
A New Luck ( Broken Jinx)

At 40 years old, Moore finds himself in the position of being perceived as a failure due to his lack of marriage or romantic relationships. The societal pressure to conform to traditional relationship milestones can weigh heavily on an individual, leading to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. However, everything changes for Moore when he has a serendipitous encounter with a mysterious and enchanting woman, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Intrigued by this ethereal presence, Moore is drawn to her enigmatic aura and captivating demeanor. As their paths cross, he is enveloped in a sense of wonder and curiosity, wondering what significance this encounter holds for his life. Could this woman be a guiding light, leading him towards a newfound sense of purpose or clarity? Through this unexpected meeting, Moore is presented with the possibility of a transformative journey, one that offers him a chance to explore uncharted territories of the heart and soul. Will this encounter be the catalyst for a new chapter in Moore's life, one where he discovers the true meaning of love and fulfillment? The answers lie in the mysterious allure of the beautiful lady who appeared out of nowhere.

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Fantasie
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22 Chs

I am Ariel

As Moore prepared to deliver a deadly killing strike to the shadow master, a bright light burst forth from nowhere, temporarily blinding Moore and the others. A strange voice spoke, "You cannot kill this man." Moore squinted his eyes to see a man, or perhaps a strange being, standing in front of him. He felt confused and perplexed after hearing the stranger's request. He spoke with a calm demeanor, "Who are you, and what right do you have to intervene in this situation?" Marcy also chimed in, "We don't mind sparing him, but he will have to pay a hefty price." Ariel spoke again, "You can't kill him because your destinies are interwoven." Moore hesitated before saying, "I don't understand what you're saying. How does his death connect to me not killing him? Besides, if I can't kill him, I could just order someone else to do it." Ariel spoke with greater conviction, "Moore, you have a great destiny ahead of you, and your fate is tied to this man. You have to believe me." Marcy looked at Ariel curiously before saying, "Who are you, and what do you know about Moore Alexander?"

I am Ariel, a member of the Watchers and also your friend. I am here to help you. Moore leaned in closer, as if he had observed something, and asked, "What are you?" Ariel, with a cheeky smile, replied, "It doesn't matter for now." Moore leaned in even closer, sensing that he could trust Ariel. He said, "There is something different about you." Marcy raised her eyebrows in surprise. Moore walked up to the shadow master and declared, "I am letting you go. Pray I never see you again." With that, he turned and walked up to Rose. He knelt down to untie her hands. Suddenly, she threw her arms around him and hugged him closely. Moore was taken aback by her passionate display, but considering what she had been through, he didn't let it bother him and just smiled. He spoke to her reassuringly, saying, "It's okay, no harm will come to you now. You are safe." He calmly asked her, "Can you walk?" Rose nodded in reply. He gently helped her to her feet and led her away. Before leaving, Moore turned and glanced at Ariel, as if giving him a warning.

Ariel understood his intention and nodded in acknowledgment. He murmured something in silence into the Shadow Master's ear. The Shadow Master's face became pale and filled with regret. All he could do now was to atone for his error in judgment. Marcy was still curious about everything. She thought to herself, "Who is this Ariel of the Watchers, and where did he come from?" Still in a conflicted state, she turned to look at Ariel and the Shadow Master, only to find both had vanished before her eyes. Moore led Rose to the back seat of the car and signaled for Marcy to drive. He gave Hammer and the West Side gang a thumbs up, indicating he was satisfied with their work, and since no one was actually killed, he told Hammer to clean up the mess and post a couple of men to watch over Rose. After that, Marcy drove off. One of Hammer's men walked up to him and said, "Boss, we have a big problem. These are Tony Blend's men we attacked." Hammer was shocked. He turned to the man who spoke, as if to confirm what he had just said. After taking another look at the battle scene, he called to his men, "Make everything disappear. Leave no traces of our existence here."

Meanwhile, Moore spoke to Marcy, who was driving them to her home. "I will show you the directions," Moore said. Marcy was hesitant, but eventually nodded her head in compliance. When they arrived at her apartment building, Moore turned to Marcy and said, "You can go, there is no need to bother you any further." Marcy looked at Moore with a puzzled expression, unable to understand his thoughts. She became perplexed. Sensing her hesitation, Moore spoke again, "I will be looking after Rose tonight. Why not come back in the morning and pick me up?" Marcy stared hard at Moore, as if trying to say "don't mess things up," but there was nothing else she could do except turn to Rose and say, "You are safe. Please be careful in the future." With that, she drove off.

Moore and Rose went into her apartment, where Moore led her to the sofa. She sat down gently, staring at Moore. He could only comfort her and reassure her. "Let me prepare a meal for you, or perhaps a cup of tea," he said in a calm voice. Rose, still in a daze, could only nod and reply, "Tea, please. I don't feel like eating anything right now." After some time, Moore returned with a cup of hot tea in his hand. "I made it to help relax your nerves," he said as he handed it to her. Rose took the cup with a trembling hand. Moore noticed her reaction and reached out his hand to calm her down, saying, "Don't worry, I am here with you." Her eyes filled with tears, Rose could only nod her head in gratitude.

After some time, Moore spoke again, "You need to refresh yourself. Why not take a bath? It will help calm your nerves." Rose thought for a moment, not wanting to be alone right now. Sensing her hesitation, Moore reassured her, "Don't worry, I will be with you."Rose felt a bit relieved. She slowly got up and walked to the bathroom. She took off her clothes, turned on the tap, and lay in the bathtub, relaxing and forgetting her anxiety.

After half an hour, she came out looking relaxed and refreshed. She went straight to the bedroom to put on her nightgown. She looked incredibly beautiful in her white gown. Moore could only stare at her. She called out to Moore, "Please, I don't want to sleep alone." Moore understood her intentions and lay with her in bed. She cuddled into his arms and placed her head on his chest. Seeing Rose fall asleep in total peace, hearing her slow and gentle breathing was an intimate and beautiful experience. It meant that he was her protector and pillow. Before long, Moore fell into a peaceful sleep with a smile on his face.