
A Man Living in the Countryside Would Fly Up to Heaven at Daytime

"Su Yu was tired of the high life in the city. He quit his job and went back to the countryside. He linked himself to a webcast system focusing on country life. He would livestream his carefree country life every day. Growing flowers, walking his dog, and raising a giant white snake. Life was good. However, as time went by, his audience found him to be an unusual network anchor. Fighting against tigers barehandedly. Pulling up trees hit by lightning. He even livestreamed how he conquered a group of robbers through the fire magic. His audience asked, ""Anchor, be honest with us. Are you cultivating behind our back?"" Su Yu answered, ""Of course not. Cultivation is only an illusion. How could it be real? Have some faith in the science, please!"" The audience went on, ""So, could you explain what happened to your yellow dog and white snake?"" Su Yu looked back. Not until then did he find his yellow dog had suddenly learnt to float in the air. It was right in the air at this moment. As to that white snake, it had started to shed its skin, and dragon horns and limbs were growing out. Su Yu said, ""Okay, believe me. I will find a scientific explanation for this!"" The audience said, ""Forget about that for now. Look at the thunder clouds over your head. Why don't you just admit you are going through a calamity? Don't claim it is a thundershower to lie to us. How come the lightning over your house is golden?"" Su Yu was embarrassed. He did not expect his audience to find his secret out. Since they had found it out, Su Yu would stop pretending. ""That is right. I am a cultivator. I have come clean!"" Then, in the face of the whole world, Su Yu went through the thunder calamity successfully and flew up to heaven at daytime! "

the Fiery Passionate Kid · Urban
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40 Chs

Brother Dog, Brother Dog. Just Let It Go

Redakteur: EndlessFantasy Translation

The viewers of the stream never would have thought that Su Yu would take their joke seriously and name the tigers as suggested.

Su Yu looked at the adult tiger. "Your name is Peggy from now on."

As for the two cubs, the bigger one would be George, and the smaller one would be Suzy. Su Yu liked the suggested names since they were easy to remember and call.

According to the mother, the two cubs had fallen off a cliff and got hurt.

Since Su Yu decided to take them in as a part of his family, he decided to treat them generously. He got a bucket of spirit water from the well and put it in front of the tigers.

"Here you go."

As the adult tiger sniffed the water, it wagged its tail and said, "Growl, so this is the spirit water?"

Su Yu nodded. "That's right. This is what you drank yesterday."

The tiger said, "I'll help myself to it!"

The three tigers then slurped from the bucket.

Gulp, gulp, gulp.

They drank the water like a vacuum machine. In the blink of an eye, the bucket was drained to its last drop. 

All three tigers then lay down comfortably after their drink.

"Growl. This is great! It feels amazing! I've never felt this comfortable ever since my old injury acted up. Thank you, master!"

The adult tiger was honorable. Since Su Yu kept his part of the deal and gave the tiger the water, it kept its promise and called Su Yu its master.

The three tigers were full after drinking the bucket of water.

Su Yu then checked their bodies for any visible injuries. The two cubs were fine except for some bruises from the fall.

Because the spirit water had healing properties, drinking it long-term would heal minor injuries within days.

Even the cub with slightly severe injuries would heal within a week or so.

However, the problem with the adult tiger was a little more complicated. Su Yu asked it about its condition, but the tiger was not sure either. All it knew was that several parts of its body were painful, especially during dreary days when the pain would be excruciating.

Su Yu had a quick check on the tiger's body. He realized the spots that hurt were mostly gunshot wounds from the past.

It seemed like the adult tiger had seen better days. There were around seven to eight gun wounds on its body, and the accumulated injuries over the years were the reason why its body hurt on gloomy days.

"Hmmm, there's a high chance that you are suffering from rheumatism or arthritis," Su Yu declared after a quick check.

The tiger knew nothing about sickness and injuries. The possible conditions that Su Yu mentioned shocked the tiger. "Huh? Arthritis? Can it be healed?"

"I'm not too sure either. I'm not a professional vet, after all. Why don't I go find more information on Baidu?"

"Growl! Thank you in advance!" said the tiger.

Su Yu sat in the yard and started to search for the related information on his phone. He typed, "Is long-term joint pain a sign of arthritis?"

The results he got were rather disappointing.

"Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints...Common signs of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness. Severe signs are valgus, deformation of joints, and possibly movement disability…

"Long-term joint pains might be a sign of bone cancer. It is caused by a malignant tumor in the bone, also known as primary bone cancer…

"Are you still worried about your funeral? Qingyuan Afterlife Service is here to provide you with a one-stop solution. Add us on WeChat to find out more! We are here to serve you!"

Su Yu was speechless. He simply searched "arthritis" on Baidu and found a ton of results, all of which were terrifying. 

The more he searched, the scarier they seemed. Even bone cancer came up in the search results.

Su Yu was sweating as he scrolled through the results. Fortunately, it was not him suffering from joint pains.

He looked at the tiger. He originally thought of buying some joint relief stickers from Taobao for the tiger to relieve its pain, but on second thought, they were not reliable.

"Fine! I guess the only thing I can rely on is the system!"

Su Yu summoned the system and started to search for healing items. Then, a pill caught his eye.

"The Essence Cultivation Pill!"

Each pill was being sold for 10,000 Popularity in the shop. The pill could heal old injuries, be it joint pain or arthritis. A single pill could heal everything.

Of course, there were better options in the shop like the Injury Recovery Pill, Deer Life Grass, Immortal Water, and so on.

However, those healing items required tens of thousands of Popularity. Su Yu could not even buy them for himself, let alone for the tiger.

The Essence Cultivation Pill was more than enough.

Su Yu got a pill from the shop and then put it beside the tiger. It sniffed at the strange pill from Su Yu's hand.

"Growl! Master, what is this?"

"This is an Essence Cultivation Pill. Take it. It should be able to help you."

The tiger remained dubious but took the pill anyway. After swallowing the pill, the tiger felt a warm stream in its stomach as though something enveloped it.

The spots that hurt on rainy days became itchy as though something was growing from there.

"How is it? How do you feel?" Su Yu asked

"Growl! It feels good! I think it's working. I don't feel as much pain. It sure eases my pain by a lot."

"Great! It's wonderful that it works! I still have a lot with me. Take it every day and you'll be fine in no time!"

"Growl! Thank you, master!"

While Su Yu was talking to the adult tiger, the cubs made their way to the grill. They clumsily tried to climb up the grill for some grilled wild boar ribs.

However, the grill was too hot and the cubs did not know how to use any tools. All they could do was stare at the ribs.

Big Yellow stared at them cautiously. It grumbled and put up a cautious stance, trying to threaten the cubs.

After all, Big Yellow held a grudge against the tigers for what the adult tiger had done yesterday. It almost died in the hands of Peggy, the adult tiger, and now it had to live with them under the same roof?

Big Yellow thought, "I deserve some respect here! Woof!"

Su Yu looked at Big Yellow that looked like a fierce predator to the cubs. He bellowed, "Big Yellow, keep it down!"

Big Yellow whimpered and looked at him with a tilted head. It heaved strongly and its muscles tightened.

"What did you say? Why must I listen to you? Are you hearing yourself? Did you forget what happened to me yesterday? Can't I even bark at them to vent my anger? I'm overthrowing your rule today!" Big Yellow barked again to show its grievance.

"Bark one more time and I'll throw you out!"

Big Yellow immediately kept quiet. It somehow became a coward in front of Su Yu.

"Hmph! Animals shall never be enslaved by humans! But considering the good food and a roof above my head here, I have to obey…And the ribs are really good." Big Yellow continued to whimper.

Little White also tried to dissuade Big Yellow, "Brother, come on, just let it slip."

In the end, Big Yellow decided to take Little White's advice and spare the three tigers for now.