
The Aftermath

Not surprisingly, quite a few people gave Nova weird looks throughout lunch but Jay kept assuring her that it was all ok. Nothing else happened until Nova reached cheer, where it seemed all the cheerleaders pounced. There were so many questions that Nova couldn't even understand a single one.

"Girls! Leave Nova alone, she was getting to know Calli and Sophia some more," Olivia's voice drew everyone's attention before she commanded, "Now, we can gossip later so everyone, start warming up."

All the girls split into groups to warm up and soon Olivia, Calli, and Sophia were all next to Nova. "Wow, that was... crazy..." Sophia commented drawing a laugh from all the others.

"Welcome to changing things up," Olivia stated before looking at Nova with a smile, "Remember when Sasha decided to go to the library to get a book for a project during lunch?" The two quickly broke down in laughter for a few minutes as they remembered the questions the poor girl had been battered with for days.