
A magician story

In the quaint town of Eldoria, ordinary teenager Sofia's life takes an extraordinary turn when a hidden portal transports her to a magical realm where everyone possesses the gift of magic—everyone except her. Transformed into a beautiful elf, Sofia discovers the Miracle System, a unique magical leveling system that promises her a journey from novice to master,

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16 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: Trials of Mastery

Having completed the Elemental Duels and defended against enchanted golems, Sofia's training ground trials reached their climax. Archmage Varian, a beacon of wisdom, stood before her as the last echoes of her elemental symphony resonated.

"Your journey through the training ground has showcased remarkable skill," Varian commended, his gaze reflecting approval. "However, mastery is a path, not a destination. In Eldorium's Magicians Guild, we gauge the prowess of our members through a ranking system—from E rank to S rank."

Guild Ranking System: A Brief Overview

Archmage Varian explained the intricacies of Eldorium's Magicians Guild ranking system:

E Rank: Novice Magician

D Rank: Apprentice Magician

C Rank: Journeyman Magician

B Rank: Adept Magician

A Rank: Expert Magician

S Rank: Master Magician

Each rank symbolized a milestone in a magician's journey, and progression required not only skill but also contributions to Eldorium's magical community. Sofia, having displayed a mastery of diverse elements, was ready to ascend the ranks.

Quest Sixteen: Guild Ascendance

Varian revealed that Sofia's quest would involve contributing to the guild's magical knowledge and assisting fellow magicians. Achieving the rank of Novice Magician, the first step in her ascension, would involve completing tasks that demonstrated her commitment to Eldorium's magical community.

Novice Magician's Tasks:

Assist in Arcane Research: Sofia would aid Eldorium's scholars in unraveling magical mysteries, contributing to the guild's knowledge.

Participate in Community Projects: Joining fellow magicians in projects that benefited the town, Sofia would forge bonds with the magical community.

As Sofia embarked on her Novice Magician's tasks, the Miracle System resonated with the potential for growth. Eldorium's magical embrace awaited her contributions and marked the beginning of her ascent through the guild ranks.