
A New Luck ( Broken Jinx)

At 40 years old, Moore finds himself in the position of being perceived as a failure due to his lack of marriage or romantic relationships. The societal pressure to conform to traditional relationship milestones can weigh heavily on an individual, leading to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness. However, everything changes for Moore when he has a serendipitous encounter with a mysterious and enchanting woman, seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Intrigued by this ethereal presence, Moore is drawn to her enigmatic aura and captivating demeanor. As their paths cross, he is enveloped in a sense of wonder and curiosity, wondering what significance this encounter holds for his life. Could this woman be a guiding light, leading him towards a newfound sense of purpose or clarity? Through this unexpected meeting, Moore is presented with the possibility of a transformative journey, one that offers him a chance to explore uncharted territories of the heart and soul. Will this encounter be the catalyst for a new chapter in Moore's life, one where he discovers the true meaning of love and fulfillment? The answers lie in the mysterious allure of the beautiful lady who appeared out of nowhere.

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Dream State

Back at the Diamond restaurant, Moore and Rose were still having their dinner when Rose spoke again. "When did you learn how to fight?" Rose asked, genuinely curious about it as she had been thinking about it for a while. "And where do you disappear to whenever you are fighting? You seem to be a completely different person each time," she added. Moore felt unsure of what to say and could only muster a few words. "It's nothing, just something I picked up here and there. Besides, those guys weren't that tough," he replied. Rose didn't want to press the issue any longer, so she decided to drop it. "After all, it doesn't matter," she thought to herself as she sipped her wine.

After giving it some thought, Rose spoke up again. "You just got a job. Shouldn't you be celebrating with your family? Why are you here with little old me?" Her face was expressionless at the time, filled with eagerness. Moore was thrown off by her question and wasn't sure how to reply. He hesitated for a while before smiling at her and answering, "Is it a crime to share a meal in celebration with a friend?" Rose teasingly replied, "Is that what this is?" They both laughed, not wanting to press the issue any further.

After half an hour, their waitress Janice came back and asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you guys?" They both smiled at her before Moore replied, "Check, please." After paying, they both left the Diamond restaurant and got into the limo, heading straight to Rose's apartment. Before saying goodbye, Rose gave Moore a kiss on the cheek and tip-toed into her apartment. Moore could only blush with a happy sensation all over his face.

Upon arriving home, Moore was surprised to see both Christopher and Emily in the living room, gazing at him. Moore, feeling a little confused, felt like a child who had come home past curfew and was about to face his parents' judgement. "What are you guys doing?" he asked. Emily, filled with excitement, quickly inquired about how things went with the beautiful lady, emphasizing the word "beautiful." Awkwardly scratching his head, Moore replied, "Do you mean Marcy? She took me to Heart Group and offered me a job as a cooperative manager." Both Christopher and Emily's jaws dropped simultaneously as they exclaimed in excitement, "You got a job!"

Later that night, Moore appeared to be having a dream. He found himself in a fierce battle, surrounded by the sounds of explosions. Riding a double-headed creature with the head of a phoenix and a dragon, as well as wings made of gold, he realized he was on the beast of the sky. Other people were also mounted on different creatures, creatures of legends. He was in the air, shouting and yelling as the fighting continued. Moore held a golden sword in his hand. Suddenly, someone riding a large eagle-like creature with four wing-like slivers called out to him. It seemed that the Owaba tribe was under attack.

"What should we do?" the female warrior said. "Leave them to me. You protect the queen mother and the treasure." With that, he flew towards the ground on his majestic creature, where the leader of the ground forces was, and yelled at the leader, General Larkin, who was riding a dinosaur-like creature with two horns. He ordered him to gather his forces at the edge of the route entrance to block their advance. General Larkin replied, "Yes, my lord." He flew over the ocean and called out to Thea, the leader of the Gillian tribe. She was mounting a sea-like creature that had the head of a whale and wings like a bird. "This is the great sea monster, the beast of the ocean," Thea called to him. "They have attacked the Holy Site. You must protect it." She gave him a golden box. "Keep it safe." After retrieving the golden box from Thea, he flew up into the sky towards a portal in the air. Meanwhile, there was fierce fighting on all sides. He came back through the portal and heard an explosion on the mountain path. The lady warrior flew within range and the sound of battle cries filled the air. Death and destruction were everywhere. The warrior-like lady spoke to him. "We cannot hold on much longer, we have to leave." "Where is the queen mother?" he asked. "She has been captured," she replied. "And the treasure?" he asked. "Locked deep in the mountains," she replied. "Then all is not lost. Gather the rest and escape through the portal. I will follow behind." But before he could escape, something hit him and he fell down. And everything went blank.

Suddenly, Moore woke up, sweating profusely. He wondered what kind of nightmare this was. It felt more like a memory than a dream. Who were those women in the dream? And why did that box seem familiar? As he thought about it, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen. He got up and slowly walked towards the bedroom window, looking at the night sky.

Meanwhile, in another world, a woman suddenly woke up and spoke. "Where am I?" She had been in a coma-like state for five hundred years. She looked around and asked if the war was over.

In the stars, the star beings known as the Watchers were monitoring the celestial bodies. When Ariel spoke, "The stars are aligning." Uriel, the leader, replied, "She is awake." They all murmured for a while before Ariel spoke again. "He seems to be getting stronger, able to reach her across worlds. He must be one of us. Should we make contact with him?" He asked. "We must not get involved. We only watch. Remember your place," Uriel replied. Ariel could only nod in acknowledgement.

In another place, Katerina woke up, thinking to herself, "You seem to be growing stronger, able to enter my dreams. Now you are awake."