
Chapter 5

What happened? She doesn't know. Mabel touched her neck and it terrified her. Why? Why did it scare her?

She shrugs at Paul's question, avoiding eye contact.

"Do you not know?"

She shakes her head, her eyes still glued to the floor. Paul sighs.


He stands back up, this time to face Mabel.

"What happened?"

"I don't know I just touched her neck so I could learn more about her missing voice, but she completely panicked Paul. Like a cornered beast, she reacted reflexively and jumped back, ready to attack at any moment. Who is that girl?"

"I don't know..."

Did she make a mistake..? Are they mad at her..?

The girl slowly lifts her eyes, too afraid to raise her head. Paul barely catches the movement along with her guilty face.

"It's okay, no one is mad, don't worry. We're just worried is all, so don't be sad," he says in a comforting voice.

The girl nods, still guilty for her actions.

"Do you know where she might have come from?" Paul asks Mabel, but she just shakes her head.

"Considering how she reacted, I doubt it was anywhere nice."

They look upset. Did he mean it when he said they aren't mad at her?

"Well," Paul says, straightening up and putting a smile on his face. "We shouldn't worry about it now, should we. First, we need to find somewhere for you to stay," he says, pointing at the girl.

Is he talking about her? There isn't anyone besides or behind her that he could be pointing at, so it must be her, right?

Her guilt is immediately replaced by the sudden change of mood Paul shows. Instead, she looks a little confused and surprised. She points to herself, clearly asking 'Who, me?'

"Yes, you. Or did you plan to sleep in the woods?"

She quickly shakes her head, her hair whipping back and forth. Paul laughs.

"I didn't think so. In that case, how about you stay with me and my wife, Matilda?"

Mabel gasps behind him, clearly surprised by Paul's suggestion.

"Are you sure? What if she has another fright and gets aggressive again? Surely it would just be better to take her to the city."

"Yes, I know it would be better to take her to the city, and I will. In fact, I was planning to head there in a week once I finished gathering some wood for the winter, as I had some business to attend to. And if she gets scared again," he pauses, turning to look at the girl, "I can calm her down."

Paul is quick to explain himself, and Mabel seems satisfied with the explanation.

"Now then, what do you say? Would you like to stay with me and my wife for a bit?"

This time he speaks directly to the girl. She looks surprised. Extremely surprised.

Should she?

She slowly lifts her hand up to Paul, and he reaches out in return.

Can she trust him?

He calmly rubs her hand, soothing her.

He won't hurt her?

Tears are welling up in her eyes.

And he won't get mad at her?

They seem like they might spill over at any moment.

If the answer to all of those questions is yes...

She jumps up and hugs him, nodding as the tears slip from her eyes.

If the answer to all those questions is yes, then of course she wants to stay with him! Why wouldn't she when he's been so nice to her?

"Hey, there's no need for tears," he says, quickly wiping her tears from her face. "Chin up, okay? You don't have to worry about anything else."

Again she nods, this time rubbing the tears from her eyes. She looks determined not to cry anymore.

"There you go. Well, Mabel," he says, turning to face Mabel, "Her and I are going to head home. Thank you for your help, and sorry for the trouble we've caused."

"Oh please, nothing like a little scare to put some excitement in your life. Don't worry about it. You too, dearie," she says, pointing at the girl. "Don't feel guilty now. It's all water under the bridge."

The girl nods, a small smile on her face.

"Alright then, let's go," Paul says, reaching his hand out to the girl, and she takes his hand in return. Together, holding hands, the two walk outside and leave the village, walking down a small dirt path.

"Well, I don't know exactly how I will explain this to Matilda, but I don't think she'll be too upset," he says, rubbing his chin with his free hand. "Well, actually..."

His face suddenly sours.

Is he update about something? Should she soothe him?

The girl squeezes his hand, trying to soothe him the same way he soothed her earlier, and he is quickly pulled from his thoughts. He smiles.

"You're right, we shouldn't worry about it. We'll figure it out. Besides, she's pretty understanding. I hope."

He doesn't seem too upset anymore. Maybe she was right to soothe him after all.

She smiles to herself.

"Oh, there it is. The wooden house just up ahead," Paul says, pointing with his free hand. "That's my house. Matilda should be inside. Should we go in and say hello?"

The girl nods, a big smile on her face.

She's excited! She didn't know what she should do in the woods, but now she's going to stay with Paul and his wife after he helped her when she was lost. Maybe everything was going to be alright.

Together, the two walk up to the door, and Paul opens it for the two, letting them both in.

"Matilda, I'm home!" he calls out, but no one answers.


There is silence in the house.

Is Matilda not here? But she was so excited to meet her...

"That's strange. Did she go out looking for firewood too? But I told her not to worry about it..."

Paul stops to think for a moment before sighing.

"Well, it seems Matilda isn't in right now. She's probably out looking for firewood. Do you want to come with me and help to find her?"

The girl nods.

She wants to help!

"Okay then, let's go," he says, and together, the two set off once more.