
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Anime und Comics
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41 Chs

Poverty Demon Lord

"So let me get this straight. You got reincarnated into this world as a slime no less. Then you meet and eat that idiot storm dragon over there. Name a whole country of monsters, and became a demon lord then a true dragon due to your skills in what will almost be 2 years. And lastly you go and have a family which consists of 3 more True Dragons."

"Yep. Thats just about right."

"Ara, It seems my new little brother is quite something." Velzard said as she giggled at Guys reaction to my story. In her arms was Shalsha. After a little bit of interactions between them, Shalsha grew to like Velzard in the end. It seems that Velzard thinks the same too.

"Ha..... Haha.... Hahahaha!" Out of nowhere this crimson demon started manically laughing.

'Oh no! Is he gonna try to kill me?!' I thought in a panic. I would rather be sent to the end of time and space than fight this guy to the death.

Though I may win.


Who knows.

"How interesting. I can see why Milim took an interest in you. But your actions have somewhat caused me some trouble."

"How so?"

"You see, long ago I was given the task as mediator of the world by the creator 'Star King Dragon Veldanava'.

Your actions of you and your people getting stronger has caused me some trouble, by disrupting the balance of war power in this world. Including the fact that you are behind not one but three more True Dragons appearing. But I am willing to forgive your actions if you join us demon lords."

'Join the Demon Lords? My goal is near! But why did he offer it to me? Wouldn't it have been better to prove myself worthy of joining their ranks?'

{The reason is because he wishes to use master as some sort of pawn in a game against his opponent.}

'A pawn? Well in the end it could be fun to play this out until the end. I wont allow myself to be used, but this may prove to bring some true fun to my life. But lets try to mess with him first.'

"Why do you approach me with an offer?"

"Milim had vouched for you, its as simple as that. She along with someone else are the oldest demon lords alongside myself. Whatever they find interesting is truly bound to be entertaining."

So he finds me entertaining because Milim took an interest in me. But this other person, I somewhat wish to meet them if they are as old as them. Maybe I can set that as a condition for me to join them. But lets screw with him further.

"I asked Milim the same thing before. What comes with being a demon lord?"

"Well for starters you get your own territory and get invited to our meetings. Well thats more mandatory."

"But why do I need to join for that? I already have my own territory." As I said this I could visibly see a vein pop out on his forehead.

"You little...."

I guess I'll stop for now.

"Fine, fine. I'll join the Demon Lords. But on one condition, I would like to meet this other eldest demon lord." Guy then raised his eyebrow to this.

"Is that all? If it is what gets you to join then, thats fine. When do you want to meet her?"

"Is now possible?"

"Of course! Then lets leave my friend!" He said as he wrapped his arm around me with a mischievous smile.

"But Rimuru, the heroes party will be here soon then after that the envoy from Eurazania." Ciel reminded me. Shit! I really wanted to go now.

(A/N:When Ciel communicates with Rimuru I will use quotation marks. But lets say she is our of his body and talks with him through his head {} those will be used.)


The sub-skills of [Anos] wasn't [Parallel Existence] one of them? If I use that then I can go have fun while they take care of all the diplomatic problems. And it wont be bad for me because we will all share the same knowledge.

"No worries. I won't be long."

'Plus I can just leave a [Parallel Existence] behind. I don't want this guy knowing of my abilities.'

Since I would not back down from this, Ciel reluctantly nodded her head while simultaneously releasing an exasperated sigh.

"Alright, lets go." I said eager to meet another elder.

"Velzard, would you like to come or stay here?" Guy asked Velzard.

"Hmm, I will stay here. I am enjoying my neices too much." She said with what looks like a happy smile. She seems so nice, what could she have done to Veldora to warrant all that fear he has?

"You ready newest demon lord?"

"Of course."

I walked over to Guy to leave, but he wrapped his arm around my shoulders as if we were good friends. As soon as he grabbed me though, a magic circle appeared at my feet.

'Are we teleporting? This may be useful. Ciel analyze this!'

{Already done.}

'Thank you so much partner. Or should I say dear now?'


I believe I could see a small blush on her face. But I could neither deny or confirm that because we teleported right before I could see it.

The next thing I knew we were inside a forest. To be more specific, we are at the base of a massive tree which has a door engraved in it.

"Well, this is where Ramiris lives."

"Thats her name?"

"Yep, she is a good friend of mine. So become her enemy and you will become mine. Got it?"

"Who would be foolish enough to make an enemy out of you?" I said with a dead expression.

"Hahaha! I guess you are right about that. Now lets enter." He gave off a hearty laugh before putting his hand against the door, which somehow caused it to open.

Once the door was fully open all I could see was a long path lined with bricks.

We began to walk but not even 10 seconds after walking, a loud and obnoxious voice rang throughout the area.

"Guy! After all this time you came to visit me?!"

"Haha! Yeah, sorry about that. The reason i'm here is because someone wanted to meet you." The voice then paused for a second. Is she still mad at him?

"Meet me? How do they know me?"

"They heard there were three ancient demon lords since he already met Milim and I he wished to meet you."

{Spatial Transfer has been initiated. It is taking you and Guy Crimson to where the individual wants you. Would you like to cancel that.}

'I can cancel that? But anyways no, If Guy trusts her than I guess I will for the time being.'

In a second the area began to change from this long brick path to a circular room with what looks like a giant pink robot in the center. Next to it was this tiny glowing thing floating right next to it.

'What the hell is that?' I questioned in my thoughts. But after thinking that, the glowing thing in question started darting around like a bug trapped in a jar. It did that every step of the way until it reached me.

"Hey you are thinking something really rude right now, aren't you?!" How the hell did she know what I was thinking?! But anyways, it this the third of the ancient demon lords? There's just no way.

Couldn't anyone beat her if they just stepped on her?

"No I was not."

"You are with Guy, so I think that means you wanted to meet me."

"Lets go I think we have the wrong place." I said as I began to walk away.

"Hey! You wanted to meet me! So why are you leaving?!" She yelled as she pointed her index finger at me.

"You cant be the other ancient demon lord right?"

"How dare you?! I am the greatest demon lord of all! Ramiris of the labyrinth! You may prostrate yourself!"

She said with a closed eye, wide smile indicating what she said worked and she was proud of it. In reality though, it indeed did not work. I was about to retort but Guy beat me to it.

"Ramiris this guy is Rimuru Tempest. Milim took an interest in him and wants him to join the demon lords." This tiny pixie stared at Guy in disbelief.

"Really! Milim was over here not that long ago boasting about how she had a new bestie! And your telling me that was true?!"

"Yes thats true." I came up to confirm what she has been told.

"You vouch for this guy too, Guy?" She turned her head and asked the crimson demon to my right.

"He has caused me some trouble, so I kinda want him to join for my forgiveness." Guy said as he had a little smile on his face.

"Well if you guys take vouch for him, I guess I will too. But first he must prove his power to me."

'Prove it. I have already fought Milim, and I still need my match with Veldora. What is she gonna have me fight?'

{Presumably, that golem behind her.}

"You shall be fighting my most prized possession. My golem! If you beat it I will recognize you as one of us."

"Is that all? Sure then. This won't be too hard."

The Golems eye glowed red. As if it had already found it's target. Guy and Ramiris were behind me not too far away, but I began to slowly walk towards this Golem. Thinking about how I would take it down.

'Hm? How should I do this? Something flashy would be great.'

{I recommend [Space-Time Domination] the use [Demon King Physique] to end it.}

'Oooh! Toy with it then finish it. I like the suggestions Ciel!'

Ending the conversation I noticed that the golem was rounding up a punch. But in the end it was far too slow. I merely used a short range spatial transfer to move around it.

It quickly turned around to punch me again. But I repeated what I did to get out of the way. It may have been big but it was surprisingly fast for its size. This process repeated for about 12 times before I got bored with it.

"Time to end this."

I used [Space-Time Domination] to warp the space surrounding the golem. The result was tearing and crushing of its arms and legs. Completely immobilizing it.

"What the?!" I heard the tiny fairy scream in disbelief.

Next was the final blow. With one activation of [Demon King Physique] enhanced my strength. Walking over to its head, I lifted my leg and crushed its head. At least that was my intent, but when I did that some cracks appeared in this labyrinths floor and not only did its head get crushed....

So did the rest of its body!

Damn! I guess with my True Dragon evolution, It enhanced my strength with this even further.

*Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap*

I turned around to see Guy clapping to my display of power.

"It was to be expected from the Fifth True Dragon." He said ever so casually.

"What! F-F-Fifth T-True D-D-D-Dragon! Hows that possible?!" The fairy shouted.

"Hell if I know, he hasn't told me how it happened, all I know is that he did." Guy complained.

"I have no reason to reveal my secrets." I said. Meanwhile the fairy over there was still shocked with me being a True Dragon.

"Ramiris?" I called out to her.


"Guy said you are one of the oldest, but what exactly is it you do?"

"Eh!" She seemed shocked by the question.

"What, your not just some poverty demon lord."

"Wha!! Of course not!" She seemed a little upset, due to the fact that I could see a little pout on her face.

"Fine, I'm sorry. But can you tell me what your job in the world is?"

"I suppose." Ramiris said.

"I am the guide of saints, the former queen of spirits. My job in this world is to maintain balance similar to Guy."

'So you could say that just about everyone who encountered or was created by Veldanava was given some sort of task. I hope to meet more of these people some day.'

"Well Ramiris, you said you approve of his joining correct?"

"Thats right."

"Great! With this done you have three demon lords supporting you and all of them are the eldest. Consider this an honor Rimuru."

"Hopefully, I won't regret this." I let out a small sigh followed by guy grabbing me again.

"You won't! But with the three of us backing him lets call for a Walpurgis, shall we."

'Walpurgis? What the hell is that?'

(A/N: For all those who think I may be going off track a bit due to things like pacing and which events take place when. I am going to say this. Rimuru will not save the kids. Spoiler for later: Due to Leon wanting to summon Chloe I'm going to have him collect her. But due to her not wanting to leave her friends Leon has to take them too. Later with Ramiris in Tempest, Leon would ask for Ramiris help with the problem thus saving them because Rimuru wont let kids die.

All this means Rimuru won't go to Ingracia, Yuuki will still have his eyes on Rimuru and Hinata won't attack while he is leaving Ingracia, but rather she will be apart of the force that attacks Tempest directly.

These are how I am changing things up for this Fic.

I hope you understand what I am saying.)