
A Manual To Survive In A Zombie Apocalypse

A not desperate survival in a hopeless world. ____________ Jayce is quite paranoid and so its has always been a habit to stock food on the off chance something happens. But who would have thought that the off chance would really fucking happen?!

gods_daddy · sci-fi
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A Profanity Filled Soliloquy

Fuck… God fucking dam-


A loud ear scratching growl interrupted her

soliloquy, still, the shock and flabbergasted expression remained on her face. Looking at her apartment door that is being repeatedly banged against, the sense of surreality in her heart slowly diminished as she descended into another profanity filled soliloquy.

"God mother fuck what in the fucking hell holy shit god damn mother fucker" breathing in, she continued "calm down calm fucking down!!okay?… Okay… Its not fucking okay!!"

Irritated, confused, and amused she gripped her hair as she paced around the living room. Exhausted from staying up all night, she decided to take a nap on her sofa, promising herself to wake up an hour later but who would have thought that not only did she wake up 8 hours later, the fucking apocalypse also came like— wow fucking amazing, now can anyone explain how the fuck are there zombies in her fucking door?!

Pinching herself didn't ease her and so she decided to slap herself hard, like echoing slap hard but unfortunately even tho she's a lucid dreamer, the situation right now is far from a dream.

Swallowing down she decided to move, while this maybe her first apocalyptic experience, she have read a handful of apocalyptic stories to know that she cant just dawdle around.

Finally figuring out what to do despite her muddled head, she heads into the bathroom and opens the faucet to fill her small bathtub of water then she walks around her house to look for anything to hold water with and proceeds to stock on water while thinking about how long she can last with her food reserves.

Just then a loud crash caught her attention. Looking out from the window, she saw a truck crash into a car while the road was littered with abandoned vehicles. A few figures running away can be spotted but the most eye catching thing was of a figure of a man beside the truck surrounded by a horde of walking corpses.

Sighing at the man's fate, she cant help but feel suffocated. While she maybe preparing herself, she still cant brush off the faint sense of bemusement or fear really. Fear that her life was gone now and she was about to face an incomparably ardous life, fear that she may not be anle to see her parents and brother again, fear that she may die as a foil.

She's an Otaku, a fairly crazy one. Because of her fondness of the dystopian and apocalyptic genre, she managed to rub off some of the protagonist's characters such as being a hamster. And so with that new found obsession, she filled her place with food, boxes of ramens, instant noodles, canned food and even a pantry full of daily necessities that's enough to last her for three whole months. It may not be healthy but in the off chance it happened she'll be secured, but who would have thought that off chance would really come. Thankfully though, because of her paranoia, she was also wary of the third war and chose to settle at a relatively remote city so while the number of corpses are still frightening, it was incomparable to the big cities.

Peeking at the window again, she saw that uncle get eaten by those corpses and a nausea came over her, I mean who wouldn't be, she just saw that fucking uncle get eaten. She maybe a lover of gore but this is different ah.

"Get over it Jayce, now's not the time." She forced herself to ignore her nausea and go back to the kitchen and fill water and also check her pantry.

Now that she was now in an apocalypse, an arrangement must be made. Now the food, the food can laste her for a three months to half a year if she eats just a meal a day but to survive she needs energy so she will not wrong herself. Water, the water she collected was not enough, the food will last her long but the water wont, it'll probably be finished by three to four weeks and thats with her using it only for drinking, if she decided to clean herself then it'll be even shorter.

She frowns and wanders around the house looking for her raincoat, motorcycle helmet, a baseball bat she uses for self defense, a couple rolls of tape, a stack of books, and couple of her clothes. She then changed to a pair of leggings, a singlet and thick boots she only uses when she decides to dress up, now it has a proper use rather than just being a fashion statement.

Putting all the things in her living room, re proceeds to cut up the clothes into a rectangular shape that she then wrapped around her left leg, she then tore up a handful of thick glossy pages from the books she chose and wrapped it in her leg and with the tape, she taped then to her leg securely, rolling it around a few times. Doing the same to her right leg, arms, and thighs, she now have a passable armour, well just cover really. It should be enough to withstand a few zombie bites and scratches. She then covered it up with a big sweater and cargo pants.

Taking out her small box of tools, she started nailing her baseball bat to use as a weapon. Finally she put on the raincoat and the helmet and as well as a small knife, she was ready to go outside.

Right now the biggest problem to solve was water, and going outside to search other apartments for containers is the only thing she can think of, also food if she can find some, after all not all household tends to stock food and most people liked to go every time to the markets to shop.

After making sure that she was ready, she then moved her furnitures closer to the wall to make more space in the living room. Her apartment is only a small one bedroom apartment after all and its not really big, she plans to put all water containers in the living room.

However, before going out, she went to her bedroom to check her phone and laptop to see if the internet is still on. If it is and there's still an influx of posts about the event at this hour then she will not go out and search but if they already stopped then she can go out. The reason was because if there are less traffic then it means most people are dead, but if they aren't then she's probably going to get killed by those still living when she breaks into their houses for containers. Also, since its the apocalypse, she have to download entertainments now, if not she would probably comit suicide out of boredom first before she ran out of water.

Seeing that the wifi is still working and the most recent posts are mostly an hour or two ago, she thought that its good to go outside.

You know it would be nice if another chapter of this can be published hei hei

gods_daddycreators' thoughts