
A New Life As Ben 10

You know how it goes. Guy meets God and get some wishes, then goes to live his new life. There was no explanation or reason for it, God just wanted some entertainment and who is he to refuse? You dont look a gift horse in the mouth. What are waiting for? Go read it. -------------------------------------------------------- Small harem. Genderbent Kevin. System. (These may not be your thing) The system wont have that whole stupid punishment for failing a mission troupe. There will be consequences, but nothing major. (Check Auxiliary) I'm open to ideas, but I do these for my own enjoyment so I will do things my way for the most part. This is more of a side project to my main fanfic. I upload when I feel like it. Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own Ben 10.

PassiveAtom5140 · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Ch 12 One Man Army

(Accept my bullshit! Muahahahah!!!)

After returning to the Rustbucket from their slight excursion, the group returned to their day of relaxation.

While Ben and the girls sat together, they were silently eating bowls of ice cream. It was during this moment of silence that Gwen was awkwardly playing with her spoon, prodding at at the ice cream.

Ben wasn't some oblivious harem protagonist, unable to understand what was bothering her, so he inquired. "So, Gwen, what would you like as a reward? Now that we won't be interrupted..."

Hearing this, Gwen's face lit up, happy that he had remembered and was willing to make good on his word. Now though, she had to ask for what she wanted and was embarrassed to do so.

Blushing, she began muttering. "I want you to #$##$#..." She was too quiet for Ben to hear, but Keira heard her and blushed as well.

"I didn't hear you, can you speak up?" Smiling at her, Ben was wondering what had her so embarrassed.

"..." Gwen hesitated a moment, but soon answered. "I want you... To take me and Keira on a d-d-dat... on a day out. For some fun..."

'She was definitely going to say date...' Ben had caught on to her less than smooth transition, but he wasn't going to embarrass her more than she already was. Maybe later, when she'd calmed down.

Though, he was rather astounded by how she included Keira in her request. 'What the fuck is going on in my life..."

When he had been receiving his wishes from God, he never wanted more than one lover or anything... He wasn't some hormonal teen when he died and wasn't so egoistic as to want girls to be falling all over him, begging to be one of his lovers or some shit.

Ben was originally only planning to be with Gwen and that was just because of a whim he had in the moment. But, if they wanted this, he wasn't going to argue with it and so... "Sure. If that's what you want and Keira wants to, then I don't mind."

Keira nodded immediately, while both her and Gwen had happy smiles on their faces. Gwen perked up and replied. "Great! We can do it in the next town/city we go to!... Provided that we don't get attacked again..."

"!!!" Ben looked at her with his mouth slightly hanging open, a feeling of what could only be called dread passed through him. 'It's one thing for me to raise a red flag, but why did she have to...'

With nothing he could do about the flag that Gwen just raised, Ben sank into his only comfort... His ice cream.


Later on in the day, after overcoming his woes about the raised flag, Ben figured that he should make some countermeasures just incase.

By using Upgrade, he decided to make something for Keira to help protect her. Gwen has the energy shields he gave her, but that isn't an option for Keira, because she would probably end up absorbing the energy and going cray-cray.

So, instead of an energy based protection, he made a couple of bracelets out of the alien ticks shell. This was so she can absorb the material at any moment. Once she learns how to that is...

There was more to them than just being bracelets though. They also had a gem in each of them from the alien cultists, which were able to shoot energy blasts.

The bracelets were just for everyday use though. Besides those, he made her some body armour for combat and thanks to how light the shell is, it wouldn't bother her while moving around.

Ben considered making himself some armour, but Gabriel informed him that it wasn't necessary. "If you remember, you still have your Nightingale armour. It's defence improves with you and regenerates when damaged, so you don't have to worry."

'Oh yeah... I forgot about that. Well, thanks!' With a happy tone, Ben put the excess material back in his inventory.

Turning human again, Ben took the bracelets and armour to Keira, giving it to her and explaining that the energy blast bracelets were for every day use, while the armour is for fights.

When Keira got the armour, she held it her chest emotionally, before placing it down carefully and then diving into Ben's stomach. "Thank you!"

Smiling, he wrapped his arms around her andstroked her head. "You're welcome. But be careful with those energy blasts."

She grinned at him and nodded. "Got it! I'm going to go try it out now!" She then released him and ran off.

Watching her run off, Ben was having second thoughts about giving her energy weapons.

"Welp, not my problem..." He turned away and whistled innocently as he ignored the series of explosions behind him. "I wonder what I should make for myself...?"

Going inside the Rustbucket, he laid down at the back and began making popping noises with his mouth, soon rolling on to his side. His eyes were were drawn to the Sangheili armour and energy sword.

"Hmm..." As he stared, an idea formed in his mind, making a smile spread across his face.

Jumping up, he turned into Upgrade, taking the sword lying there and another from his inventory, he used them to create something every sci-fi nerd would love to have... LIGHTSABERS!!!

He also used a weapon from one of the cultist, an axe that can send energy slashes when swung, fusing the technology with his Lightsabers so they can do the same.

When he was done, he produced two black Lightsaber hilts with two gold buttons on each of them, and then returned to being human. One button is for igniting the blades and the other is for sending energy slashes. He also designed them, so that they would be able to connect together and form a double-bladed lightsaber.

Igniting the blades before himself, revealing two bright red, unstable looking energy blades. There was red sparks of electricity surging through them, making them look extremely dangerous.

Turning off the blades, Ben ran outside with excitement and leaped at a tree with a spin while reigniting the blades. As a result, he effortlessly cut through the tree and made it fall. While the tree was falling, he jumped on top of it and started slashing away while running along it.

When he reached the end, Ben jumped and flipped in the air, retracting the blades before doing a superhero landing. 'I shall now be known as... Darth Omnious!'

"NEEEEERRRDD!!!" Shouting in his mind, Gabriel started laughing at him. Ben grinned and chuckled, not actually being offended and simply being amused.

Standing up, he flipped one of his lightsabers into a reverse grip and connected the two ends together, turning them into a single double-bladed lightsaber.

Igniting the blades, he kicked up the parts of the tree slabs into the air and began spinning the lightsaber around his body, before jumping into the air with a spin and slicing the slabs into smaller pieces.

Ben laughed excitedly and threw his lightsaber at a distant tree. But then he realised that what he'd done and watched as the blade flew through more than just the one tree. "... Oops..."

After going over and retrieving his lightsaber, he went to the RV and began making dinner.

- The next day -

After a good night's rest, they were back on the road again. Ben took this time to make something for his lightsabers to be attached onto his hip.

He then 'made' the Nightingale armour, just so no one questions where he got it from...

Once he was done, he decided to look at the Book of Archamada and see if there was any useful spells that he could use.


By the end of the day, they were still a short distance away from their destination, but stopped for the night.

- The very next day~ -

After having breakfast, they got back on the road and a few hours later, they were at San Francisco.

Originally, Ben would have fought against Kevin here, but Canon had been thrown out the window.

So, like promised, Ben took Gwen and Keira out on a date. They went to see a movie, then played games in an arcade and for lunch, Ben made a meal for them to the best of his ability.

[Cooking has increase to Lv-4]

During their meal, Ben had something on his mind. Back at the waterpark, when he got the [Love and Lust] skill, a new path to gaining strength had opened up to him... He could get stronger just by having sex with multiple women, but he didn't like cheaters and didn't plan to be one, so he decided to discuss it with his prospective girlfriends.

When Ben had been hugged by the milf, he had noticed that she was glancing over to a particular place a few times, so he could guess that there was someone observing their debauchery. That coupled with the way Gwen and Keira had been acting when he met back up with them, it wasn't difficult to understand who had been watching.

The only reason he hadn't thought about it till now, was because he didn't have much reason to. But now, if he was to have something with either of them, he would like some level of transparency between them.

So, placing his knife and fork down, he fake coughed to get their attention. "Gwen, Keira, there's something I want to talk about with you..."

The two girls looked at each other nervously and then to Ben. "What is it, Ben?"

"I want to talk about something that happened at the waterpark..." When he said this, the two of them immediately blushed and pretty much confirmed what he already suspected, so he carried on speaking. "I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about... You probably also know that I was having sex with those women."

With bright red faces and embarrassed expressions, they both nodded. "Yeah... We know..."

Staring at them seriously, he continued. "I just want to make sure, but neither of you have or will tell anyone about that, will you? I don't want them to get in trouble or anything. Being an Anodite, I have trouble controlling my emotions when they are too strong, so I'm partially responsible for what happened."

They nodded again, as they weren't planning on telling anyone anyways.

Sighing in relief, he relaxed into his seat a bit, but he wasn't done with what he wanted to talk about. "That's good... But, that's not what I want to talk about..." Hearing this, they looked at him curiously. "After having sex with them, I actually found that I had become stronger for each person... So, what I want to talk about is, if we start dating in the future, would it be acceptable for me to have sex with more women for the purpose of getting stronger?"

If he was being honest, Ben didn't think they would agree. What he was asking for was pretty outrageous, being especially difficult for two young girls to understand.

He continued to stare at them, as they looked at him with bewilderment, before frowning and looking at each other. They turned their back to him and began whispering to one another, occasionally taking glances at Ben and eventually turning back to him.

Crossing their arms, they stared into his eyes. "First, tell us why! Why are you always training and trying to make yourself stronger!?"

Nodding understandingly, Ben explained. "Because the universe is a big and dangerous. There are alien's that would happily destroy our planet, as you've seen. Crazy people that want to take over the world or universe. And there are beings capable of killing us by accident. I want to be strong enough to protect myself and those I care about, never having to worry about being at someone else's mercy."

Hearing his reasoning, the girls could understand where he was coming from. The last week alone was enough evidence to validate what he'd said. So, the two of them looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Gwen pointed at him with a stern gaze and a pout. "Fine, you can do that, but we have to know about it! Every time!"

Keira raise her fist threateningly. "Or I'll make sure you regret it!"

Although they said this, there was an odd gleam in their eyes, while they had fairly prominent blushes on their faces.

Ben raised an eyebrow in surprise, both because he wasn't expecting them to agree, and because Keira didn't seem all that threatening with her face all red.

"I'm fine with that. I also won't do it too much or again until I'm a bit older. I promise." Nodding his head, he agreed to their terms.

They both smiled happily and nodded back. "Good! Now, let's finish eating, the foods getting cold."

With that said, the three off them continued eating their food. Though, Ben couldn't help thinking about their terms and the way they were blushing. 'I hope I didn't awaken something weird in them..."


When they were done eating, they sat and played some games until Max came back from who knows where. But, wherever he had been, he seemed awfully cheerful after.

While he was playing with the girls, he decided to split his focus and see if there were any mission for him.


Unavoidable - You might not have raised the flag, but you're gonna have to deal with the consequences. Fight off the approaching enemy.

Rewards - 8AP and 100,000SP

Failure - Well, a lot of people gonna die...

Warning! - High danger level to other people.

Difficulty Options - You can use the Omnitrix, but the longer you fight without it, the better the rewards. Fusion is included.

Reward - Skill

Failure - Don't worry about it

Mini-Boss - You've played games, you know what to expect.

Reward - 5 Points to all stats except LUK

Failure - You can expect to be seeing the Covenant again soon]

With an internal sigh, Ben accepted the missions. He knew that this meant shit was about hit the fan, but as the mission said, this is 'Unavoidable'...

For the time being, he decided to just enjoy the moment of peace, even if he was on edge for the coming battle.


A couple hours later and it was midday. The sun was at its highest, but part of the sky had a dark spot visible to everyone below and growing bigger.

On the ground, people were looking up at the sky and trying to figure out what the dark spot was. But, the bigger the spot became, the more scared people became. A large purple spaceship was approaching and with recent events, the people of San Francisco weren't feeling good about the intentions of the incoming Aliens.

The straw that broke the camels back, was when a plasma beam began bombarding the city.

With that, the city fell into panic and screams filled the streets.

When the plasma beam hit the city, Ben and the other three exited the Rustbucket, looking to the spaceship in the sky.

Seeing the spaceship, Ben recognised it as a Covenant battlecruiser and that the plasma beam was 'glassing' the city.

Taking a deep breath, he turned to the other three. "Quickly, get back in the Rustbucket and get ready." He went in first and was followed by the others.

The first thing Ben did, was equip his Nightingale armour and lightsabers. He was standing with his head uncovered and was about to leave, but turned to Gwen after a moments thought. "Gwen..."

Gwen looked at him with clear nervousness. "Yeah?"

"Can I borrow the amulets I gave you...?" Without hesitation, Gwen gave him the amulets and he put them inside his armour. "Thanks... You should make sure you have something you can fight with."

Ben secretly took the Charm of Luck from his inventory and put that under his armour as well. He then walked out the RV while the others got ready.

Stepping on to the road, he stood there for a moment and looked at the battlecruiser in the sky, before looking inside the RV at his family. Stretching his arm out, Ben grabbed the door and pulled it shut, then dug his fingers into the metal and distorted the metal.

The other three inside, noticed that he had shut the door and Max went to open it, only to find that it was jammed. Max then heard the screeching of metal and realised what Ben was doing.

Max's eyes widened in shock and he began banging on the door while shouting. "Ben! BEN!! OPEN THE DOOR, BEN!! BEN!!!"

The girls joined Max in shouting for Ben, trying to get him to let them help him.

Outside, Ben heard the banging and shouting, but he ignored it, opting for putting his hood and mask up, his red eyes shining through ominously.

Stepping away from the RV, Ben raised his hand towards the RV and streams of red Mana encompassed it as he chanted a few words.

When he finished the chant, a red barrier was covering the Rustbucket and protecting it while turning invisible. Ben had spent more than half his Mana on this spell, which he had learned of yesterday while reading the Book of Archamada.

He then turned away from the RV and started running, putting some distance him and the others. Eventually, he stopped and looked at the battleship, raising his hand towards it as he began using the Charm of Electrokinesis and charging it into his hand, along with fueling it with his Mana to make it more powerful. Then, with a huff, he shot a beam of concentrated electricity aimed at the ships plasma beam cannon.

When the concentrated electricity hit the ship, it caused a big explosion and broke the energy projector, stopping the beam. There was an energy shield around the ship, but it did little to stop the electricity.

Ben lowered his hand and watched the battleship, waiting for their response, which came in the form of about a dozen dropships coming out from the battleship and they were heading straight for his position.

Standing in place, he began using the Charm of Telekinesis to move the vehicles in the street to create some cover and set the field for his benefit. Not only that, he bent street lights, so that he would have things to jump and swing off of, if needed.

By the time he was done, the dropships had arrived and the troops were deployed. Along with the Sangheili or 'Elites' of different ranks, there was; a swarm of Unggoy, aka 'Grunts'. A few dozen Kig-Yar, aka 'Jackals'. And ten Mgalekgolo, or Hunters.

Standing in front of this 'small' army, Ben couldn't say that he wasn't excited. The thrill of battle, the experience he'll receive, the rewards he'll receive from his missions and the sheer fucking FUN that he was about to have.

That's right, he is a huge battle junkie. When it comes to fight or flight, nine times out of ten, he will choose violence. Usually, he finds fighting boring because of his excess of experiences, but with the odds stacked against him like this, he just couldn't help himself.

Throwing his arms wide open, he roared with excitement. "BRING IT ON!!!" When he shouted, Ben noticed that his voice was deeper, but didn't think about it.

As if a starting shot had been fired, the Covenant soldiers roared back and began their attack. The dropships began retreating back to the battleship, likely going to pick up more soldiers, but fired at Ben with laser turrets.

In response, Ben grabbed his lightsabers and ignited them. He began his charge forward and weaved between the laser fire while laughing.

When he was close, the Alien attackers began shooting at him with their energy weapons.

Beneath his mask, Ben had a massive grin as he slid to a stop and took a defensive stance, with his lightsabers in front of himself.

With slight adjustments to the positions of the blades, he began deflecting the shots, sending them back at the Covenant. A lot of the shots missed, but he still killed a fair few.

[Grunt has been killed - 50xp has been gained]

[Grunt has been killed - 50xp has been gained]

[Grunt has been killed - 50xp has...]

[Grunt has been killed...]

Ben heard notification go off in his head repeatedly, but he ignored it and continued deflecting plasma fire.

It didn't take long for the Covenant forces to realise that shooting Ben at a distance, wasn't going to work, so they stopped. They began advancing on Ben's position, with the forces on the outer edges moved to encircle him.

Rather than remain passive and let them surround him, Ben sprinted forward and as he neared a group of Grunts, he leaped at them and slashed down at them with a roar. Slashing two Grunts in half, he landed in the middle of the group and keeping his body low, he thrust his blades out to his sides with a laugh, stabbing into two different Grunts and spun around, cutting through more Grunts.

Seeing that their enemy had jumped within their midst and cut through their allies without a spec of fear, the nearby Grunts on the other hand, started to scream and run away.

Their fear was quickly justified, as Ben let out a manic laugh and proceed to lunge at them while swinging left and right.

As he cut through the Grunts, the other forces moved to eliminate him, while also stopping the slaughter of their allies.

A Jackal jumped in front of Ben as he was about to kill another Grunt. Holding it's energy shield up, the Jackal seemed confident that it was safe. It was wrong...

Not being halted for even a millisecond, the lightsaber cut right though the energy shield and subsequently, the Jackal.

As he killed the Jackal, Ben felt [Danger Sense] go off, warning him of an attack coming from behind him, so he spun around. He held both of his lightsabers so that the blades were directed to his left, with the blades parallel to each other, ready to cut and/or block the attack.

This proved to be the right move, as his attacker was an Elite with an energy sword, which was descending towards him. Ben's top lightsaber blocked the sword, while the bottom one cut through the Elites legs.

Using the Charm of Telekinesis, Ben grabbed the still active energy sword and threw it at another Elite, spearing it through its chest.

Jumping slightly, Ben kicked the falling upper body of the Elite that tried to kill him. This sent the Elite barrelling into its allies, while Ben used it as a platform to jump off of.

Doing a backflip, Ben was above a group of Grunts and Elites while upside-down. With his arm stretched out towards them, he removed his fingers from his lightsaber and shot out bolts of electricity.

The electricity shot at the group below him and a symphony of pained screams rang out. When the screaming stopped, only then did Ben stop electrocuting them.

Ben landed just outside the swarm of enemies and quickly connected his lightsabers together, then threw his double-bladed lightsaber at his enemies and carving a path through them.

The moment he threw his lightsaber, Ben pulled a couple Covenant energy rifles to his hands and began firing at the any Grunts in his sights.

While he was shooting them up, he simultaneously controlled his lightsaber and made it come back to him, cutting through a few more Covenant as it came to him.

When his lightsaber had returned, Ben tossed the alien rifles behind him and grabbed on to the hilts, while disconnecting them.

With his own weapons back in his hands, he charged back into battle. To give himself a speed boost, he released a burst of Mana from his feet, exploding forward.

He started carving his way through the enemy, even taking out a pair of Hunters as he went, their armour doing nothing to protect against his blades. The only reason he hadn't dealt with all of them, is because they were keeping their distance.

Every shot fired at him was either blocked or dodged, so Ben was completely unharmed.

It was during this slaughter of the enemy, that the dropships returned, while accompanied by single pilot aircraft, or Banshees, as Ben recognised them to be, seeing them flying above the battleground

With the renewal of enemies and the addition of the Banshees, Ben had started to feel more pressured and he was loving it. Now, he had to be careful of attacks from the sky, so he made sure to keep at least one lightsaber on him at all times.

Whenever he found the most opportune moment, he would throw a lightsaber at the Banshees. The initial throw was usually avoided, but he would simply kill them on the return, so it didn't really help them.

During one of the times where he threw his lightsaber, Ben was clashing with three Elite Majors with swords. The swords couldn't hold up against his blade, as they found out when one of them tried to attack him.

Ben responded with his own attack and cut through the energy sword. The Elite tried to back away and was mostly successful, except for the fact that it's hand was cut off.

This was bad, because Sangheili culture finds it extremely dishonourable to be injured. So, when they are hurt, Elites will generally burst with rage and basically kamikaze the one responsible, which is exactly what happened.

Roaring into the sky, the Elite blindly charged at him, trying to kill him and redeem itself. Instead of redemption, the Elite was met with Ben's blade, as it sliced through its torso.

After cutting through the enraged Elite, Ben reached out for his returning lightsaber. But, as he almost had it in his hand, he felt something stab into his back and through his stomach.

He didn't need to look down to know that he had been run through with an energy sword, but the pain wasn't anything he couldn't handle, so he proceeded to grab his lightsaber in a reverse grip and stab behind him.

Following up on the attack, Ben released all the Mana he had into an explosion, pushing everything away from him and killing some more enemies. The explosion also destroyed the sword, so it was no longer in his body.

Despite having been stabbed and currently bleeding, Ben showed no signs of caring. If anything, he was just mildly annoyed at being injured.

Turning around, he used one of his Recoveries and healed himself, while restoring his Mana and stamina. He looked at the one that stabbed him and saw an Elite with white coloured armour that looked different to the others. This was an Elite Ultra.

The Elite Ultra had a wound to its stomach, but was still alive. So... Ben decided to shoot a bunch of electricity at it and killed it. He did wonder why he didn't feel anything from [Danger Sense], or why the Charm of Luck didn't activate, but he could guess that it was probably because the enemy was invisible.

Focusing back on his battle, he rolled his shoulders and looked at the rest of his enemies, who seemed to be somewhat fearful of him after what they just witnessed.

Ben didn't feel like ending his fun just yet however, so he jumped back into action and continued the slaughter.


Seeing Ben obliterate their forces, whoever was in charge of this expedition had decided to keep sending more units at him, along with vehicles.

When Ben saw that the number of opponents increased, he simply became more vicious from excitement. Even with the Wraiths and Ghosts, he had little issue dealing with them.

Though he didn't want to use the feature, as it would make things less fun, Ben swung his lightsabers at the wraiths and ghosts while pressing the second button on the hilts, sending energy slashes and tearing through them like paper.

While doing this, Ben laughed like a madman and felt the desire to shout 'Getsuga Tensho', but managed to resist.

Over time, the bodies of his Covenant foes littered more than one city block. The majority of his foes were just Grunts, but there was hundreds of them and Ben had to use three more of his Recoveries because of the exhaustion from the long fight. Not to say he wasn't injure again, because he was, but they weren't major injuries. Most of his injuries were healed by the Charm of Restoration.

Even with how Ben had massacred their forces, the battlecruiser was still hovering above the city. Ben had dealt with all the soldier they had sent out at this point and even destroyed a few of the dropships.

Now that he had killed the fodder, Ben was expecting for the boss to come out. He had initially thought that the Elite Ultra was the boss when he killed it, but this was disproven when more came and met his blade.

After awhile, Ben became annoyed, because nobody came. But then, he saw the cruisers thrusters flare up and it began to leave.

Seeing this, he was kind of angry. His damn reward was trying to leave, even after all the effort he put into this. Considering that one of his missions was trying to skedaddle, Ben figured that there wouldn't be a problem if he used the Omnitrix.

With a thought, he transformed into Upgrade and then fused with Way Big, increasing his size drastically. His body collapsed and washed over part of the city, consuming all the Aliens and putting them in his inventory, while their weapons were absorbed into him, before gathering back together into a massive Malware form.

Lifting his arm, which formed into a massive cannon that was glowing, he aimed at the retreating cruiser and roared. "WHO SAID YOU COULD LEAVE!!?"

His shout was then followed by a thundering boom, as a bright red beam, which was the combination of enhanced weaponry and the To'kustar's destructive beam, shot into the sky and hit the rear end of the cruiser, destroying any chance of escape. Or so he thought...

As the front half of the ship began falling from the stratosphere, Ben shifted his body into a small jet like form and started flying towards the falling ship. But, as he did, he saw a dropship escaping.

His circular eye widened in surprise and he was about to chase after it, only to see it jump through hyperspace, or slipspace, or whatever you wanna call it.

Ben wasn't very happy about this, but he also wasn't going to try and give chase, risking the chance of getting lost in space. So, he continued towards the falling cruiser and exploded into gigantic mass of tentacles that wrapped around the broken spaceship. He merged with it and killed everything left inside, putting the bodies in his inventory and then turning back into a small jet to return to the city.

Instead of going to the Rustbucket, Ben went back to the location of the battlefield and cancelled his transformation, before surveying the area to make sure that he wasn't missing any.

After a quick sweep, he didn't find anything and so, was going to return to the Rustbucket.

However, before he realised it, he was swarmed by people. Most of them were civilians, but there was also a bunch of reporters.

In moments, he was getting picked up and thrown into the air, while everyone cheered and praised him.

After a moment, Ben recollected himself and the next time he was airborne, he created a Mana platform beneath him and stood in the air.

"What the hell is going on?" Looking down at them, he felt bewildered at how they were behaving.

Random civilians began shouting to him. "You beat the invaders! You're a Hero!!"

Listening to the npc's-ehh, civilians... Ben covered his face with his hand and groaned.

Following the civilians, reporters began asking questions. "How were you able to fight off the Aliens!?" "What's your name!?" "Will you take off the mask!?" "Are you a Superhero!?" "Are you related to the other Alien sightings!?"

Ben continued to groan and grew annoyed, so he pointed his hand to the sky and used the Charm of Pyrokinesis to shoot a burst of fire into the sky, quieting the surrounding people.

Seeing that they were quiet, he began addressing them. "First of all!!! I am NOT a Hero!!!" He shouted and shocked them all. "My name and face are irrelevant! All I will say, is that I am capable of transforming into multiple Aliens and I'm willing to fight for people in need when I come across them, but I won't go out of my way or be taken advantage of! So, as a forewarning to any that might try to use my image for their own gain... DON'T! Because if you try, I will destroy you financially and publicly! Now, I'm out of here."

He then jumped into the air and transformed into Big Chill in front of them all, before turning invisible and flying away.

As he was leaving, Ben saw a bunch of armour trucks with the initials 'SACT', closing in on the very same place he was escaping.

With a low chuckle, Ben continued to fly through the city towards his likely pissed family. While he did that, he checked his gains.

[You have gained a total of 282,500xp]

[Mission Complete - 8AP, 100,000SP and Skill]

[You have gained the Unique Skill - The Force]

When he saw the Unique Skill, Ben got all giddy and just had to check the description of the skill, hoping that it was what he thought it was.

[The Force - A modified version of the Force from Star Wars. You can do anything and everything from Star Wars, except for receiving visions of the future. You are also immune to the influence of any one side.]

Reading the full description, Ben froze mid flight and began panting excitedly. He didn't even care about the 'visions' stuff, as having the force at his disposal and being uncorruptible, would make him godly. When you can absorb all life-force on a planet and not even have to worry about your sanity, you can control the whole galaxy

Because of his youthful body, he wanted to start jumping around in glee, like a kid on Christmas after getting what they asked for. In fact, he did start jumping around.

'Yesyesyesyesyeyesyesyesyes!!!!' While invisible and jumping around, he barely contained himself from happily squealing like a little girl.

While he was doing this, Gabriel was giggling too herself. 'Hehe, he's so cute when he's excited!'


Once Ben had calmed down, roughly ten minutes later... He hurried his way back to the RV, stopping in an ally when he got close and turned back to human.

Using his [Sneak] skill, he made sure that no one would be able to see him as he went over and removed the magic barrier around the RV, before fusing with Upgrade and using the powers to fix the door.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and went inside, nervously saying. "I'm back!..."

Against his expectations of angry shouting and possible crying, Ben was met by a gloomy silence.

He shit the RV door, then removed his hood and mask with a sigh, before turning to his travelling companions. All he could see, was Max sitting at the table with his head in his hands while his elbows rested on the table.

To the side, the TV was on with the news channel playing, covering and even replaying the scene of Ben massacring his enemies. This included the moments he was injured, emphasising the part where he was stabbed in the back. 'Well, shit...'

Making his way over to the table, he saw Gwen and Keira sitting with their legs tucked up to their chest, burying their heads in them as they sniffled.

"Guys...? What's with the gloominess?" Putting on a cheerful facade, he grinned widely. Max lifted his head and Ben saw that he had red, puffy eyes, clearly having cried.

Max stood up and trudged over to Ben, who was expecting to receive an earful, but was surprised when Max fell to his knees and wrapped Ben in his arms. "Ben... Please, never leave us behind like that again..."

"Uhh..." Not knowing what to do, Ben began awkwardly patting Max's back. "It's okay..."

Max released him, but firmly held on to his shoulders. "Ben! I'm serious! You can't worry me like that! You were stabbed and we could have lost you!"

In response, Ben shook his head and then looked him in the eye. "No deal. I'm not gonna sit and let the girls run into a war zone unprepared. Gwen has barely learned to use her magic and Keira hasn't learn to use her ability. I went in fully prepared, with magic, weapons and armour, plus the Omnitrix, but even then, I was wounded multiple times... If you three went in there, then you could have ended up much worse."

Gwen jumped up and and hit the table while shouting with tears in her eyes. "You didn't stop us from help last time! What's the difference now!?"

Sighing, Ben replied. "The difference is that, last time we fought robots, which are programmed to complete an objective and there was no moral implications. This time, the enemy were living beings, capable of thinking for themselves. If any of you got involved, then they would have aimed to kill you. I'm stronger, faster, smarter and more durable than any of you, yet I was still injured. Not to mention the psychological qualms of killing something."

Keira looked up from her legs and disheartenedly spoke. "So we are just in the way...?"

Hearing this, Ben quickly got out of Max's grasp and went over to her, hugging her from behind. "You're not in the way, but I can't risk letting any of you getting hurt or worse. I care for you all too much to bare that..."

The girls tried to stay strong, but hearing his words, they started to crumble and well up with tears, before breaking down and sobbing.

Ben used telekinesis and pulled Gwen towards him, bringing her into the hug to comfort her.

Eventually, the girls cried themselves to sleep, so Ben put them to bed and wrapped them up, before going for a shower and changing into something more comfortable.

(Probably gonna focus on this for awhile. I have some ideas.)

[Status -

Name - Ben

Lv - 42 (14,700/33,600)

Title - Wielder of the Omnitrix, Anti-Hero

State - Healthy MP - 4910

STR - 137

END - 138

AGI - 137

CHA - 139

INT - 145

LUK - 666

AP - 50 SP - 1,486,950

Primary Skills: CQC Lv-5, Marksmanship Lv-5, Intimidation Lv-4, Danger Sense Lv-3, Sneak Lv-4, Mana Manipulation Lv-2

Secondary Skills: Drawing Lv-3, Math Lv-3, Writing Lv-3, Maneuvering Lv-5, Driving Lv-4, Engineering Lv-5, Cooking Lv-4, Pain Tolerance Lv-8, Bioengineering Lv-5, Programming Lv-5, Torture Lv-1, Acting Lv-2

Unique Skill: Wrath, Love and Lust, Complete Language Comprehension, Eidetic Memory, Analyse, Night Vision, The Force]

(1 Recoveries Stored)