BELONGS TO ME" he said all this and worked out of his office.

All I could do was stand there in shock, trying to understand what just happen and if im missing anything. How can I come for the beta position?