
Thieves And Becoming A Vigilante

"Hurry up, we need to get out of here, right now!" a masked man cried out to his partner. They were inside a jewellery store where everyone was tied on the ground with zip ties. The other masked man nodded at his partner then they both ran out, got into a sedan and the second man drove away.

"Fifty million worth of jewellery! We made it big this time, Mikey. I will finally have money to take back my kids," the first man cried out in joy.

"Your kids do not like you, Joe. They see you as a loser," Mikey told his partner as he took a curve. But he suddenly hit the brakes as he saw a man wearing a black hoodie, sunglasses, black jeans and boots standing in front of the car.

"What the hell!" Joe shouted and then aimed his gun at the man. "Get out of the car at or I will blow your brains out."

"I suggest you run," the man said to them then put his left leg on the hood and pushed it. The car was sent sciddling backwards and slammed into a building, stopping it. Mikey slammed on the gas and the car screeched away.

Brian grinned when he saw the car been driven away and decided to start chase. He kicked off the ground, leaving a small pit in the tarmac and chased after the car. Mikey looked through the rear view mirror and saw him catching up, making him groan in fear as he put the pedal to the metal.

"The guy is running as fast as us. Is he one of those mutant freaks?" Joe asked.

"I don't care, shoot him down," Mikey shouted back as he passed a red light. Joe nodded, leaned out of the window and started firing at Brian who suddenly stopped due to the shots then dove inside a building, breaking through the wall with ease and continued the chase while inside it.

The two men felt apprehensive when they saw him smash through wall after wall after wall. Joe tried to shoot him but his sight kept been blocked by the buildings Brian was in. Mikey could feel his anxiety rising so he took to another street, forcing Brian to jump out of the cover of the building. As luck could have it, in front of him was parked an armored vehicle. The driver was about to get in so his driver's seat was open. Brian smashed into it, making the door come right off and Brian got hold of it, put it in front of him to act as a shield.

"Motherfucker, leave us alone!" Joe shouted as he shot at him but Brian used the door to block all the bullets till the clip ran out. All this time, they were all going at 100 miles an hour yet Brian could feel he could run even faster. So, when he saw the masked men had run out of bullets, he increased his speed, passing them as they watched with wide open mouths, went for a few metres then stopped, faced them as he put his shield down, ready for the crash. Mikey just stepped on the gas pedal even more, ready to reduce him to roadkill. Yet, when the car smashed into Brian, it came to a hurtling stop, as if it just hit a vibranium mountain! The whole hood was destroyed, the engine, been as durable as it was, was pushed outside and the only way it could go was backwards so it smashed through the dashboard, brushed past the two terrified men, the steam coming from it scalding their exposed skin and out through the rear windshield. The front tires were gone with momentum and the two baddies had their faces buried in white airbags.

"So this is the strength of a super soldier!" Brian cried out as he pulled himself out of the wreckage and inspected the car. He saw the fuel leaking and quickly got into action. He tried opening the front passenger door but it was jammed so he ripped it off. He then tore off the safety belts of the two occupants and dragged them out as careful as he could and set them far on the ground. He then looked at the people around who were just recording him.

"What's wrong with you people! Call 911. Tell them these two are jewellery thieves and that car can blow up anytime!" Brian shouted then remembered that the court need evidence in order to incarcerate these two so he went back to the car and started looking for the stolen goods. He found them at the back seat but some jewellery had spilled out so he quickly scooped them back inside the bags and just as he was about to walk out, the leaking fuel was ignited by a spark and that spark caused an explosion. Everyone watching gasped in fright!

"Oh my god! Is he dead!"

"He just exploded, guy! Of course he's dead!"

"He's one of those mutant freaks, who cares if he lives or dies. The question should be whether we should believe him when he said these two committed a crime," a fat man said, making people start second guessing.

"I am not a mutant and you can search for any crime committed recently," Brian said as he walked out of the raging fire, two bags in his hand. His clothes had been burnt off, revealing his body at several parts and everyone could not help but gulp when they saw his well sculpted muscles. He put the bag next to the two unconscious men then turned to everyone.

"I got these powers so that I can do good to the people, forgive me if I may seem like a mutant but I am not one of them," he told everyone, his charisma making everyone start to believe him. They all nodded at the same time and just then, the police arrived. Brian immediately ran off for he knew he could be arrested for vigilantism and his identity exposed. Good thing his mask was not burnt away. The only way they could identify him was his blonde hair. Even a DNA couldn't work because his hair was stuck on his head like a dundruff. With his enhanced agility and reflex, he climbed the stairs of a building all the way to the top floor in just one and half minute! He never felt so alive for stairs were his old enemies before. He looked down at the street where the police had just arrested the store thieves, the firemen were putting out the fire and some detectives were watching the videos that had been recorded. Just then, a patrol car came to a stop in the crime scene and a slightly blonde, well built man walked out of the car and to the flocking news reporters who were like hungry sharks that had just smelt blood.

"Captain Stacy, is it true this crime was stopped by a mutant?"

"Captain Stacy, is it true these two criminals would have escaped if it wasn't for the mutant who stopped them?"

"Captain Stacy, what is the police response to the mutant who just stopped these criminals? Will you be violent against him or will you help him?"

"Captain Stacy..."

"First of all, this person who stopp these criminals was not a mutant, he said so himself. Second, the police do not telorate any form of vigilantism so he will be treated as a criminal when found. Third, as far as we are concerned, we got these two criminals with our boys in blue. Anyone else who says otherwise is a liar. If this guy says he he is here to help people, why is he wearing a mask? When helping people, you should be as transparent as you can otherwise you are just being shady." Captain Stacy then walked back to the crime scene where three detectives were investigating the wreckage.

"Tell me you got something, boys," he said in a very tired voice. The three nodded and pointed at the door jammed inside the car's hood.

"This vigilante was strong enough to stop a car moving at a hundred miles an hour. We can confirm this via the street cameras and the speedometer had been ripped out of the hood by the engine. In order to overtake the car he had to be going at about 130 miles an hour or 150. In order to stop a car weighing 2,094 pounds then he must have the strength of probably four-five tonnes. I might be wrong or right but either way, this guy is just too powerful for us ordinary folks. Also, he walked out of an explosion, his skin wasn't burnt off."

"So, we should tell our boys not to engage?"

"That could be for the best. We don't even know whether he might be bulletproof or not like all the others with super strength. This might get annoying when our boys start going after him half-assed."

"Okay, we should tell them that he is to be avoided until we find out more about him. At least he knows how to do his job. He took out the evidence before it was burnt and these two are alive, that's a plus."

Unknown to them, the one they were talking about was listening to them while standing on top of a 16 floor building. Brian's hearing had become quite good too so the whole thing had entered his ears. He was impressed by Captain Stacy and told himself he would not be staying long enough for cops to arrive. He then walked away, ran back to the alleyway he changed his clothes in, wore his clothes back, hid the ones he was wearing inside them and then walked out, his walk no longer the courageous vigilante but a beggar who had not gone without food for a whole day, even though he was finding it quite scary to know his craving for food was slowly diminishing.

"Hey man, can you spare a quarter? I haven't eaten all day! Please, God will bless you!" he told a man with a daughter, an easy target because the man might be inclined to be seen as a good person in front of his daughter and he was right. The man gave him a dollar and he thanked him with a bow before walking away.

The begging went on for the rest of the day and he walked back to FEAST where the others were in a queue waiting to be given food. Brian has always been a busy body so he did not like the idea of been provided food by others but since he was laying low, he joined the queue as he joined in on the conversation about the vigilante on the news, making sure he wasn't so defensive so that not to be suspicious. He was given his food which was soup with a few pieces of meat and bread. Everyone was grateful for this but he couldn't feel the urge to eat it, or even the need to eat it but still stuffed it into his mouth.

"You thing the food here is garbage?" Mrs Thompson asked him from behind. Brian shook his head.

"I think I might that mental illness where you don't want to eat or something. I have felt full this whole day but I haven't eaten anything," Brian answered her. Even though she might be cold, Mrs Thompson cared about everyone in the shelter so she decided to help him.

"If you think you are ready, we can go see this psychiatrist. He can deduce how to help you, I can't let you starve in this building," she said, giving him a card and walking away. Brian looked at the card and saw the name Prof. Charles Francis Xavier written on it. He then looked at the details and he was impressed for he was claiming he can help mutants with their social awkwardness, anxiety and the way the whole community was hating them.

"What a good doctor. If he can help me then I might help him if one of those anti mutants come after him. He looks not older than 25 too!"