
A Miser's Rise

Wang Qing was a miser, a miser of the highest grade. When it came to hoarding wealth, no one could compare to him; when it came to spending wealth, he could be compared to none. His love for wealth and his miser attitude lead him to become the wealthiest single man in the world. But then, Heaven got angry and struck him with cancer. Indeed, cancer, not lightning. It was the Heaven's way of giving him another chance to right his wrongs, to spend the wealth he was blessed with. But Wang Qing was a miser through and through, after all. Even though he was struck with cancer, he decided to let it be. After all, he had heard of cancer patients living to old age. Since he had hope, why would he waste money on getting treatment? Just like that, Wang Qing continued to live the life of a miser, hoarding more wealth, further angering the Heaven. Finally, the Heavenly Punishment descended and Wang Qing was struck with real lightning, dying for good. ...... After who knows how much time passed, Wang Qing opened his eyes in the waiting room of the World of Souls, awaiting the judgement from Heaven. --------- Author's Words: So, you are here to read this gem of a novel? That's smart of you! But, be warned, for this isn't any run-of-the-mill novel, it is a novel so epic you will forget yourself and wonder just what you read. Don't believe my word? Then go ahead, read. Once you read it, you will know how legendararily epic The Miser's Rise is. You will understand how legendary and mythical I, WanQuan FeiHua, am! Hmph! The hell are you wasting time here for? Start reading already!

WanQuanFeiHua · Fantasie
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A Wiki of "A Miser's Rise"

The Auxiliary Volume will have information regarding the Novel as the Novel progresses. The Characters, the World, the Alchemy System, the Cultivation System, the Magical System, and everything else will be explained in the Wiki for the better understanding of the readers.


Note: System above does not refer to a System in the protagonists brain giving him missions, it is the rules, regulations, and know-how of how it works.