
A New Exordium

Dealt with a hard hand Astro Von-Cy must learn to adapt and improve with what he has, as he finds his own unique path in this world of Fae and Fortune. Where even the smallest of creatures could hide realms, can Astro truly fight for what he wants or will he do what is required...

Chaos_Divino · Fantasie
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35 Chs

The Sands and the Sea

As I was mentioning," Astro calmly began, while he and Yumino strolled toward Verden's abode, "you seem to be harboring a wealth of suppressed emotions concerning recent events. It might be prudent to allow these emotions an outlet, for I have a nagging suspicion that if you continue to bottle them up, they may drive you to actions before their time."

Freshly returned from the Hidden Allure, they had convened to discuss certain plans awaiting implementation. The objective was to obtain Verden's insight concerning the optimal sequence for their actions. Given his affiliation with the Sahara, they believed he might possess valuable insights on subjects extending beyond their realm and jurisdiction. Intriguingly, however, Verden was not at his villa; instead, he was in the company of Amelia.

"When do you think they started spending time together?" Yumino inquired, her curiosity betraying her desire to comprehend the evolving dynamics within their close-knit group.

Astro promptly redirected her focus to the immediate matter. "We have more pressing inquiries to address," he interjected. "Speaking of which, to whom have you disclosed your true identity? What extent of information have you shared, and of what nature?" he inquired.

Yumino hesitated momentarily. "Well, about that, it's connected to the ongoing power struggle in the region. I happened upon a group of young nobles who were coincidentally heading in a particular direction..."

Her narrative abruptly halted when she and Astro chanced upon an unusual tableau. Passing by Amelia's residence, they caught sight of Verden's birds and decided to investigate. The scene that unfolded within caught them utterly unprepared.

Following Verden's proposal to aid Amelia in dealing with her sword and music problem, he had immersed himself entirely in solving the conundrum. Through trial and error, they had discerned certain actions that elicited favorable responses from the sword, while others rendered it hostile—toward Verden, that is. A breakthrough occurred only when they ventured into a wild, unconventional idea.

As a family affiliated with the End, their domain, the Sahara shunned material possessions, adhering to the philosophy that all things inevitably meet their end, and thus, dependence upon them was unwarranted. While this tradition had allowed many in the family to prosper and develop, a specific descendant from a prior generation became enamored with weapons and their arts. After enduring significant opposition, they successfully established a tradition that incorporated weapons and the refinement of a combat style mirroring that of their domain.

When Verden found himself stranded on the peninsula, he had yet to fully embrace this tradition but had been equipped with an extensive repertoire of techniques for potential use. Upon first laying eyes on the {Silence of the Deep}, Verden instinctively recognized it as the weapon that resonated most profoundly with him and his domain. He vowed not to settle for anything else if he failed to persuade it. However, when Amelia casually mentioned it as a mere token, almost forgotten, Verden felt an opportunity to acquire it had presented itself. Through immense effort, he succeeded.

The ensuing dilemma arose from the sword's unwavering attachment to Amelia, returning to her side regardless of the obstacles placed in its way. Ironically, the solution they stumbled upon was not intended for the sword itself; it materialized as a sword dance performed by Verden, accompanied by Amelia's music. After multiple unsuccessful attempts to influence the sword, they shifted their focus to mitigating its influence on Amelia's playing. Astonishingly, their initial endeavor yielded positive results. The sole drawback was that Astro and Yumino bore witness to Verden's unusual dance, resembling a sword dance bereft of a sword, appearing somewhat unnatural.

"Um, I—forget it. Verden, come find us when you're available," Yumino said as she dragged Astro out with her.

Before long, both Amelia and Verden arrived at Astro's Oasis.

"What is it you wish to discuss?" Verden inquired, determined not to revisit the previous situation.

"Astro and I have come to a consensus," Yumino began. "We believe it's prudent to start with smaller actions before progressing to a grander scale. Based on the information Astro provided, it seems that the Eternity isn't the sole one grappling with issues; it's possible the other three aspects are as well."

Amelia interjected, her affiliation with the Eternals way now apparent. "But isn't Eternity the one that's currently fractured? What relevance do the stability concerns of the other domains hold for us?"

Astro clarified, "It's quite significant, Amelia, because if the other domains are unstable, it affords us greater flexibility. We can discern who is targeting us, prepare more effectively, and tailor our approach. After all, we can't approach each domain with a uniform strategy when they possess unique aspects."

Verden, growing impatient, inquired, "So, what is the plan?"

"We don't have a precise plan just yet; it's more akin to having puzzle pieces," Yumino explained. "We have the information Astro provided, as well as the connections I've established with the locals. What we require is an initial objective to initiate our efforts."

"Objective, you say?" Verden mused. "We have so many objectives, yet it feels as though we have so few. Wait, did you say locals?" he asked, a note of alarm in his voice.

Yumino affirmed, "Yes, when I ventured into the city, I discovered that official posts and offices no longer operate under the auspices of the Isles or, for that matter, Eternity. Consequently, I had little choice but to persuade some locals to assist me. They agreed, albeit for a price."

Verden turned to Astro with a worried expression. "And you saw no issue with this?" he queried.

Astro, adopting a pragmatic tone, responded, "It's a done deal now; there's little that can be undone."

Verden continued. "I told you, Yumino, that you need to remain composed, observing without yielding to impulsive reactions at every turn. Such reactions could lead to exhaustion or, worse yet, emotional desolation, akin to those devils."

"Hey! There's no need for such curses," Yumino retorted. "And I will make every effort to temper my responses. Satisfied now?"

Amelia redirected the discussion back to their primary objective. "So, let's return to our objective."

"Well, at present, all we can do is establish a solid foundation where we can gather information about the occurrences in the region and its surroundings, and subsequently act accordingly," Verden concluded. "Our primary challenge lies in our lack of comprehensive information, and that's clearly not ideal."

Have some idea about my story? Review about it and let me know.

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