
A Miser's Rise

Wang Qing was a miser, a miser of the highest grade. When it came to hoarding wealth, no one could compare to him; when it came to spending wealth, he could be compared to none. His love for wealth and his miser attitude lead him to become the wealthiest single man in the world. But then, Heaven got angry and struck him with cancer. Indeed, cancer, not lightning. It was the Heaven's way of giving him another chance to right his wrongs, to spend the wealth he was blessed with. But Wang Qing was a miser through and through, after all. Even though he was struck with cancer, he decided to let it be. After all, he had heard of cancer patients living to old age. Since he had hope, why would he waste money on getting treatment? Just like that, Wang Qing continued to live the life of a miser, hoarding more wealth, further angering the Heaven. Finally, the Heavenly Punishment descended and Wang Qing was struck with real lightning, dying for good. ...... After who knows how much time passed, Wang Qing opened his eyes in the waiting room of the World of Souls, awaiting the judgement from Heaven. --------- Author's Words: So, you are here to read this gem of a novel? That's smart of you! But, be warned, for this isn't any run-of-the-mill novel, it is a novel so epic you will forget yourself and wonder just what you read. Don't believe my word? Then go ahead, read. Once you read it, you will know how legendararily epic The Miser's Rise is. You will understand how legendary and mythical I, WanQuan FeiHua, am! Hmph! The hell are you wasting time here for? Start reading already!

WanQuanFeiHua · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Perverted Demoness

As the Goddess is stunned with the sudden appearance of an unknown man in the Room of Judgement, Wang Qing is busy hatching a sinister plot in his head. He had already restrained his emotions and put on a poker face. As a businessman, it was his specialty. If he claimed to be second when it came to tricking people, then no one will dare claim themselves first.

After a few moments of shock and brain processing, the Goddess finally broke out of her stupor. She had decided to ask the man how he appeared here. It would be the best solution. But before she can even open her mouth, her gaze scans the man before her, making her words get stuck in her throat. A handsome face, innocent eyes, a well-built and sturdy body, soft and smooth skin that could arouse the envy of many women. Wait, no! The most important thing was she could see everything.

'Why was he naked?' This thought appeared in her mind. Her face, on the other hand, turned crimson. From the root of her neck to the tips of her ear, she could only feel her face get hot. At the same time, her eyes were looking at that thick, long thing twitching every other moment. It was pointing at her as if challenging her to a battle. 'Why is that thing so big? Pervert! He must be the big pervert grandma told me about!'

While the Goddess was having these thoughts, Wang Qing was mesmerized by her cute reaction and crimson face. He wondered if blood would drip when he poked her face. But those thoughts only lasted a moment before he threw them out. Now was not the time to imagine trifling matters; now was the time to catch the big fish, or at least, trick it. So Wang Qing immediately put his plan into action. Putting on a confused and then fearful expression, he raised his hand and pointed his finger at the Goddess, and yelled, "Perverted Demoness! What are you looking at?"

His yell immediately woke up the Goddess from her stupor. Listening to his words, she was first dazed and then, angry, "You..." She pointed her finger at him and spoke, "Who are you calling a pervert, Pervert!"

'Damn! Even her voice is heavenly!' Listening to her voice, Wang Qing couldn't help but fall deeper into the abyss of desire, 'I can't not have her! What a loss it will be!'

"Who else do you see in here?" Wang Qing roared at her, "It is you, you Perverted Demoness, who I am talking to!" As Wang Qing was putting his plan in action, he was also thinking, 'Naive, how naive! Khek, in the end, even though she is a Goddess, it seems she doesn't have much experience dealing with people!' With immense glee, Wang Qing laughed in his heart, 'It seems my gamble paid off!'

For an old business-fox like Wang Qing, tricking people was as easy as eating and drinking, being shameless was his second nature. It was through his trickery and shamelessness that he became the richest man on the planet.


"You... I am not a pervert! You are a pervert, Big Pervert!" The Goddess pointed at Wang Qing and tried to redeem herself by putting on a fierce expression and raising her voice. But alas! Her momentum was below Wang Qing's, her actions only made her look cuter, and Wang Qing now wanted to push her down even more.

Listening to her words, Wang Qing put on an even fiercer expression and walked towards the Goddess while spewing nonsense, "You called me a pervert? You. Called. Me. A. Pervert. Right? If I am a pervert than what are you, you Perverted Demoness? Who is the one sneaking glances at me down there? Do you think I don't know what you are plotting?"

"I...You...Shameless!" Being caught in the act, the poor Goddess could only spit out a single word. She had no way to retort his words. 'Curiosity! It was only curiosity! Everyone is curious about new things!' She calmed herself with those words, 'It is he who is a pervert and wants to pull me in the same group as himself!'

"You Demoness! Not only did you kidnap me, you even stripped me naked, and who knows if you..."

By the time his words reached this point, Wang Qing had started to choke on his words. His expression was full of grievance, tears welled up in his eyes, and shame filled his eyes. Raising his hand to cover his face, he spoke in a choking voice, "Who knows if you... *sob* *sob* ...you defiled my purity!" In his head, however, he was laughing so loud his brain might split.

Looking at his actions and expressions, as well as the suppressed sobs that resembled a woman's who had been defiled by a monster hated by Gods and men, for a split second, even the Goddess felt conflicted and thought she had wronged him. But the next moment, she shook her head to discard that stupid thought. She had not done anything, and it was the first time she had seen this man. How could he blame her for something so...so shameful?!

"You are spouting nonsense! I didn't... I didn't do anything to you!" The Goddess couldn't bring herself to say something so shameful as 'defile' and immediately changed her words.

"You... Good! Good! Good!" Wang Qing's expression again turns to that of rage as he rushes towards the Goddess, making her back away again and again until her back hit the wall behind. "You want to eat, but don't want to admit! If you aren't a pervert, then who are you? I am Wang Qing! Say, who am I?"

"Wang Qing..." The Goddess subconsciously replied. At this moment, she couldn't process clearly what the heck was going on. Both of them were so close their noses brushed past each other. Their chests pressed together, and the Goddess could also feel something hot and hard poke at her belly. Her face was even more red, while her body temperature rose continuously.

'So soft!' Feeling the pair of softness pressing on his chest above and the dragon below, Wang Qing had the desire to hug her and melt into her. 'If I can touch with my hands, it will be a Heavenly feeling!' But it wasn't yet time to indulge; it was time to act.

"See! You even know who I am!" Wang Qing spoke. Since he was already so close to her, there was no need to yell, "If I was a pervert, would you know who I am? No, you won't! So I am not a pervert; any reasonable person can tell that! Say, am I a pervert?"

"No..." The Goddess replied blankly. She had still not recovered from her daze.

"Exactly! But you, on the other hand, I don't even know your name. If you aren't a pervert, then who are you? Only perverts will hide their names in fear of getting caught!" Seeing how everything was going so smoothly, Wang Qing laughed in his heart, and decided to strike while the iron was hot, "Since you are not a pervert, what need is there not to say your name? Say, what is your name?"

"Tiān Shénxiān'er," The Goddess replied.

'A worthy name, indeed!' Wang Qing praised in his heart, 'No other name seems to suit her. Let's stop now.'

Wang Qing decided to stop here for today; he had gotten the upper hand and a lot of advantage already. Being too greedy might make him suffer a backlash. He could see the Goddess had tears forming at the corners of her eyes. He was sure if he pushed her harder, then she will start crying. That wouldn't be good. All that was left was to say some more nonsense and step down the tiger he was riding.

As Wang Qing was about to open his mouth, a strong gust of wind came from behind him and pushed him further. Following the gust of wind was an angry shout, "You fucking bastard! How dare you bully my precious little grand..." But before the angry voice finished his sentence, his words came to a halt. The naked bully, in front of him, was kissing the Goddess.

Both Wang Qing and the Goddess had their eyes wide open as they stared at each other. Although Wang Qing's heartbeat rose, he could feel that the Goddess's heart was racing like a leopard on steroids. In his heart, Wang Qing thanked the old voice for the chance and slipped his tongue out of his mouth and into the stupefied Goddess's, entangling with her tongue. The Goddess, on the other hand, subconsciously tried to close her mouth, but it was already too late.

Right now, two people had their minds blown, while one was taking all the advantage he could, and another one, hidden somewhere far away, laughed while rolling on the ground, "Hahaha! Old Luo, serves you right! Serves you right! How great! Hahaha! My old teeth; they are going to fall out with so much laughter!"