
A new Wizard in Earthland

What happens when someone from earth suddenly finds himself in Earthland, Lets find out. I do not own Fairytail or any of its characters and only own my oc's and some of the plot lol. I also do not own my cover art.

Baneofthedragon · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Trouble brewing

A/N: Hey readers, I just wanted to let you know this work, that I did on a whim because Irene was not getting her deserved limelight and because everybody these days seem to want to stick to the plot too much. I never thought it would get this much attention or like and it really blew my mind. We are currently at 100+k viewers and more than 600 collections, I never imagined it would get this much attention. I simply wanted to write something that was in my head for a while and wasn't expecting no more than a few readers.

Anyway thank you all for reading amd commenting, it really helps me with bettering my writing. Also, to all those lovely people who are giving me power stones, I'd like to say thank you but I feel I don't deserve them as I can't give you a constant update schedule and is currently based on the power of my imagination. So if you are reading other works please donate your power stones to other more deserving works. I will try my best so that this novel is completed and I am not doing this for any sort of monetary or other kind of benefit except for a sense of self satisfaction and enjoyment of anyone who wants to read it.

Again to all those who have read and advised me in various mistakes that I made, thank you and please keep advising me so that I can become better. Good day.

As everyone went to sleep, Irene was currently staring at the ceiling because she couldn't sleep. The day had been an emotional rollercoaster and her mind wasn't ready to rest just yet. After tossing and turning in her bed for a while, she decided to get some water from the kitchen and went out of her room.

In the kitchen she was sitting on a chair with a cup of water in her hand, she looked outside and admired the full moon. Then she spotted Blake outside who was currently sitting on a large boulder and seemed to be drinking.

Curious as to what he was doing she went outside and approached him, now that she could she his face he seemed to be in deep thoughts. She was hesitant to disturb him but her curiosity got the better of her and so asked,"Can I sit with you?".

Without looking away Blake patted the boulder next to him, seeing his invitation she sat where he indicated and they both went into a companionable silence.

"Can't sleep?", Blake asked after he felt the silence became a bit uncomfortable. Irene nodded and said, "Everything happening today was a bit too much, my mind can't seem to rest. What about you, can't sleep as well?".

Blake nodded to her first sentence and answered her question, "I'm just admiring the sky and thinking of the coming war. 3 years ago I could barely defend myself, but now I could probably destroy cities with just a punch. It just feels quite surreal having all this power, the temptation to simply do whatever you want. I'm afraid I'll turn into something because of all this power within my grasp", looked a little lost in thought.

Hearing his words Irene's respect for him grew even more. She knew what he was talking about, only someone else with power would understand what he was thinking. Having the power to simply erase anything or anyone that you dislike or simply take whatever you like without fear of consequence.

What she didn't know was that Blake was afraid that he might become like all those Mc's he'd read about. A shut-in, an otaku, a regular guy or gal, suddenly given powers an thrown into worlds where they become the something they were never meant to be. Doing whatever they want, taking women like they were toys, killing anyone that they thought was useless or stood in their way because they felt like it. Or using everyone around them, manipulating them like they were toys, simply because they thought they were better them and were just 'characters'. Destroying everything in their wake like people's live's like the world was simply just one big game.

It disgusted him to even think he might become like one of those and is why he made sure to always remind himself that although his morals have changed his humanity still was there. Never harm innocents but you can't always save them all.

As Blake was having his inner thoughts, Irene was staring at his face from the side and found that she really liked talking and spending time with him. Although they hadn't known each other long she felt he was different from all the young men she had seen so far. Although he was kind, he killed everyone of the bandits. And the way he handled the situation with Rung, he could be cruel if he wanted too. He wasn't a hero, he wouldn't go around trying to make world peace or something; no, he was someone who'd see the world burn for someone he held dear to him.

He was just a normal guy, was the conclusion Irene had when she thought of all that she knew about him from their conversations up till now, his actions to saving the women and children, her grandpa's stories of their time together. He didn't have the kind of mentality to think he was above anyone else to serve them justice, no he simply did what he thought was right. Most people who had that kind of power would probably do whatever they want. Show off their power and strength, but not him. This was shown when he talked to her father, He showed respect and civility when could have simply demanded or forced him to bend to his orders of he truly wanted. She doesn't believe she or anyone in the kingdom was capable of standing up to him.

But he never even once seemed like he thought himself above others. Although one would mistake his humility for foolish or humbleness but no, it wasn't that, he would retaliate if provoked but he wouldn't act in anyway that might let others provoke him.

After a while, as both were lost in their own musings Blake suddenly asked, "Irene, what do think about dragons?", hearing the sudden question Irene woke from her stupor and replied, "They are amazing creatures, said to be older than most sentient creatures on the planet, with both power and wisdom that makes them akin to gods in many people's eyes. Personally I would very much like to see and talk to one myself, but they seldom appear and the ones seen seem to think we are no more than cattle to them", having a thoughtful look in her face.

Blake nodded and guessed her curiosity was probably why she became such good friends with Belserion in the series. "What if I told you, you would probably get your wished fulfilled in the near future. But also that a war is coming, a war for the preservation of humans and dragons alike", Blake was now looking at Irene.

Irene eyes widened and blurted out,"What sort of war would endanger dragons, humans is understandable, history has shown many such wars, but a war that could threaten the existence of dragons is a little unbelievable", and she was right, unless someone knew the future like Blake it was unbelievable to even consider dragons to be threatened. They were as she mentioned before seen akin to gods because most magic didn't effect them and their size and powerful magic made even a single dragon a living walking disaster.

In all of recorded human history, there had never been an account of a human or humans ever able to slay dragons. It was like how a wood will never be able to break steel. A practical impossibility if she were to put it in words.

Blake nodded at her disbelief, even he wasn't sure he could face a dragon and win. Their scales were harder than most know materials, had very high magic resistance, their bodies were huge and strong enough physically to basically wipe out villages with a single roar. They had insane amounts of magic and knowlege of magic was second to none. It would truly seem impossible without the knowlegde of future events.

"I don't know when, but there have been rumors and talks about dragons attacking or even wiping out entire kingdoms in the south. If the news I discovered is correct we will know if the rumors are true or not in few months as the sightings of dragons seem to indicate movement towards Dragnof", Blake said. This was information that he had gleamed from his journey to the capital and was pretty sure this was the beginning of the war. His only question was when Belserion arrived or how he met Irene, and she became the queen of dragons.

After dealing with the Rustmore kingdom Blake decided to journey towards the south and find some information on the current situation, as well as try and find the village where Acnologia used to live. He wanted to prevent the whole Dragon King Festival by saving his village. But he didn't know the name of the village so he would have to search for it.

If he couldn't find the village then he needed to find ways to get stronger and contend with him when the time comes, dragon slayer magic will eventually be created by Irene so that was a way but the madness of dragonification was a problem and he needed to find a solution fast. There was no way he was going to let Irene go mad.

Although they met recently, Blake wasn't afraid to admit he had become quite attached to her. Who wouldn't, she was beautiful, with an amazing body, powerful mage and was caring and kind to her people. Although she was still a little naive in her thinking, she was cute when endearing, and it made him want to protect her even more. He doesn't mind if doesn't have feelings for him. You can't make someone force themselves to like you, no, he'd simply move on. There was all the women he'd save, he knew their looks that indicate their infatuation for him. But didn't respond because he would probably outlive them all because they weren't mages and wouldn't live past 100, while he would probably live for many years. He wanted them to have normal lives and find someone but wouldn't force them to do anything.

Irene became serious and knew that Blake would never lie about such important news so decided to look into it when they returned to the capital.

Blake saw her serious face and couldn't help but smile as he could never tire of looking at that beautiful face, sensing his gaze Irene looked up and their eyes met, seeing his smile Irene blushed and looked away. Her cute antics made Blake laugh and Irene decided to ignore him with a pout. Seeing her cute and innocent expression, Blake decied to tease her more and said, "Didn't know that princess was able to utter such viles words, guess the innocent princess isn't so innocent after all", he finished with a dramatic sigh.

Irene thought back to what he was referring to and remembered her crass words while besting up the old man and started to stutter to come up with an excuse, "I-It's not like that!! I-It just came out, I didn't mean to!", she frantically waved her hands about.

Her flustered reaction made Blake laugh out loud as he held his stomach, seeing that he was just teasing her, Irene was angry and delivered a strong punch to the backside of Blake's head while he was curently holding his sides and loking down.

Blake howled in pain as he rubbed his head, "Hey why'd you do that, it hurts", Irene wasn't deterred and crossed her arms beneath her bountiful chests and huffed, "Thats what you get for teasing me".

And so the night went on with the two bickering, teasing and laughing together, all the while Ed was staring at their actions from the window of his room, having a large smile on his face seeing them so close together.

He knew that with the coming war, Irene will probably change a lot from her naive and innocent self but was reassured by the presence of Blake and trust that he would help her get through any troubles he might face. "I'm proud of you, both of you", he whispered to himself and left them to themselves.

Meanwhile, across the borders into Rustmore, inside a giant Castle like structure. The interior was massive with little lighting but the straining of chains and loud growls and roars could be heard. Large black chains filled with weird glowing symbols were currently holding a struggling dragon and it tried to break free but was unable to break them even with its immense strength.

"It is useless my friend, those chains are ancient artifact's that was found in a newly discovered ruin. The writings say that it was even powerful enough to supress a god so cease your futile efforts", A dreary voice said, as a figure covered by a black hood with his face hidden by the shadows slowly approach the struggling dragon.

There was a man behind the hooded one who was wearing armour made of gold and didn't seem to be made for battle but rather appearance. This was the current High General and ruler of Rustmore, "I am sorry for deceiveing you Belserion but it had to be done if want to rule Dragnof. And since my brother hasn't sent a letter today, it means he's probably caught and the plans found. So you will be my trump card, my secret weapon to win the war that will no doubt be coming soon", he said to the dragon now identified as Belserion.

"You will regret your actions Jung, this chains won't hold me forever and when I'm free, I'll make sure to tear you limb from limb", Belserion growled out, he had been on his way to Dragnof where there was rumor that the princess was a powerful mage and was interested in learning from dragons. He had wanted to find her and maybe with her help save as many humans as they can, because the conflict between dragons had escalated to full out war and humans were bearing the brunt of the damage.

He had arrived at Rustmore to enquire the situation of Dragnof and Jung had welcomed him with open arms, being informed of their soon to be political alliance Belserion decided to rest in the kingdom as Jung had asked to show his hospitality and was escorted to where he was currently chained. He was ashamed to admit he had let his guard down because he like most his kind didn't think they could have harmed him. His mistake cost him and now here he was chained under those they had thought to be lesser beings, this just showed that humans were more powerful and resourceful that they thought.

"Now Draco, Put the collar on its best we finish up here and prepare the army", Jung spoke to the mage in black robes who then took out a black choker with spikes and weird glowing runes like the ones on the chain, "Hehehe, a dragon as a slave what wonderful magic. I will make sure to study it properly after the war", the mage now known as Draco spoke in his creepy dreary voice.

Draco injected magic into the choker which began to glow and suddenly enlarged and transformed to look like it was a monster with tentacles. The tentacles latched to the struggling Belserion and returned to becoming a choker on his neck.

After which Belserion let out a huge roar and became silent. His eyes turned completely white and simply stood unmoving like a statue. "Hehehe truly splendid magic, powerful enough to even control creatures such as dragons", Draco muttered as he left, leaving the now unmoving dragon inside.

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