
Chapter 16 - Sports Festival pt. 1

 Today is the day of the U.A. sports festival, well at least for the first-year students. In order to let everyone from students to regular viewers watch all events, the festival is spread out into 3 days with each year of students competing on a different day. Heros, side-kicks, businesses, civilians were all present either here or watching the event from their homes, sprots bars or elsewhere. Even villains watched at home for both the excitement and to scope out the young kids that would someday fight with them. For right now the class of 1-A was in the waiting room trying to get rid of the nerves they all had.

"Is everyone good and ready!? The event is about to begin!"

"Yes Ida we all good and ready."

"Well Yaoyorozu I am just making sure, we don't want to be late due to someone not being ready."

As I listened to the Ida and Momo discus the readiness of everyone Todoroki made a surprising declaration of war to Midoriya. This seemed to confuse Midoriya and piss of Bakugo but ready I don't think there was anything that could not piss that guy off.

"Ready Toru?"

"Ready Adi, may the best hero win."

As Toru and I had out small and quick little pep talk we were signaled to head out to the field. As I looked around, I saw that everyone looked ready and serious. This was gunna be tough but so much fun. I couldn't wait.

As we made our way to the field, I heard Present Mic's voice on the loudspeakers.

"It's U.A.'s Sports Festival!! The one time each year when our fledgling heroes compete in a ruthless grand battle!! First up you know who I am talking about!! The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely willpower!!" The first Years of Hero Course!! It's Class 1-A!!"

Steely Willpower, I mean sorta but he makes it sound so much better than it actually was, I mean I actually died. Not that ide let anyone else know that.

As the rest of the Hero, genral, and business courses made their way to the field and each got their own intro we awaited to be told what kind of events we could do. And to tell us was the controversial rated R hero Midnight.

"Greeting everyone I will be the referee for today's games but first the Athlete's Oath!!"

So many of the guys from ours and other classes as well as the audience seemed to ogle at Midnight and while she did have sex appeal I preferred a different kind of appeal, a more toned-down look that still made the heart race. Like a large shirt and nothing else or a sun dress that fi just right.

"Now for the oath it will be class 1-A's Katsuki Bakugo!!"

Oh damn, he must have gotten first in the entrance exam, that's kind of a bummer, it would have been nice to do a speech. I wonder what he will say.

"Make no mistake about it. I'm gunna take first place!! The rest of you will make good steppingstones."

Wow I should have guessed he'd say something that would make everyone hate him. It also seemed like that make the other classes hate all of 1-A as well. This will defiantly cause people to group up on us depending on the challenge.

Immediately after Bakugo's inspiring speech Midnight started talking again.

"Now without any delay, let's get the first event started. These are the qualifiers! It's in this stage that so many are sent home crying each year!! And the fateful first event this year is..." ---Roulet wheel spinning. --- "...This!! The obstacle course race. It's a race between every member of all classes at once. All eleven classes. The course is a 4 kilometer lap around the stadium. Our school preaches freedom in all things! Heh Heh Heh... So as long as you stay on the course, anything is fair game! Racers to your positions."



 In one of the V.I.P. observation booths sat many of the U.A. teachers: All Might, Principle Nezu, Snipe to name a few. They were all discussing which of the classes and which of the students did they think would do well on the first event. They were all confident in their own students but the genral classes and business classes teachers would just be happy with qualifying into the next round as they knew that the hero students would dominate this event.

Todoroki, Bakugo, Ida, Shishida. These were some of the names that were brought up as possible front runners in this race type event as they had quirks that would do well.

While All Might did acknowledge those students he secretly wished and hoped for one young student to beat them all and announce to the world that I am Here."


 In the office of a bar in a crappy part of town one Tomura Shigaraki was watching the sports festival with rapt attention.

"It's them, those damn kids, that green haired brat and that damn girl with that stupid big smile." He itched like crazy drawing blood from his neck. He still didn't get over his loss at the USJ and vowed to himself that he would kill them all.


 In the stands watching the festival live was a lovely couple, they looked very excited to see their daughter compete. They were lucky to get tickets due to being a students parents or else they would have had to watch from home. 

"Go Adi. We Believe in you!!"

Two parents wishing their daughter luck, a daughter who didn't know her parents were watching live from the stadium, a daughter who was going to give it her all.


 "READY!... SET!...START!!

I Honsestly Never liked the Calverly battle so I am considering changing it to something else or just skipping and doing a quick mention of it.

Which sounds better?

KumaBear27101creators' thoughts