
Chapter 19 Hello My Family

After Dan dropped me off at my parents front mansion, he left. Despite, the new found feeling of loss mixed in with dread I didn't ask any questions upon his departure. I look to the three story mansion and sigh. My parent's house, those guys are a bit overbearing. One time when I was 3 I challenged the lord of the forest and lost. I was still getting the hang of battling so it made sense that I lost. I remember going back home and making a plan to gain my victory. When the butlers told my parents about the defeat, My mother and father rushed to my side and dressed me as a mummy for 2 weeks. The memories of not being able to move rushed through my head. I better not tell them why I am here now. I thought to myself. I walked up to the door before it swung open announcing my presence. I walked in the house taking a good look at the interior to see if much has changed since the last time I visited. The house itself was dark and creepy, giving off a keep out vibe. While the lobby floor was empty the black rug had been switched for a red one. The staircase dressed in red and the family morals had been switched for a blow up of some type of news. This must be important, my parents would never swoop out our dead relatives for some ordinary news. I walked in closer to get a better look at this important news. It read: (The Shut Down Of Monster Academy!!! We once were a group of monsters feared and unruly for a short period of time. However, that all changed when we began learning how to create and what things meant. For as long as monsters been living, we adapted and built great things for the whole. BUT!!!!! Nina Frea, the daughter of the famously handsome Azar and the famous black witch Sabby, has proved otherwise. The young girl had walked out of school never to come back making a new era for the young kids of today! There in the wild kids of all ages must understand how to survive on there own! The Survival Era!!!!). I stopped reading. That girl....all I asked her was not to stand out too much. I even made sure no one would causally walk up to me. I face palmed myself. No wonder grandma May and grandpa Zar were replaced. I shook My head and continued walking to my old room. I look at the dark room yet to be touched by any change of time. Mother must have been keeping it the same knowing one day I will return home. I plop down on my black covered bed and let out a sigh of frustration. I can't reveal the truth to my parents due to the curse taking a toll on them too. However, my parents aren't normal. They too regard unknown things as a dead frog waiting to be dissected. A moment of silence goes by as I try to think of a proper story to tell my parents upon my sudden arrival. I could tell them I just want to rest because the so-called journey took a lot more effort than I anticipated. I wonder if they would buy that? My door swings open as my mother rushes to my bed side. "You're here!" I look at my mother who was dressed in green and black with her most trusted broom. "When did you arrive?" She leaped at me. "Mother!" I yelped as I pushed her off of me. "Dearest! No fair! you used the binding spell to stall me." My father rushed beside me to hug me. "Honey, This is now girl's time. Why don't you go fetch the maids to make us some tea." My mother grabbed me away from father. "My love, surely you don't expect me to leave when I only just arrived. After all I haven't seen my daughter for a long time. Take pity on us and let us bond." My father picked me up and ran out my room. Their behavior is normal. However, I've never gotten used to it."Father, would you let me down. I am fully cable of walking on my own." I try to persuade my father into at least giving me some room to walk. "Dear" A dark rumble from behind us quickly caught up. In a split second I was in the arms of my mother as she ran from my father. Not good, if I let this go on the house will be destroyed. "ENOUGH!" I yelled as I used some magic to glue them permanently to the floor. I started coughing up a little blood. I know that I shouldn't use magic in my dire situation. But if I didn't do anything to stop them, they would most likely kill themselves trying to spend the most time with me. "NINA!" They said simultaneously as they broke my spell and rushed to my side. "What's wrong? Baby girl please tell mother what hurts." My mother panicked as she examined my face and body. "Are you feeling ill? When's the last time you ate?" My father placed his hand on my head to feel my temperature. "I'm fine, just a bit tired. A cup of tea would do the body just fine as well." I pushed them off once again. I saw how worry stuck to their faces as they tried to understand what just happened. They looked to each other then back to me. "Why did you return home?" My mother stood firm and cold when she asked this question. My father also stood in such a demeanor. The dreaded question that I feared to be ask was finally spoken. "I'll inform you all of my visit over a cup of tea. If you can behave yourselves that is." I braced myself to lie to my parents face. They didn't leave my side as they escorted me to our tea room. There I feebly closed the door. "Good, now what I am to tell you is no matter to cry over." I paused as I glared straight at my mother who was silently crying. "Oh my baby girl, please tell us that the cough of blood doesn't mean death." My mother worries too much. Yet, this time her worries are justified. "Mother, father, on my journey I discovered an ancient ruin that had beseeched a curse upon me. The curse is fatal, and irreversible. However, fear not. In my last days of life I shall live in comfort with you both." The silence shook my parents as they struggled to find words to say after hearing such news. They looked at me stunned. "Well, say something. I know you two would have questions." I broke the silence that dared to cling to my parents. "Where are the ruins that you happened to stumble upon? What region dared to curse my daughter?" My father spoke with fury as he tried suppressing his magic from escaping him. "Speak! Who shall die alongside your body? Which region foolishly thought it was okay to kill the only child of Azar and Sabby?" Anger could not begin to describe the emotions they both have and fear slowly seeped through my skin as I stood in their presence. "A...It is something you two have no business in going to." I spoke out letting them know I will not answer their questions. Little do they know if they do go to enact revenge, death would only be waiting for them. I most protect my parents as much as I could.