
Faction Reunion 3

Edited by:Theking13

The whole great hall was in deadly silence

Expressions of some showed surprises and doubts while looking at Yukio's smiling face.

Michael could not understand how Griselda was now referred to as 'Imperial Guard'

He looked at his sister to get some information but Gabriel just looked away as if she did not want to say anything

Odin released a sigh looking at the new appearance of Rossweisse, he had expected her to be accepted as a disciple of Agarus when she did not return ... But what the hell was a Magical Teacher?

On the other hand, Azazel looked at the redhead woman who was next to Ophis

Fear crossed Azazel as he could not help but let out a nervous smile ...

Hades was also in an equal position looking at the current Ophis who was sitting quietly watching everyone

(Were not Great Red and Ophis enemies? ...) Hades and Azazel could not help having the same thought

The surprise could also be seen in the faces of Sun Wukong and Sona, even Serafall could not help but open and close her mouth without being able to say anything

Sona looked at Yukio as if it were an extraterrestrial, previously she had witnessed him fighting against Tiamat, never did she think that this man was really Agarus ...

She looked at her friend Rias who was chatting with other women and she felt that that woman had cheated ...

Sun Wukong did not know that Yasaka had married again this undoubtedly took him by surprise and decided to take the time to find out what was happening here

Serafall was surprised because she knew that Yasaka had married a young man ... But wasn't that man supposed to be human?

How had Yasaka fallen love with the current Fairy King? No ... The main problem here was that Yasaka's husband was actually Agarus!

Serafall felt that Yasaka had cheated her completely, had even gone to complain constantly about Agarus in Yasaka's office ...

She could not help feeling ashamed at her previous actions

Serafall had been complaining about Agarus all this time in front of Yasaka, Oh God!

She continually complained about her best friend's husband right in front of her

Shame overwhelmed her while she kept her head down

But after a little thought, she smiled complacently looking at Yasaka.


It was because she did not know how to convince Agarus to give them Kokabiel ... But if she convinced Yasaka, could not Yasaka help her?

With that in mind, she decided to ask Yasaka for help when this meeting ended.

Yukio looked at everyone's expression calmly "I do not understand, I remember that before they were getting impatient because the meeting had not started, should not we start it right now?"

All: "Oh ..."

Yukio's words were quickly pulling everyone out of their momentary trance

This had taken them with so much surprise that they did not even remember this meeting

Well, it was absolutely normal ... After all, how could they suddenly sit still listening to those extravagant titles?

Although in reality Yukio had also been surprised and could not avoid looking sideways at Great Red and Ophis.

Yukio did not know anything about that title 'Concubine', it is assumed that the titles were added by themselves ...

Griselda was promoted to Imperial Guard by the same Yukio

As for Great Red ... What the hell was Dragon Clan Lover? Yukio got a little exasperated

But Great Red who felt his gaze turned around with a soft smile on his lips

Yukio was stunned a few seconds before looking away since Great Red came out of the 'Fire Gate' she has been behaving differently

While he was thinking about it, Michael suddenly coughing and attracting everyone's attention

Michael: "I-it's true, we should start this meeting ... We are all gathered here to know what is happening with the Faction of Fallen Angels today"

Odin: "I have no objection to the beginning of the meeting" He spoke loudly so that others pay attention, although he was surprised he decided to ask later ... Now was not the time for it

Shiva: "I do not have any objections either"

Sun Wukong: "I agree"

Sirzechs: "I have no objections"

Artemis: "I agree that the meeting should start" ...

One by one each one of them was giving his words nobody object with which the meeting began

Even Nyx expressed her opinion without hesitation, after all, she had come with the intention of hearing what was happening with the Fallen Angels

Even so, she remained somewhat silent, it was because she was staring at Yukio as if trying to find something

Michael nodded and glanced at Yukio who was sitting quietly

Michael: "Well, please I ask the leader of the Fallen Angels to explain what was happening recently within his Faction"

Azazel stood up and looked at everyone before answering back to his typical calm expression "I'm going to say something to everyone present to make it clear, Kokabiel acted on his own and only to be able to have his ambitions, his actions do not include us to us the others "

With the words of Azazel, this meeting had begun

Odin: "So you are removing all guilt over the Faction of the Fallen Angels and everything falls on Kokabiel?"

Azazel: "Exactly, although it is painful to lose a brother, I can not drag the entire Faction just because of his ambitions"

Michael: "We understand that point and we appreciate that he is willing to mount the charges in Kokabiel without any objection" The others nodded at Michael's words

Here everyone thought that Azazel would defend Kokabiel, but it turned out that Azazel actually blamed him and accepted without problems that he was sentenced

But Nyx, who had been silent, raised her hand with a frown. "I understand that you avoid blaming your allies, but that is not the problem here ... You yourself know that not only was Kokabiel, there were also almost eighty of his allies They betrayed ... Have you thought about that? "

Azazel: "About that ... Does not the King Fairy himself know?"

Nyx: "What do you mean?"

Azazel: "If you excuse me, Kokabiel and his allies were taken prisoner by the Gotei 13 ... I have said that Kokabiel acted on his own, as for the other Fallen Angels that were along with him possibly already been taking the same fate in the hands of the Fairy King ... "

Everyone present looked at Yukio as if he wanted him to give them an answer about this.

Yukio: "As the leader of the Fallen Angels says, I have taken Kokabiel and his friends, prisoner ... I know what you all want to ask me to do, but why should I give him up? I reject it, he is currently imprisoned and is receiving his punishment. .. Any complaints? "

Yukio's dominant tone caused a few influences among all those present

But nobody complained openly ... Everyone looked at Saemys who was sitting quietly next to Yukio

(If that woman can scare all of us ... What kind of monster would Agarus be?) Everyone thought the same

Even so, Nyx would not stop there "Although I can not call it a complaint, at least we need to know if it is being punished correctly ... Do you think you can give us a detailed idea?"

Clearly, that was the concern of all

Kokabiel had to receive the punishment of his actions and hoped that the King Fairy could really give such punishment

Yukio: "Do you think I would let Kokabiel free after I try to attack my wife?" He kept a calm smile on his face

Nyx: "I don't know, but that was not my question ... I want to know if he is being punished correctly" She gritted her teeth as she said each word

Indra: "If you allow me to interrupt, I also want to know if Kokabiel is being punished properly"

Due to the words of Nyx, some also began to express their opinions on this subject

Yukio waved his hand "I do not mind showing you if you're really being punished or not, but it's not the time for it ... Shouldn't you all solve your problems first?"

With those words spoken by Yukio, those who had expressed their opinions turned their eyes towards Azazel

Azazel: "I've been thinking about it for a while ... We've reached a dead end between each Faction, even the smallest factions have found themselves at the same point and the resources are getting harder and harder ... Without speaking of the small canes that appear when our men go to the human world "

The present beings nodded listening to the words of Azazel

It was not a secret that there were small battles created between some factions or groups when they were in the human world

Michael: "Do you have any ideas to solve this"

Azazel: "I do!" He pronounced with confidence before smiling "I would like us to sign a peace treaty ..."

Everything: "Eh?" Those words spoken by Azazel took the crowd by surprise

No one had expected Azazel to utter those words, each pair of eyes resting on Azazel and Michael

Michael: "A peace treaty ... Between the Fallen Angels and Angels?"

Azazel: "Yes, but not only that ... I would like to make a treaty of peace with all the Factions present ... A treaty that includes us all from Gods, demons and fallen angels to Angels, wolves, banshees and all races existing "

Odin raised an eyebrow clearly showing interest in this

It was not just him that even Shiva seemed interested while squinting his eyes

If this treaty of peace were to be present, it was clear that a new evolution would soon take place in this world

Removing the small battles between groups ... That was like reaching world peace between them

Nyx, Hades, Sussano, and Indra seemed also somewhat interested

Sun Wukong, Artemis and the others present also hoped that this 'Treaty of Peace' would be carried out and accepted by all

Sirzechs and the other Maou looked at each other and talked among themselves

Michael was also meditating on this matter and throwing some phrases with his sister Gabriel

Clearly, this matter could not be taken lightly without any consideration first

The hall was silent while all the supernatural beings present were thinking about that

Although there were others who were really oblivious to these issues an example would be the wives of Yukio who were just sitting watching everything quietly or chatting occasionally between them

For each of them, this meeting was not important, what they wanted to pay attention to was about Yukio telling about that important matter that he would inform all the Factions

It was also Tiamat who was looking at Yukio closely as if she wanted to be able to tell him something

When about five minutes had passed, Michael raised his eyes to the direction of Azazel

Michael: "Even if I find it hard to believe ... If this peace treaty is formed, it will facilitate many things between each Faction ... Los Angeles is inside," he declared aloud while affirming that the Angels wanted to join

Azazel smiled slightly and nodded.

Sirzechs chatted with his teammates before nodding "We are also inside, we hope that the leader Azazel can be considered with this"

Azazel: "You do not have to worry, I'm being very honest with my words"

The present crowd became anxious while they too were very excited because now they could witness a peace treaty for many decades

Something that would cause less damage between the Factions ... It was not only the big Factions that had fights

There were times where small Factions lost their men ... Also, families who suffered the loss of their family member for those silly battles

Odin raised his hand when everyone was distracted "I Odin want to join this peace treaty"

An exclamation rose instantly among all when a 'God' agreed to join this peace treaty

Sun Wukong: "I would like to join if there is no problem"

Artemis: "I want to join you too"

Indra: "Although it sounds great, I do not want to be included in this"

Sussano: "The same here, I do not want to join"

Each one expressed their opinions peacefully

Some joined while others rejected the invitations

In the end, those who joined were Odin, Artemis, Sun Wukong and even Shiva agreed to join without any problem

The others denied the invitations, they did not want to mess with these things

Nyx seemed interested in joining, but she then shook her head before taking a seat

When everything was ready and done they turned their eyes towards Yukio who had not said anything yet.

Yukio: "Why are you looking at me?"

Michael: "Ah ... Well, what do you think about this peace treaty? Are you willing to join?"

Yukio: "Mmm, unite?" He frowned as he thought about it

His action made some feel tense as they waited impatiently for the answer

Michael: "If he doesn't want there is not ..." I do not finish speaking when Yukio raised his hand

Yukio: "Actually I have no objection to participating in your peace treaty ... But in reality, all of you will soon have to ally." He shrugged as he answered

These actions and words caused an impact on the crowd who felt confused

Azazel: "What do you mean?"

Michael: "Is there something we should know?" Both were brilliant minds and noticed that Yukio had expressed that something bad was happening behind the scenes.

They were not the only ones present also could notice that Agarus was about to tell something important to all ...

Yukio: "Should not you finish with your meeting first?"

Michael: "Oh ..." He looked towards Azazel

Azazel: "Does anyone have any more questions about the Faction of the Fallen Angels?"

Nyx was the first to raise her hand "Can we be sure that the Fallen Angels will fulfill their words?"

Azazel: "Although I can not give all of the security, I'm going to try hard enough to keep my allies under control during this time ... Is that enough for you?"

Nyx: "Then I have no objections" She nodded and remained calm

Azazel crossed his gaze among all but nobody seemed to want to ask anything more

Noticing that Michael decided to speak now "Because no one has more questions, should we end this meeting?"

Sirzechs: "I agree"

Sun Wukong: "It's acceptable"

Serafall: "I do not see any problem"

The others also expressed their opinions and sat quietly while now looking at Yukio

Yukio looked at them and nodded. "If so, then it's my turn, right?"

Michael: "Go ahead please"

Yukio smiled and nodded to Yasaka.

Yasaka smiled in response and got up while taking gentle steps towards the center of the great hall

She had come today with a white tunic with red embroidery that made her look totally beautiful when her golden hair flowed with the wind and her casual movements showed her soft hands under her tunic

The tunic was somewhat tight and caused an increase in the chest area and her lower part felt tight when the tunic was moved by her movements, showing a white cloth combat suit and red shoulder pads stuck on his tight body which caused some Malicious eyes saw it (Reference: https: //i.imgur.com/rdPWUBu.jpg in white with red shoulder pads)

Even so immediately everyone who looked at her 'pervertedly' and swallowed there saliva in a frightened way

It was because everyone could feel an abnormally thirst for blood running all over the great hall impacting the hearts of some weaker

Sirzechs chuckled noticing that intention of blood coming from Yukio "Get yourself with the scales of a dragon and suffer for your own perdition"

His words were said in a low voice while he held his laughter

Everyone turned their eyes from Yasaka's breasts to just look at her with a serious attitude

Yasaka just laughed inside herself noticing how jealous and overprotective Yukio was

She stood right in the middle of the great hall and raised her delicate hands.

Michael: "This? ... What are you trying to do?"

Each person was curious about the actions of Yasaka

Yasaka still with her two hands in the air waved her fingers and a dark box had suddenly appeared before her

"Eh? ... When she brought that box with her?"

"I ... Did she appear right when she waved her fingers?"

"... Did she control space magic?"

Many felt stunned by the sudden movement of Yasaka, although the truth was that Yasaka had a ring <Space>

Things like these objects were after all very common in the fairy world

Yasaka: "Please, I ask everyone to remain silent ..." She declared out loud as she placed the dark box on the floor right next to her feet

Seeing that they were all silent, she nodded "First of all ... What you are about to hear and see is absolutely necessary for you to understand, so just pay attention completely"

She spoke with a calm tone but it was like she was teaching classes to some high school students

Yukio felt that he was quite laughable as he watched his pretty wife patiently explain to everyone

Azazel: "What are you trying to do?" He could not help but murmur as he felt confused

he was not only the others were also too confused

Suddenly they saw that Yukio got up from his chair and with firm steps placed himself right next to Yasaka while the dark box was next to his feet

Yukio: "I'll make it clear to everyone here ... Today will be a day in which the life of all of you will change, those who are not willing to hear about this can go ... I will not waste my time telling something to people without senses ... "

Yukio's previously modest attitude changed in an amazing way for all

His tone was now full of arrogance as he stood in front of everyone and his eyes showed that he was not lying at all

If it were before some would get upset and irritate but nobody expressed that behavior

In the end, it was Nyx who spoke: "We already heard that, but what is that thing under your feet?"

She could feel mysterious energy coming from that dark box curiosity showed on her face

Yukio: "Can you wait a little longer? First, listen to what I have to say"

Nyx was reluctant to wait but nodded as she resumed her seat

Yukio turned his gaze to others before expressing his words "As I said he who wants to leave is free to do it now ... If you want to stay please give me your words"

Due to Yukio's words about changing his life and other things, many were silent

But Sirzechs did not really think much about it. "I, Maou Lucifer, have decided to stay."

When he said his opinion, his colleagues looked at him closely

Suddenly remembering that Rias Gremory was actually Agarus' wife then there could be nothing harmful about what he was about to chat with them

Serafall: "Maou Leviathan ... I've also decided to stay"

Sun Wukong: "I have decided to participate"

Hades: "I choose to accept the invitation"

Odin: "I will participate"

Nyx: "I'm going to participate"

Artemis: "I'm willing to stay"

More and more people began to express their words, in the end, the people who left were only small Factions

Yukio nodded with satisfaction

He was going to help as much as he could but if nobody accepted his help then he could not do anything

His mission was to change the 'Infinite Loop' by changing the story ... If he wanted, he could have killed many important people and changed the destiny

But he decided not to do it because it was something unreasonable, so he opted to help them gain strength and make some ascend ... That would totally change the fate of this dimension

Yukio: "What I am going to say is information that is destined to reach you once in your life ... I hope you can understand this"

Because of their words, everyone was curious and raised their ears to listen

Yukio: "This world ... It's not really the only one"

All: "Eh ..?"

Yukio: "To be more precise this 'World' is not what you have been thinking until now ... It is a dimension created from the creation of the same universe, I know you are doubtful of my words but first listen to everything before expressing your opinions "

He shut them up to the instant Michael was about to speak

Seeing that everyone decided to shut up he spoke again. "We are currently in Dimension Nr. 5746 and have the rank as <7> ..." Yukio started to give each one the information about the level of the dimensions (Reference: Chapter 145)

Yukio: "I know they're confused and upset ... I know they think I'm kidding, but do you really think I have enough time to come and play with you?" He spoke while releasing his aura noting that everyone had silly expressions on their faces

Yukio: "Another thing more ... You who call themselves 'powerful' beings who believe that they have great strength in front of everyone let me tell you that they are simply garbage." He was not going to be considerate of anyone and expressed his sincere opinion

Nyx got angry instantly "Garbage ?! Do you think I'm an idiot? ... You're the garbage, you do not know I'm a God! Primordial God!" She got up while shouting her words

Not only was she, but Hades also shouted her opinion, Odin who had been on Yukio's side also frowned and complained

But Yukio waved his hand impatiently



Metal sounds suddenly sounded from somewhere but before anyone could notice a sudden scream they altered them

Nyx: "Ah!" She gave a cry of surprise when several black chains tied her without even realizing how "Q-that ... My power!"

She became pale as she realized how her power was fading and soon ran out of strength while the chains kept her tied tightly.

It was not alone, Odin, Sussano, Hades, Indra, and each god was involved in dark chains that were repressing them

The only God who was not being repressed by chains was Artemis who had a confused face but soon noticed a smile from Yukio towards her

She felt somewhat confused but blushed and turned her gaze away

Yukio: "Do not you see? ... Now tell me you're not garbage"

Nyx: "T-you ... What's this? ..." She bit her lip, watching Yukio's mocking smile.

Yukio: "It's my power ... One of many" He did not look at them anymore and decided to continue explaining

Yukio: "You who call yourself Gods are really far away from taking that title ... I'm going to tell you that in reality you just have the qualification to abandon this dimension in search of more power ... For example, You are your Nyx "

Nyx: "... I?" She was still biting her lips it was obvious that she was furious

Yukio: "Yes, your Primordial Goddess ... Your power is currently beyond your friends, your qualification to get out of this world is in your hands but you really do not know how to do it"

Nyx: "What do you mean?"

Yukio: "Your power can no longer increase, no matter how much you try and the years you live you cannot be stronger ... At least not in this world, in order to get more power you must get out of this dimension. .. You must go to one with a higher rank or possibly roam by dimensions finding incidental events "

Nyx: "Fortuitous Events?" Nyx's beautiful face turned dark "It's a joke, right?"

Yukio: "Do not you believe me? let me tell you that my power has been obtained this way ... Do not you see it?" He lied shamelessly but nobody could tell the truth

He got his power only by the system not by traveling in dimensions ... Although half his power is earned through training to be sincere

Nyx: "... How do I do such a thing?"

Yukio: "That's easy and I can explain to you on another occasion, for now, let me make something clear to everyone else"

He took a few steps and briefly touched the dark box that began to blink repeatedly until a column of black light shot out and took the shape of a blackboard with bright colored letters in it

Yukio: "Outside the dimensions is a place to live, it is there where you have to seek power or greater opportunities for life, but the law of the strongest has always been in force in that place ... So let me tell you that Nyx who is qualified to go to that place is really worse than an ant compared to the beings that travel between dimensions"

When everyone heard those words they were stupefied and even felt chills running down his back

Sona was very surprised along with Seekvaira, they started to show curiosity towards Yukio

If Nyx were worse than an ant ... What would Yukio be in that place? They were too curious

While everyone was distracted Yukio hit the blackboard of the dark box and soon the letters shone before dimming

Yukio: "Pay attention because I'm only going to say it once now"

Everyone quickly looked back at Yukio waiting for his words

Yukio: "There are different ranks among all the beings that go to that place ... I'm going to list them from least to greatest I hope you can remember them all, after all, each one of you this destiny to sometime in your life to come out of this world"

When they heard Yukio's words they were surprised but also happy because they could discover new things that they had not seen in their long lives.

Yukio: "I'll start now ... the ranks are called Rankers, those that have a lower level are all named Soldiers ... Nyx, you're in that range ..."

Nyx: "What ?!" She was startled and twisted in chains while her face showed disbelief

Yukio decided to completely ignore Nyx. "The next one is the 'Master', it is a rank that is above the 'Soldiers' ... Then, the 'Grand Master', 'Elder' and the 'Great Elder' ... These are the four ranks more common in dimensions, once someone reaches the rank of 'Great Elder', you are allowed to create a clan, but let's leave that explanation for later. "

The present crowd had strange expressions on their pale faces

These four ranks were 'common' outside? ... If Nyx was a Soldier 'junk' ...

In this world where they were living, she was a 'Primordial Goddess' ... A really powerful person!

But outside was much worse than an ant ... The worst thing is that she was below the common ranges in the vast universe

In other words, all of them could be eliminated from a simple sneeze ... The chill went through everyone's back

Although no one could say if Yukio's words were true or not

No one had the urge to doubt while looking at the expressionless face of Yukio to tell them all this

Yukio showed his hand and his five fingers rose "The following ranks are more important ... The first is 'God Rookie', 'God of half a step' and 'True God', this last rank has a great weight in the dimensions ... His only duty is to be responsible for the protection of a specific world, they have the mission to help the beings of your world to ascend "

When they heard those words they looked at Yukio in an amazing way

It was for the information and also because they saw Yukio as one of those 'True God'

Yukio did not bother to clear up the misunderstandings and continued: "The next rank is 'Entity' ... Their job is to provide protection to the universe, they are also in charge of life and the rebirth of beings ... Other titles that I have for them are the 'primordial angels' since they are practically in charge of heaven.

He stopped a little before clearing his throat "And the last rank you should know ... 'The Heavenly state' ... In this range, you would be considered an extremely powerful being among all the dimensions to which you visit, even in the universe you they would be respected ... Although to reach it is really impossible at present there are only about three hundred beings in 'the Celestial state'"

The Gods present let out a gasp as their brains seemed to melt because of this too abrupt information

Not only they, but even the leaders of Factions and Peerages present were also too pale

Even some of Yukio's wives were surprised while looking at her husband

There was concern, love, and pride in the eyes of each

Yukio looked at everyone's reaction and sighed bitterly ... Even if I told everyone about the next two ranks these idiots would not do anything

... 'God Desctructor' and 'God Creator' ... They were ranges that were impossible to reach

Currently, there was only one 'God of Creation' and three 'Destroying Gods'

Remembering Liana's words that the current God of Creation is still looking for the Abysmal Dragon felt that maybe one day he would find it ... (Liana is Satana: Reference chapter 20)

He decided to leave those things aside, just when Michael got up "S ... Dios Doragon, can I ask you something?"

Yukio: "What kind of title is that? ... Just call me Yukio, go ahead and ask your question"

Michael put a bitter smile "Is it possible to revive someone already dead?"

Everyone fell silent to hear those words

Michael was not stupid because there were so many dimensions ... Was not it possible that there was some way to revive someone?

Yukio looked at him before nodding "Yes, there are really three ways to be able to revive someone ... One of them is like the demons do through 'Evil Pieces' but they are different and too difficult to create ... The second way is to use your own life to resuscitate someone is not too recommendable as you see "

Michael nodded with a bitter expression, Gabriel was also looking at him sad because he knew that Michael wanted to revive his father God

Michael: "... And the last one?"

Yukio remained silent for a few seconds before responding "The last option is to offer a deal to Charon or Ereshkigal the current keeper of souls"

The instant that those words sounded in everyone's mind, their eyes turned to Hades

Yukio: "... Are they idiots ?, Obviously, it is another Charon, they do not have to see Hades in that way"

The others looked at each other uncomfortably

Michael: "I see ... Is it possible to make deals with him?"

Yukio: "Actually, yes, but it's really hard to please their tastes ... No one knows what they really want and they always have different tastes ... But once they're happy with a gift they'll revive who you ask"

He was very informed about it because, in reality, he had wanted to use this medium to revive Miley

But when he found out that Miley would lose all her power he decided not to

Miley was a woman who loved battles and if she revived that way without being able to gain power again ... She would not be happy and it would be a waste

Yukio hoped to make her happy and live with her even if she decided not to become his wife he would not care if he saw her again ...

That's why he wanted to use a more useful medium ... Use the pearl of the resurrection that Pegasus wanted earlier

But one final ingredient was missing and it was getting the blood of a Pure Angel

How is a Pure Angel? Maybe you think of Gabriel but it was not like that ...

A pure angel meant ... Lilith (Serafin)

But there was no way to use Lilith's blood because then she would die ... That left Yukio in a difficult situation

But Lilith, in fact, knew of a place where there were many Pure Angels and she promised to take it once she was released, considering that Yukio wanted to revive her as soon as possible for two reasons.

One was that he wanted to be with her much longer ... He felt very bad seeing his two wives locked in that place

And the second one was to guide him to look for some Pure Angel to be able to use his blood

Michael put a deep expression before feeling depressed

For Michael, it did not matter to him to try to become stronger and have the qualifications to leave this world and be able to travel in the approximate dimensions

But even if he did, he would not know if he could find any item he could use to make a deal with Charon or Ereshkigal.

After all ... he did not have to be very smart to know that while he was sitting here in this meeting outside in the dimensions there were millions of beings trying to find even more objects to be able to make some deal with Charon or Ereshkigal.

Yukio looked at his expression and shook his head ... He also wanted to revive someone and knew that he felt

Nyx: "Ya ... Can you let me go?"

Nyx's voice sounded in Yukio's mind he looked directly at her even when Nyx was chained she still had enough energy to send him a telepathic message

Yukio gestured with his hand and the chains disappeared, releasing everyone.

The powers of all began to return to their bodies slowly

Yukio looked at them all again before waving his hand and the dark box disappeared peacefully as he walked to his seat.

Yasaka stood there in the middle of the great hall looking at everyone with a smile.

When everyone else sat back she coughed to get attention

Yasaka: "Well, since the meeting has come to an end I have an announcement ..." She waved her hand and three pills of different colors appeared in her hands

Red, White and Black all could recognize them immediately 'Magic Pills'

Odin: "What are you doing now?"

Sun Wukong: "What is that?"

Tiamat who was quiet at her side whispered quietly "They are pills that help strengthen the factions"

Sun Wukong showed some interest

Yasaka: "I know that many of you already know that they treat these small pills in my hands ..." She stopped while showing the pills "Many have bought these pills in the different branches of our Faction"

When she said 'our' all of a sudden they remembered that this woman was the wife of the leader of Gotei 13

With bitter smiles on their faces, they watched the actions of Yasaka

Those who were very obstinate chasing Yasaka by marriage previously became blind with fear that Yukio would look at them

Yasaka: "I know you are curious about my actions and I will not go for the threads ... Actually, we are planning to sell a new method for you"

Sirzechs: "New method?" He did not know anything about this and he became interested

Nami: "Those Pills are useful for something?" She asked curiously

Sirzechs: "Yes, they can help us gain more strength ... They are somewhat mysterious but they come without any secondary effect, therefore, they are valuable objects"

Nami seemed interested and listened intently but suddenly saw that Yukio in the distance was looking at her with a frown

She got a little scared because she knew that Yukio was Grayfia's current husband who was supposed to be Sirzechs's Ex-wife.

(Did I do something wrong?) Nami could not help but ask herself looking at Yukio who was still watching her

Just when she wanted to say something Yukio stopped looking at her she let out a sigh

But it was late to celebrate because a voice sounded in his head

"Why are you still Human? ... Do not you want to live with Sirzechs even longer?" It was the voice of a young man

Nami was surprised but she calmed down because she had had this kind of telepathic conversation before with Sirzechs

Nami: [... Who are you?]

Yukio: [You sound like Elder answering the phone to a continuous swindler ... I'm the one who has been watching you, do not think it wrong I'm not interested in causing you any harm I just want to know why you're still human]

Nami remained silent and looked at Yukio in the distance who had his eyes closed

She looked at her husband and considered whether he should tell him what was happening to Sirzechs but then he shook his head

(Rias-san is my sister-in-law ... Yukio is also my brother-in-law, do I really have to be afraid?) Nami thought while she was too confused to make a decision

She as a human felt too strange with all the events that were happening her 'private' life

It was because Grayfia who was the ex-wife of Sirzechs was now married to the man named Agarus

That was normal relationships usually end and start new ... The problem was that Rias Gremory who was her current sister-in-law was actually Agarus' wife!

That was confusing for Nami!

Calling 'Brother-in-law' to the man who was married to his current husband's ex-wife was something ... Rare?

Not only that, but Yukio had many more wives around him, this for Nami who still had a human mentality was very difficult to accept

After thinking for a moment, she decided to answer [... It's not something you have to worry about] She gritted her teeth and said those phrases.

Yukio was silent for a moment before answering [If what you have is fear of losing your humanity ... I can solve it just look for me and I'll give you a hand]

Nami: [You...] She was surprised and wanted to say something but the signal was cut

She looked into the distance at Yukio who was chatting with Saemys in an astonishing way

Sirzechs: "What's wrong?"

Nami: "Ah ... Nothing ..." She turned her gaze away


Yukio did not really have anything against Nami, currently, she was the wife of Sirzechs

Yukio as an ex-human knew that Nami was perhaps hesitating to lose her humanity and he wanted to help her

Not because Yukio was good, it was just that he wanted Sirzechs to be happy too


Suddenly a sound echoed in the room and everyone kept looking at Yasaka who had taken an old chest from nothing

Yasaka reached down and patted the chest twice before opening it, she reached inside before removing a pendant between her fingers and looked at everyone present with a smile

Yasaka: "Well, this is called 'Snow Pendant' here, it is clearly made for women ... You can only place one in each person and it is meant to be to absorb the manna of the environment. "

Yasaka's tone was soft and fluent as if she were promoting regulated products in a street stall under the moonlight.

Everyone was too interested and the ladies present were very happy with the 'Snow Pendant' had a beautiful appearance

It was a silver chain with a snowflake-shaped jewel hanging on it in bright silver

It was simple but had a unique appeal for women present

Yasaka showed a smile like a sly fox that managed to hook the local customers

That smile attracted the eyes of some men present but the intense thirst for blood rose again causing them to look away

Yasaka looked stunned at Yukio and felt like scolding him for making his clients go away, but she decided to leave him for later.

Yasaka: "Apart from this design, it also has another ability in it ... its name is Frost Land, it is a skill used to freeze the battlefield ..."

Sun Wukong: "Skill?"

Hades: "What is that?"

Nyx: "... Am I in a night market?"

Artemis: "Aiyo ... I thought the same thing"

They felt very confused about what was related to 'Skill', even others thought they were in some kind of market

Yasaka rolled her eyes and placed the pendant on her beautiful neck "Well, so you can understand it better ... Everyone here knows that I am dominated by the fire element, that is, I can not use anything other than it fire"

The others nodded and Yasaka raised her hand. "Then let me show you what this is ... [Frost Land]"

With the key pronunciations for the 'Skill', an intense cold vestige crossed the great hall

Collapses of cold air rushed from Yasaka's palms as if a freezer had been placed

The floor was wrapped in a thin ice sheet while the tables and chairs also began to freeze, even some people had frost on their shoes that made it difficult to walk

Yasaka, observing the results, decided to stop the manifestation of present ice

Yasaka: "Liberation," she said softly and the ice slowly disappeared as it was absorbed by Yasaka's hand.

Everyone now looked at Yasaka with their mouths open in amazement

Nyx: "I want two!" She had her beautiful eyes shining with emotion, she had even forgotten Yukio's offenses of calling her 'Garbage' right at this moment

Artemis was a modest and educated girl but she was also very interested "I ... I want one please"

More and more girls started ordering one for themselves, they even wanted to bring some gifts to their friends

Yukio looked at his lovely wife selling the pendants with a happy smile on her face

He even asked himself if maybe it was Yasaka who occasionally attended clients at his faction branches when she was unemployed.

Yasaka finished selling to the ladies and then bent down to take another article before showing it to everyone. "Well, this is another ... This one is a pendant made for men. Its name is 'The Nirvana Pendant' has the same quality as the previous pendant about gathering the mana in the air ... And his ability is 'Circle of Fire' is ... "Before she finished several men present raised their hands

Sun Wukong: "Oi, I want two"

Odin: "This looks interesting"

Ajuka: "Can I use the skill here?"

Sirzechs: "Woo, hey! Ajuka, let me stand by your side, wait, do not use it! Shit hurts!"

Suddenly the men started using the skills and caused problems like little children

What was supposed to be an important meeting and where it had been discovered that in reality this world was not everything became something different

Would not the Entities feel indignant if they observed this world right now?

Yasaka took a look at the chest on the floor before picking up two colorful books

One was green and the other was red

Yasaka: "Maybe you have already noticed, but when you use these Pendants you can gather mana in their bodies more quickly than increases their training and strengthens their progress ..."

Those who used their pendants showed happy smiles because they were feeling like they were taking 'Magic Pills' continuously

Although the effect was weaker than the 'Magic Pills' they could certainly be strengthened if they trained diligently

Yasaka: "Then let me show you the last article ... Please pay attention to these two books"

Everyone put their eyes on the books with curiosity wanting to find out what those books were used for

Yasaka: "This green book is called 'Union of ties' is used mostly between couples ... Preferably between man and woman, it is useful to help in battle ... When your partner runs out of mana you can transfer him or her mana, not only that You can even transfer "Temporarily" some techniques or skills that you have "

With those words, exclamations sounded all over the place

This green book was too useful ... Imagine infiltrating a super weak ally to the enemy base and then transferring all your mana plus a destructive ability to destroy the place

It was like sending homemade bombs!

Yasaka knew what they were thinking and smiled too, she then pointed to the red book

Yasaka: "This red book is called 'Elemental Force' is destined to be able to triple the power of each person ... This for a human wizard would be an invaluable treasure because their elemental powers would be more powerful, do not get discouraged. .. They should try even I was excepted but I really worked my sense with the fire element triplicated "She said happily while right in front of her was created a huge ball of fire that began to surround her like a dragon dancing

Sun Wukong: "... That woman" He felt very strange watching her sell products so professionally

Sirzechs: "Was Yasaka-san always like that?" He chuckled

Serafall: "Moo ... Ya-chan looks cute" She complained while diverting her attention towards Yukio

Those present began to buy the books because they were too curious about these objects

They had never found books with 'Skills', but actually Yukio had bought these two things in the system ... That's why they had never seen them in their lives.

Yasaka managed to sell everything with a satisfying smile on her face she waved her hand and the chest disappeared

She turned around looking at everyone, there were some who were not lucky enough to buy anything and they felt frustrated

Yasaka: "Do not worry, come visit us in each of our branches from tomorrow and you can buy each item without problems"

When they heard those words they felt calmer and breathed a sigh of relief knowing that they could get the items without problems

Nyx who was smiling from ear to ear with the 'Snow Pendant' around her neck suddenly saw Yukio's mocking smile and blushed before turning his gaze away

Yukio liked to upset people so he would never miss an opportunity like that, he could not help chuckling as he watched Nyx's reaction

Saemys who was next to Yukio started to twist her ear because she thought Yukio was trying to flirt with Nyx

When Yasaka resumed her seat this time Yukio got up and looked at everyone. "I'm not going to say much to you, but I really hope that everyone can become stronger ... I do not want to ruin the moment, but if they do not, bad things could happen. in the future"

Sun Wukong: "Bad things?" He frowned

Odin: "..." He started to realize that Yukio was implying something when he said the words 'Future'

Each person could realize this and they nodded fervently

Although the ego of the Gods had broken into pieces they could not do anything, some were discouraged while others simply did not care

An example was Hades who thought he was the absolute god of death but actually ended up being just a child

And Shiva who was the most powerful only smiled bitterly

Yukio: "Well, I'm finishing this meeting, those who wish to stay tonight can do it ... I plan to have a little party to get to know each other, there are also enough rooms for everyone"

When listening to Yukio some frowned and looked at the great hall ... How were there rooms for so many people?

Yukio saw his expressions and waved his hand

Was suddenly a silver door appeared and opened showing endless doors "I'm someone who controls the space ... Do not you remember?"

The smile on Yukio's face gave everyone a strange feeling and they also smiled remembering that Yukio controlled the space

But in their minds, they thought something else

(To hell with controlling space ... No one in this world is capable of controlling space to transform it into a home, much less teleport at will!) Everyone complained in their unhappy minds

Then they thought a little about Yukio's invitation to spend the night here

Nobody was being cautious or anything like that after all if Yukio wanted them dead they would just be in their own pools of blood

Everyone looks at the 'superweapons' of Yukio ... Ophis, Great Red, Saemys and their countless fairy guards

All had bitter smiles but decided to stay for them a party created by Yukio maybe it would be fun

Everyone began to leave the great room guided by some maidens who took them to different rooms

No matter how big the mansion was, it could never have so many rooms but with Saemys guiding the maidens and placing several formations of space they could all find rooms without problems

What madness was to keep several factions all in one place

But who the hell would dare make disasters in front of Yukio now?

Within everyone's mind, Yukio was a total 'True God'

Now Yukio and his wives were left alone in the great hall

Each of them stretched lazily

Yukio sighed and shot a look at Ophis and Great Red

Yukio: "Hey ... You two ... what the hell with that Concubine and Lover of the Dragon Clan ?, you Great Red what did you do?"

Great Red: "Ekk !, And why do you only scold me? Also because everything has to be me ... That was Ophis' idea!" She excused herself immediately

Yukio did not buy him the lie "Do you see me as an idiot?"

Great Red: "... A little"

Yukio: "Your little oversized lizard ..." He even exasperated

Great Red: "So you're not an overgrown gecko?" She tilted her head innocently

This caused the laughter of the other girls present, Yukio felt that this woman was totally difficult to control

Suddenly someone touched his thigh and noticed that it was Ophis "Yes?"

Ophis: "... Actually ... It was my idea"

Yukio: "What a thing?"

Ophis: "That ... Concubine ..." She blushed a little but kept looking straight into Yukio's eyes

The other wives realized the situation and smiled mischievously before leaving, Saemys who had returned dragged Great Red with her to go out again while the other wives followed her.

Great Red: "No ... Leave me here" She insisted but Saemys shook his head

Saemys: "You will cause problems if I leave you here, just come with me"

Great Red made an expression of sadness and sigh she knew that she did not have the strength to resist Saemys

Yukio looked at Ophis with some surprise on his face before laughing in a foolish way

Ophis felt very flushed and more when Yukio laughed "Q-What?"

Yukio: "Nothing, just that you're pretty ... But why exactly did you do that?"

Ophis under his head before answering "... You ... You never told me it was me for you ... Then the girls in the village thought that I was your Concubine and I thought it was like that" She spoke softly while her ears pointy ones were turning red

Yukio looked at her and sighed because he had not gone for a while to visit Ophis who did not know how she was, but he did not expect people to call her his Concubine

Yukio bent down and tenderly rubbed Ophis' head. "What are you for me? ... Do you remember that we made an appointment together?"

Ophis: "In ..."

Yukio: "Do you remember that I promised to hit Great Red?"

Ophis: "In ..."

Yukio: "All that ... I did it to be friends, but ... I guess I ended up wanting something more" He rescinded his finger on his cheek while smiling

Ophis was first in this type of things related to 'love' she felt very nervous

Ophis: "T-That ..."

Yukio continued to caress Ophis' head fondly. "But what I want can not influence you ... For things to work out, you have to be completely sure you want this."

He knew that Ophis was not an expert on these issues and he wanted to give him the opportunity to choose things well

After all, this decision will change the life of Ophis in an absolute way

He liked Ophis but he wanted a shared love

if Ophis did not know it was love then he would teach him little by little

Yukio turned around and started walking

Ophis stayed there thinking about those words and many things came randomly in her mind

That day when she felt that something in the world was different ... That there was someone who did not belong to this world walking freely she wanted to force him to help find something new

But that man decided to help her without asking anything, also gave her a nice new suit that she always carries with her ...

A new home where she could call home, there were many children who came to talk with her continuously and the mothers of the children helped her to learn many things

Even Ophis learned a little about love by listening to the stories of those women in love

Nobody feared her, but rather she was very dear to all and respected

The most important thing for her ... It was Yukio who had given her all these new feelings

A new home, new friends ... Everything was given by Yukio

That man who was able to fight Great Red just by a suggestion from her

The man who threatened the entire Khaos Brigade just because she wanted to withdraw from there

That man that made her feel very strange but happy and excited every time they touch their hands

The man with whom he shared a night under the moon while they held hands and chatted happily

Yukio made her feel so many ways and her heart started beating as she watched Yukio's back

She took a step slowly and soon became a race against time

Yukio heard soft footsteps behind his back that soon became hasty he turned around just to receive an impact against his chest

It was fortunate that his physique was extraordinary or had fallen to the ground without any doubt

Yukio: "Ophis, what are you doing? E-wait" He was confused to see the actions of Ophis

But Ophis ignored everything Yukio said and climbed on top of him like he was a monkey climbing a tree

Before Yukio could even react, he felt something soft and warm on his lips.

Chuic ...

Yukio opened his eyes wide when Ophis' eyes also looked at Yukio

She kissed Yukio but was so clumsy that her teeth collided, Yukio could not understand what was happening but instinctively her hands got tangled right in Ophis' waist as he adjusted her position to be able to kiss him

Ophis was inexperienced and was guided by Yukio the kiss was intense between them

Something clumsy and childish, but also showed her affection and a cute unique appearance of Ophis while her tender cheeks were dyed red.

Yukio separated the kiss when a bit of saliva was sculpted like a bridge, he smiled bitterly and wiped Ophis' mouth with his fingers

Ophis was too embarrassed while her face was all red but her eyes were still fixed on Yukio

She took his hand and her eyes got a little wet, it was not known if it was because of her agitated emotions or because of the previous kiss

Ophis: "... I like you ..." She only said two short and simple sentences

But Yukio smiled as he closed his eyes and hugged Ophis because of the difference in sizes he had to bend over

Yukio: "Be mine ..." He said two sentences near Ophis's pointed ears, she inevitably shook while her face turned super red

She had heard many detailed stories of those women who were going to visit her in the forest with their children

Ophis: "In ...!" With her face all red she nodded as she hugged Yukio in fear of letting go

Yukio thrust his fingers and a white hole appeared behind him without even ceasing to embrace both disappeared mysteriously

The Great Hall had finally been empty

Just then, the door opened with care and a woman with the appearance of a teenager entered slowly, but when she realized that nobody was there she had to sigh bitterly.

At the moment the teenager planned to leave the place a voice came from her back.

Saemys: "Irina Shidou, right?"

Irina: "Ah!" She got scared and took three steps forward before turning around

Her face went pale as she realized who was standing there in front of her

Saemys: "Are you your Irina Shidou?" She repeated the same question

Irina remained silent for a few seconds before answering "... Yes ..."

Saemys nodded and looked her up and down as if she were inspecting her. "Well, tell me what are you doing here?"

Irina: "Here ... I came to accompany Michael to this meeting and ..."

Saemys: "Stop" She stopped her and frowned "Do not play with me, tell me what are you doing hanging around in our mansion at this moment you should be in your room"

Irina stepped back instinctively with something pallid she did not know what to say exactly

She had sneaked out of her room for a reason but did not know how to say it, let alone this woman in front

Saemys looked at Irina's expression and sighed "Please answer me now or I'll have to throw you out"

Irina: "I ..." She did not know how to explain and clung to his hands

Saemys cannot stand it anymore "Well, I think I got an idea of ​​what you wanted to do ... Possibly your plan was to talk to Yukio, is not it?"

Irina: "Ah, that ... I ..."

Saemys: "Is that so? Well, but let me tell you something first"

Irina thought that Saemys was going to threaten her to get away from Yukio and her heart sank

Saemys: "If you really want to talk to him, do it when you really understand your feelings towards Yukio, I do not want to see him hurt by his attitude ... I know what you think, it's weird to share the man you love, but do you see me? to me or the other girls complain about it? "

Irina was speechless because of what she was hearing

Saemys: "None of us has complained about it, the important thing for us is that he loves us and although sometimes we have the desire to monopolize, we also know that we have to share ... If you are not prepared for it, please do not try it. .. Go back to your room if some Guard sees you outside could misinterpret the situation and end up being hurt "She turned around while her frown softened a bit

Irina stood there looking at the back of Saemys

In her eyes, there was a tinge of sadness as she clenched her fists

Support the idea of ​​sharing the man you love ?!

Irina knew that she was the first girl to accept Yukio ... When everyone left Yukio it was she who became her friend she felt was her place, she felt very hurt in her heart

Also, it did not matter if it came first or last what really mattered in a relationship was the love that was shared between them

Even a one-year relationship cannot give more love than a three-month relationship ...

She knew perfectly well that Saemys' words were true

Yukio could not turn back time and possibly if he returned nothing would change

Yukio was in love with several women who also had strong feelings towards him

Nothing Irina did could change that, she cleaned some tears on her face that had fallen inadvertently while she was turning around

Irina: "... Do I have to accept it? ... That does not matter to me ... I just want ... That he also pays attention to me" She spoke to herself while remembering what happened in the previous meeting

Throughout the meeting, Yukio had never taken a single glance at her

(I'm not in his heart anymore? ...) She felt that it probably was that way

She touched the necklace that hung on her neck, this was the gift that Yukio had given her many years ago.

Just when she was thinking about it a hot heat felt just below her neck and made her moan painfully

Irina: "Ah ..." She staggered and leaned against the wall while gritting her teeth

Her breathing became somewhat agitated

This lasted approximately thirty seconds but Irina's delicate face was pale with some sweat

She got up as she staggered and touched below her neck where she felt something hot immediately rushed to a nearby window to see her reflection

There, just below his neck, there was a symbol ...

It was a red symbol resembled magical matrix while a dragon was inside the symbol in a dominant way

She opened her eyes wide because she had seen this same symbol on some of Yukio's wives before.

She touched the symbol with her soft fingers "This is ..."

Saemys: "It's the sign that he still loves you ... And also what it meant that you already accepted him, right?"

Irina stiffened and turned around before looking at Saemys "Could you please not appear like this?" She muttered something tensed

Saemys laughed lightly as he looked at her "Actually I regret the above, but if I'm not hard on you as you could understand things ... I do not want Yukio to hurt himself anymore, that's why I have to behave like that, I won't interfere if you decide to try to join us ... But I must warn you once you are one of us you can not go back "

She was clearly asking him to think it through clearly even though it was a red 'Mark' meant that it only meant being a 'possible partner'

But if it turned black and Irina came to break the 'Marriage' ​​Yukio suffered the double wound ... That was scary and something that Saemys did not want

Irina nodded she had already made a decision ... She wanted to be Yukio's wife

How many times did Irina not dream of this in the past?

She had been waiting for years for the opportunity to see each other again

She insisted infinitely to her parents and also asked for many missions in the Kuoh City simply to be able to have a meeting with Yukio again

But nothing used to go out as she wanted at least not until Kokabiel made a big scandal by stealing Excalibur Fragments, in the end, sent her along with Xenovia to fulfill his mission

But now that she met Yukio she wanted to stay with him from now on

What did one or two women matter more? That only meant that his man was capable!

With those feelings in her chest and touching the symbol that was remarkable for all she smiled sincerely saying goodbye to Saemys

She went cheerfully to her room while the smile on her face indicated her happiness

Saemys smiled as he looked at her and shook his head "One more ... I think I should ask Rose to expand our Palace beforehand at this rate Yukio will do 'The Emperor and the 72 concubines'" She laughed as she passed the turn suddenly realized something

Saemys: "The 'Mark' in Irina appeared without any knowledge of Yukio ... That means that he released his magic ... The chance?" She changed to a naughty smile imagining Ophis and Yukio in their shameful moments

She wanted to expiate them but after consideration, she decided not to do it, it was better to leave them alone

Suddenly he saw his Shuri and Misla who were in the distance signaling him

Saemys: "What's wrong?"

Shuri: "Hehe, how about we have fun with each other today?" She spoke animatedly giving signals to Misla

Saemys made a curious expression "Hey girls ... If you want so much fun just wait for Yukio you should not do it among yourselves"

Shuri: "NO!" She let out a scream while her face was hot

Misla also became very red while her small mouth opened

She could be an experienced woman but they wouldn't say something like that ... It was very shameful

Shuri: "That's not what you think! ... I was talking about letters ... LETTERS!" She emphasized the words as she pointed out the letters she took from a small bag in her hands

Saemys made a nervous expression "I'm sorry"

She apologized while laughing looking at the blushing expressions of these two 'sisters' of hers

Shuri rolled her eyes "Anyway, are you coming or not? We've all met, including Serafin Gabriel joined us"

Saemys: "Serafin Gabriel?" She muttered because she remembered that Yasaka had told her that this woman was a potential 'danger' to Yukio.

She nodded and decided to play with them a little after all she wanted the friendship between her and the others to feed


Nyx was standing outside the Gotei mansion 13

Around her, there were several Guards patrolling the place

Nyx could see all the stars and closed her eyes but instantly turned them on when her face turned completely red!

Nyx: "S-dirty ..." She gritted her teeth with a remarkable blush before running to her room

She had tried to look at what Yukio did and managed to do it but it was only momentarily because she discovered that Yukio seemed to be somewhere out of reach

Well it was normal because Yukio was in his dimension it was surprising that Nyx could still have managed to look at least for a second

But what Nyx saw wanted to take her eyes off because of the embarrassment she was feeling she did not think Yukio would be doing 'that' with Ophis right now

With that, she locked herself in her room while trying to calm her blush

Knock Knock

Suddenly someone knocked on her door she felt confused until she noticed who the presence was

She opened the door slowly to notice an absolute beauty standing outside

Beauty had a face with fine features and pale pink lips

A dark orange hair that was being held in a ponytail by two ornaments resembling golden shackles

Her body was semi-voluptuous her upper part was modest did not have much to emphasize but to look absolutely beautiful possibly her breasts could be compared with Asia just a little bigger

On the other hand, her bottom was quite remarkable, she was with Akeno who was the most gifted of them all.

Her sensual body is very beautiful even without having breasts her butt was perfectly rewarded

She was wrapped in a white Greek costume that represented her rank as an Olympian Goddess

Nyx looked at her doubtfully and noticed that her face was very red as if she had been running...

Nyx: "What do you want Artemis?"

The woman now identified as Artemis whose eyes were dark orange also looked closely at Nyx before replying "... I want your help"

Nyx: "My help ?, do not bother I do not want to get into your problems"

Artemis: "I ... I know you do not want to get into trouble but you owe me one ... Please"

Nyx frowned before sighing "What do you want now?"

Artemis bit his lower lip "It's ... It's Alfeo ... He joined Aura and wants revenge on me"

Nyx frowned a little at the mention of Alpheus and Aura, one was a possible rapist and the other a ruthless murderer who was able to eat her own son

Even so, Nyx did not pay attention "And what do you want me to do exactly? Do you want me to go and destroy them for you? Impossible I do not have time for that" She got impatient

Artemis knew that she could not bother Nyx very much but she had no choice ... Zeus did not come with her and the Gods here were not very friendly

Heer only option was Nyx who owed him a favor previously "I do not want that ... I just want to stay by your side so that both do not have the opportunity to get close to me ... Both are afraid of you and you know it"

Nyx: "Is that all?" She asked dubiously

Artemis: "Yes ... That's all I'm serious about"

Nyx: "Well, then when we leave tomorrow I will make sure to protect you, but only until you reach my destination then you are on your own"

Artemis: "I know, but ... Really, could you start today? let me sleep in your room ... I promise I will not disturb you!"

Nyx felt a vein on her forehead "What the hell, why would I do that?

Artemis: "But ... is that Alfeo and Aura are actually in the mansion ... They came to the meeting today" She said softly

Nyx was surprised "They came? ... I'm not very shameless? How can I not even notice them?"

Artemis: "I do not know, I could only reach them to see when Mrs. Saemys burst with your power ... I think they were using some kind of object to hide"

Nyx also thought the same and nodded while meditating on that, she looked at Artemis

Although Nyx was short-tempered she was not a bad girl seeing the situation Artemis knew that if Alfeo and Aura managed to capture her she would suffer a lot

Giving a sigh she stepped aside "It's okay you can come in ... But do not bother me"

Artemis smiled and entered quickly as if she feared that Nyx would change her mind

Nyx then closed the door just at that moment two figures became visible in the distance

Alfeo: "Tsk! Fuck that woman ran away ... I told you it was not a good idea to attend this way we had to wait for her to go home to be able to capture her!"

Aura: "Shut up! ... Just wait, do not you just hear that Nyx only accompanies her to her destination, then we can get her to stop bothering"

Alfeo looked at her with disdain "Do not forget that it was because of me that you can return to acquire your original form ... Señorita 'Fuente de agua'" He turned and left

Aura gritted her teeth in anger as she looked at the room where Artemis was being cared for by Nyx

Her anger was visibly noticeable she then followed Alpheus

When the two left, a woman with silver hair walked calmly with a large bag in her hands

There were drinks and lots of goodies to some snacks she blinked like she was in shock

Grayfia: "I wonder what Yu-Kun would think if I told him what I just heard here?" She asked herself and then went on her way.

For today she would solve a much bigger problem

The wives were making a big bet

Which one?

The winner at Poker could spend his time alone with Yukio for a whole week!