
A New Luck ( Broken Jinx)

At 40 years old, Moore finds himself in the position of being perceived as a failure due to his lack of marriage or romantic relationships. The societal pressure to conform to traditional relationship milestones can weigh heavily on an individual, leading to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. However, everything changes for Moore when he has a serendipitous encounter with a mysterious and enchanting woman, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Intrigued by this ethereal presence, Moore is drawn to her enigmatic aura and captivating demeanor. As their paths cross, he is enveloped in a sense of wonder and curiosity, wondering what significance this encounter holds for his life. Could this woman be a guiding light, leading him towards a newfound sense of purpose or clarity? Through this unexpected meeting, Moore is presented with the possibility of a transformative journey, one that offers him a chance to explore uncharted territories of the heart and soul. Will this encounter be the catalyst for a new chapter in Moore's life, one where he discovers the true meaning of love and fulfillment? The answers lie in the mysterious allure of the beautiful lady who appeared out of nowhere.

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Unexpected turn of event

Early the next day, Moore was thinking about what Madam Gee had said to him when his phone rang. Looking at the unfamiliar number on his phone, Moore hesitated to pick it up, but the phone kept ringing. After some consideration, he decided to answer the call.

"Hello and good morning, Mr. Moore Alexander," a sweet and sultry female voice spoke. Moore was surprised to receive a call from the Heart Group, the largest company in all of Concordia. He thought to himself, "Why would the Heart Group be calling me?"

After a brief pause, he asked the most obvious question. "Hello Marcy Lane, how can I help you?"

"Mr. Moore, you have a job interview at our headquarters tomorrow at ten AM," replied Marcy.

Moore laughed out loud. "You must be a scam artist. I never applied for a job at the Heart Group, and now you're suddenly calling me for an interview? How is that possible? I don't have time for this. Find another victim to defraud." Moore was about to end the call when Marcy spoke again.

"Mr. Moore, please come to our head office tomorrow at 10 AM with all your credentials. What do you have to lose by coming?" Marcy chipped in.

Still skeptical, Moore thought for a moment before saying, "Okay, I will be there. I'll play this game with you." With that, he ended the call.

The next day, Moore was dressed in a black suit, white shirt, and blue tie. He looked at himself in the mirror and said, "You are looking sharp, Moore." After that, he left the house and took a cab uptown to Busy Lane, where the head office of Heart Group was located. A quarter mile from his destination, the cab engine developed a problem. Suddenly, the cab driver, a middle-aged man, applied the brakes on the cab. He turned to Moore and said, "I am sorry, Mister. It seems the car has developed a mechanical fault. We cannot go anywhere for now." Moore felt frustrated and thought, "Curse my luck."

Then he decided to pay the cab driver and got out of the cab to leave. As he was walking up the street, thinking of what to do next to make it to his destination, a bike came towards him that seemed to have lost control. Moore, with his quick reflexes, jumped out of the way only to land on a pile of garbage stacked on the side of the street.

The pile of garbage was filled with all sorts of smelly things, including rotting eggs and food. Moore was covered in it and for a while, he couldn't even get up. The bike rider, a young teenager, was disturbed by what had happened. He quickly managed to gain control of his bike and park it. Rushing down to meet Moore's staring gaze, he quickly kneeled down, apologized, and said, "Mister, please forgive me. I was having trouble with the brakes. I am truly sorry," said the teenager. People around him tried to help, but the smell was too potent. They had to cover their noses just to help him up. Moore felt dejected and depressed, cursing himself for his bad luck. He thought, "What sort of bad luck is this?" To him, this had always been the pattern in his life. Moore murmured to himself, "I cannot go to the Heart Group looking and smelling like this." As he was pondering, he heard a familiar voice from behind him.

He turned around to find Rose staring at him. "Is that you, Moore?" she said with a beautiful smile on her face. Rosemary Clarke is a beautiful lady with a stunning, sexy size eight figure and stands at around six feet tall. She used to be a supermodel but is now a divorced single mother. She runs her own modeling agency company.

"Moore, it is you!" she continued. "You old fox, where have you been?" Moore replied, "I have been in seclusion for the past decade." He walked up to her and stopped halfway, remembering how badly he smelled. She smiled and said, "I live a couple of blocks down the street. I can have you cleaned up in no time."

Moore became hesitant and thought for a while before saying, "You don't have to. I could just get a cab to take me home." She laughed out loud before saying, "Not when you stink like that. Besides, what kind of friend will I be if I can't help you out?" Moore, with a smirk on his face, replied, "Are you trying to get me to your home and seduce me, you old devil?" She replied with a beautiful smile, "As if you can resist my charm."

Moore mustered all the courage he had and asked, "How far down the street do you live?" She lifted her hand and pointed to the direction, saying, "Over there, by that corner." Moore smiled and gestured for her to lead the way.

Back at the Heart Group headquarters, Katerina was in a meeting with the board members. She had an icy expression on her face, but her mind drifted towards someone else. She kept wondering, with a thoughtful look on her face. Finally, she screamed at Jason Mark, one of the main directors, "Get me Marcy Lane!"

Marcy Lane was at the reception, talking to the beautiful receptionist, Rachel Stevens. Suddenly, she heard her phone ringing and was startled to see that it was her boss calling. She quickly rushed to the elevator and pressed the button for the thirteenth floor. As the elevator door opened, Marcy stepped out and was met with a cold gaze from Katerina.

Marcy's courage quickly drained from her body, but she mustered up what was left to ask why her boss needed her. Katerina continued to look at Marcy with an icy expression. Marcy could only stare at the ceiling and wonder what was going on. Finally, Katerina spoke and asked where the person they were looking for was and why they were not there yet. Marcy hesitated to answer, unable to believe that Moore had not arrived yet.

After a moment, Katerina said sternly to find him no matter the cost.