
A never ending journey

A 15-yo boy and his parents got into an accident.He was rushed into the hospital and put him into an ICU room and when he was about to die a light suddenly appeared in front of him and suddenly a portal suck him and he traveled into a new world full of Gigantic and Powerful creatures

1NF1N1TY · Fantasie
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14 Chs

A new friend

"Huh!!?? What the hell happened?

How did you do that Fenrir?"

Fenrir Suddenly looks so serious and

So fierce.

His eyes are glowing like a burning flames and a Black aura was flowing through his body.

He suddenly disappeared and before i even knew it, A huge explosion happened, A gigantic Black hole appeared and swallow the whole creature alive.

As i watch the creature getting suck in Fenrir was already at my side.

"How. ....ho....how!!!? how in the world where you able to do that?"

The fierce look on Fenrir's face


And suddenly Fenrir Created a Strange ring out of nowhere and he Gave it to me.

"Do you want me to wear it? "

Fenrir nodded and suddenly i heard a strange voice ,asking me what's my name is. and so i replied .

"I'm Raizen.... Raizen Kurayami and who are you? "

"It's me Fenrir"

"Ehhh you can talk? "

Fenrir:"Yup it's because of the ring thay I've made"

I asked Fenrir what kind of a creatures are they and he said they are "Mhytical Giants".

He explained to me that there are Different Gods and Demons Form a different realities that has a power that ha no bound/Limitless Powers are the one who created them to be part of the great war between Gods and Demons and he also said that some of the mythical Giants was even bigger than an entire Multiverse or some of them have an immesurable size.

And he also said that the Dimension that we are in right now has infinite space or it has an endless space and the Dimension that we are in right now is only just a part of an infinite reality and Within this reality there are infinite Dimensions and the Dimension that we are in is just one of it,

He said that in each Realities there are different creatures that are even stronger and weaker than them exist.

In just a one Verse There are infinite Possibilities,timelines, Endless Layer of infinite Space and Infinite Realities and those infinite Realites contains an infinite numbers of Macrocosm that has Endless or Infinite number of Universe and those Uncountable infinite Universes is just part of a uncountable infinite Multiverses

(Note:There are inaccessible absolute Infinity/endless layers of Infinite dimensions and it is just in a one whole Dimension/Macrocosm it has a size that is beyond the concept of infinite Cardinallity and beyond the concept of Dimensionality or beyond the concept of Hierarchy of Infinites or let just say that it's infinitely higher than Aleph-null,Omega or Absolute Infinity or any types of infinity that you can think of and some of the Gods and Demons only see all of the Realities as part of Fiction and some of them is beyond the concept of Abstractions or their entire existence have transcended the abstract Concept and they can also manipulate it and every Elder Gods are infinitely beyond every Concept and above the pataphysics and they can defy anything.

A Macrocosm is Also known as the Omniverse it contains Endless amount of Multi-Universes and in just a one Universe it can contain an infinite Timelines, Realities, Dimensions and more and there are Uncountable Infinite number of Omniverse and the Omniverse isn't the final because there's still more and let just say that the 5th highest level is the BEYOND and it contains an Absolute Uncountable infinite Fictional Stories and any type of Fiction wether it's Fanfiction or anything that are created is just part of it and even just a regular Demon can destroy the BEYOND and the Gods and higher level Demons are too much and We Humans that existing outside fiction are above them but We will never be above the level of a Demi-God/Elder God and a High Rank Demon)

So basing on what Fenrir said the world that I came from is a different reality.

"Do you know if there are people like me in those Different Reality? I mean there are infinite possibilities?"

Fenrir:"Well I Don't know, But if there is ,I'm sure it was also choosen to become a new god"

"What do you mean by a new god?"

Fenrir:"I actually doesn't remember it perfectly but I'm sure that any different beings or entities that was summon into a different Reality will become a new god"

I was even more fascinated to the things that I've have just heard.

I fell relieve because Some of my questions has been answered but ..I wanted to know more, that why a 15 years old teenager like me was chosen to be a God.

By learning this kind of new things, my mind felt like it had a breakthrough and has transcended to a new plane.

Before i doesn't believe that Gods and demons exist but because of the things I've just saw changed my beliefs.

"Hey Fenrir! How long has I've been here? "

Fenrir told me that Time doesn't exist in this reality, there's no night or day, The only thing that was giving us light was the Artificial light that the Mythical Giants created themselves.

After a long day,My body suddenly felt so weak. as if i've drained all of my energy. and because of that i fell asleep

When i woke up i was laying on Fenrir's back but we are now on a different place, where i can't even see any Giants at all. its just a pure blank white space.

'Huh! where are we?"

Fenrir:"It's a safe place so don't worry"

He said that we're on a realm that he created.

Its a Pocket Dimension that is part of the world of Mythical Giants but on another realm.

I realize that Fenrir has the power to manipulate the Space itself.

As i was still on a process to fully understand everything, I remembered that i still doesn't know what is Fenrir's true name.

I asked Fenrir's what's his real name but he said he doesn't have a name.

But i was wondering why he's with me and wht did he save me,And so i asked him why.

"What is exactly the reason why you've save me?"

( Raizen's mind: Even though i can regenerate)

Fenrir: "Ahhhhh!! . I actually doesn't know why, I just you know! save you."

"ohhh...., Ok and thank you so much" i replied...

at that moment..I realize how actually weak I'am compared to Fenrir and especially if I'm going to compare my power to the Gods and Demons.

I still can't believe it that, I was chosen to be a god.

But more importantly, I was thinking on how will i go back home and see if my parents are alive.

I feel like I was about to cry at that time but for some reason i didn't , it was like my emotions were trapped.

So at that moment I've decided to change my fate and to create my own fate.

I was thinking that,As soon as i gain back all of my strength i will start a journey and travel trough every dimensions,Realms and Realities and i won't stop till i return to my own reality,to the place where i really belong

I told Fenrir the things i wanted to do and he look sad for some reason.

He looks so lonely and as if he never have a friend in his life before.

I asked him if he wants to join me and be my friend and he was actually happy and he accepted it with a big smile on his face.

Bur Fenrir said if i really wants to return to the place i really belong, I should climb up to the top and obtain power.

He said that he will help me aslong as i willl also help him.

I ask him what kind of help he needs and he said he wants me to kill him...

"Huh?,What!! What do you mean?

He smiled back at me and he said that he wanted to pay for the sins that he have committed.

As he was smiling back at me, i can see in his eyes on how lonely he was , and i asked him what he actually meant when he said that he wanted to pay all of the sins that he committed but he disagreed.