
Chapter 13

"So, it starts like this," Matilda says.

"There once was a hero who went by the name of Arthur. Though his story ended as a hero, it didn't start that way. Arthur was originally a village boy, one just like any other. He would run and play with the other children, and he would work and sweat with the adults as he grew older.

"One day, the same day he turned eighteen and was himself officially an adult, bad news had struck the Kingdom. War had started. Soldiers were travelling to each and every village, no matter how big, or how small.

"Just a week after his birthday, they arrived at the small village where Arthur lived, recruiting any young fit men that could be of service to the kingdom in their war efforts. Arthur, along with the other young fit men from his village, was selected to serve in the war efforts.

"It was a choice between serving in war, or dying after being accused of treason, so Arthur, along with the rest of the men, accepted.

"Once he had been drafted, Arthur quickly made a name for himself. Immediately after he had been trained, he single-handedly turned the course of a small battle, holding off the enemy so relentlessly that they gave up and retreated, cutting their losses.

"Realizing the immense potential Arthur wielded, he was sent to much more dangerous areas, much more important ones. He fought on the front lines for the kingdom in battles that seemed hopeless to everyone involved. Everyone but himself.

"Time and time again, he proved himself, coming back from each and every battle successfully. He was the perfect soldier. The King almost believed he could turn the tide of the war all on his own. He just needed more power.

"With that, the King promoted him, recognizing his efforts and putting him in charge of his own soldiers, each handpicked by Arthur. With soldiers he picked, Arthur went on to successfully destroy the enemy kingdom, as unlikely as the story sounds.

"It's even said that after he and his soldiers finally prevailed over the enemy kingdom, they sat down at a round table, the one where the enemy King ate, and they all broke bread together, resting for the first time since the war started.

"It's also said this is the last time they ever rested.

"Being as powerful as they were, the King was quick to take advantage of the immense might that was under his rule. He would give Arthur and his soldiers missions that seemed completely impossible, and each time they would come back successful. They looked invincible.

"One day, the King gave them a particular mission, and neither Arthur nor his soldiers approved.

"The mission was to conquer the continent.

"Knowing the King had grown too hungry in his pursuit for power, they all banded together and overthrew the King. Once all was said and done, Arthur was placed on the throne, and he became a fair and just ruler, one who was unstoppable in anything he set out to do.

"They say he was the greatest King to ever live, but that's just a fairytale," Matilda says, closing the book.

"I did leave out a lot of details, but that's the short and simple of it. What do you think? Did you like it?" she asks, looking curiously at Winter.

Winter's mouth was agape, her face covered in shock.

He was so powerful he could do anything!? That's so cool! She wants to be that strong one day!

Winter nods her head enthusiastically, very much happy with the story Matilda told her.

"That's great. Do you think you feel better now?" Matilda asks, this time a bit more gentle with her words.

Winter nods, though also a bit more timidly.

"That's good. Now, listen to me," Matilda says, her face a bit more serious than before. "You can not be doing anything like that. I know you feel invincible, just like Arthur, but what if you had hurt yourself?"

But she didn't...

"What if you got scared?"

But she wasn't...

"What if you had fallen and not gotten back up?"

But she always does...

Winter looks sad and confused, unsure what exactly Matilda was so afraid of. She was perfectly fine. She did not hurt herself, get scared, or die.

Is Matilda mad at her?

Matilda looks at Winter and sighs, clearly aware that she wasn't getting through to Winter.

"I just want you to be safe, okay? If you always act as strong as you are, you might hurt yourself or get taken advantage of, just like Arthur. Can you just stay safe? For me?" Matilda asks, firmly, but not strongly, holding Winters shoulders, making sure Winter looks at her.

Winter nods.

Seeing this, Matilda pulls Winter into a hug, and Winter hugs back.

"You're just a little girl, no need to push yourself like that when you've still got so much room to grow."

Winter nods in Matilda's embrace, hugging her back even tighter.

"There's no need to rush growing up. Enjoy being a kid, and let Paul and I worry about all the grown up stuff."

Wait, how did Matilda know she wanted to grow up?

Winter pulls her head back slightly, a confused expression on her face, and Matilda softly laughs at the sight.

"You really think I wouldn't notice how you were comparing yourself to me, thinking about growing up? I'm an adult, of course I noticed, it's my job to notice. And besides," she starts, looking Winter in the eyes, "You're already pretty just as you are."

Is she really?

Matilda nods as she sees Winter's curious expression.

"Yes, really."

Winter smiles.

Matilda says she's pretty..!

She looks extremely happy with herself at the thought, and again Matilda laughs as she watches.

"You know, as fun as it is trying to guess everything you're conveying, there's probably a better way of communicating," Matilda says.

A better way? Like what?

"I was thinking that perhaps I should teach you to read and write. That way, if you ever have something to say that you can't quite get across with your face alone, you can write down what you're thinking. How does that sound?"

Writing? Reading? How is she supposed to do that?