
A man with secrets

well built man and an ordinary girl

tejaswini0805 · Urban
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2 Chs

A normal day

Shreyas just woke up from a bad dream. It is 3:30 AM over the clock. He knew he could not sleep now and got up to have water from the bottle beside the bed. He rested his back on the cushioned headboard. His breath came to normal after some time when he realized that the thing he saw in the dream would not happen in real life. He reached out to the mobile on the bedside cabinet.

He unlocked the mobile and started seeing the picture in it with concerned eyes. His alarm is set to 4:30 AM. So, he decided not to sleep again and walked towards the balcony. He held the door but did not open it as he knew it will be too cool since it is winter. He then took his mobile, plugged in the charger and left it on the table.

He walked to the living room with bare feet. The chilling floor made his spine shiver for a second. He didn't feel it earlier since the carpet is spread all over the bedroom.

He quickly grabbed the TV remote and fell on the sofa. He switched on and thinking about what to watch, the new series that he started two days back came to his mind.

He used to be a binge watcher but now he is taking weeks and sometimes months to complete a series because of his busy schedule. By the time the alarm rings, an interesting scene is happening in the episode. But he knew he cannot watch it anymore because everything in the day gets delayed.

He took ten minutes to freshen up and jump into the workout costume. He went into the kitchen, had his pre-workout drink, grabbed an energy bar and a banana from the fridge and went into the fully equipped workout room. He is taking a conscious breath but the dream from the last night got stuck in his mind. With those thoughts, he completed his workout and stepped out of the room with his body full of sweat.

He had a head-over bath and got ready in fifteen minutes. While he was preparing an omelette in the kitchen, the doorbell rang. He switched off the stove and went to open the door. His eyes met her eyes, and in the next moment, she hugged him tightly. He kissed her on the forehead. None of them is ready to leave the other. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Shreyas's phone rang.