
SU YI -1

A normal morning in the Su mansion their father going to work and their mother doing the household work.

Although Su family was not a big family it is still considered a well of family in Nanjing.

The Su family has two kids eldest young master of Su family Su Zhe and young miss Su Rui.

But nobody knows that Su Rui has a elder sibling called Su yi nobody from Su family accepted her because she was an illigmate child so they didn't accept her but still her father gave her the Su family surname not around affection but out of pity.

She was raised in country side.Not having proper education or growth environment is what the Su family thought she was living in.


The happy and enthusiastic people in Su mansion become gloomy after Andrew the eldest in the family said to the maids " Prepare a room Su yi is going to return "

Suddenly they heard a loud sound


End of chapter