
[79.8] Zephyr POV: Mischief and Mayhem!

[This part of the chapter is from Zephyr's perspective]

"Okay children." My Mama instructed, "Pose like that and hold it…"

I let out a cry and fell onto my butt, "I don't wanna! I hate yoga!"


I rolled on the ground crying and hitting it in a tantrum, "Don't wanna! Don't wanna! Yoga is boring! Boring!"

 She crossed her arms, "Would you rather get more homework?"

I burst into tears, "NOOOOOOOOOO!"

Astra bounced up and down to get our mother's attention. She purposely made the cutest expression she was capable of, "Mama! Astra likes yoga AND homework!! Isn't Astra a good girl?"

Mama rubbed her head, "Yes, yes. Astra is a very good girl."

My mouth dropped, "Astra isn't a good girl! Astra only pretends!"

Astra made a face at me, "Dummy."

I growled at her, my fox ears turning back in annoyance, "I'm not a dummy! You are!"

She stuck out her tongue at me, "You're a dummy cuz you can't do a simple yoga move."

I raised my fists, "Keep talking and I will beat you up!"

She rolled her eyes, "You're not scary. You run away or start crying to Mama when anyone tries to fight you."


"Do so!"

"You scared?! Hm!? You scared of me!?" I started punching the air in front of her face, "Dummy! Idiot! Shortie!"

She growled and suddenly jumped on me, "I'LL BEAT YOU UP!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed as she slapped and clawed at me. "MAAAAMAAA! HELP! HELP!"

My mother quickly went over to us and pulled Astra off of me, "Can you two ever get along?"

I clung to her sniffling and then stuck my tongue out at Astra.

Astra growled in annoyance, "UGH!"

Mama put me down, "Zephyr. Go play if you're going to bother your sister."

I grinned and took advantage of her permission to run back to the courtyard. Now alone, I snuck through everyone's room, giggling mischievously. I went to Astra's room first and found her diary hidden under her pillow. I laughed as I read it, mocking her writing as I did. After finishing it, I left her room and started tugging at my clothes.


I'm choking!!!

I tossed off my shirt and pulled down my pants. Now free from its constricting cloth, I went to Rose's room and went through her stuff. I grabbed Rose's favorite brush and giggled impishly as an idea popped into my head. I poked my head out of the doorway and made sure the others were still outside. Then, I snuck over to put it in Lovi's web. 

Feeling proud of my work, I went into my big brother's room and grabbed his paints. As I opened it, I froze. I stared at that tantalizing goo, licking my lips.


I jumped and looked behind me to see my Big brother standing in the doorway. I pushed his paints behind my back, "I wasn't gunna eat it."

He walked over to me and picked me up, "Where are your clothes?"

I made a face, "Too constricting! My underwear is fine!"

He let out a sigh, "No it's not. You can't keep walking around naked."

"Not naked! Got my loincloth."

"...That's definitely not enough."

He forced my clothes back on as I squirmed and cried out. The others finished their yoga lesson and returned to the courtyard. After successfully dressing me, my big brother went to go prepare dinner. Astra watched him cook, her mouth-watering.

Lovi and Bale walked in, with Lovi holding her large stomach. She groaned, "Ughhh. My ankles."

Mama went over to her and helped her inside, "Lovi! I told you that you are too pregnant to be making that trip."

She was helped to her seat and grumbled, "I don't want to stay in bed. I'm going crazy."

Bale cried out, "I try to get her to stay in, but she won't listen to me."

"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I have to be locked up." Lovi rubbed her stomach, "So where's my big brother's food? I've been craving it."

He laughed from the kitchen, "Don't worry. I'm making your favorite."

Lovi fist-pumped in victory.

Rose suddenly ran out of her room shouting, "LENE! Did you steal my hairbrush again?!"

I grabbed a few snacks and started putting them in my mouth as I watched the excitement. 

Lene stomped her foot, "Lene didn't steal anything!"

"Oh yeah?! Then you won't mind if I check your webs!?"

Lene wrapped her hair around Rose's wrists to hold her back, "No! My room! No enter!!!"

"So it IS in there!!!"


I snickered as I watched.

My mother let out a tired sigh, "Zephyr… What did you do?"

I looked away from her and mumbled, "...Nothing."

Rose successfully broke into Lene's room and held up the hairbrush, "SEE! You do have it!"

"I didn't have it! You put it there!"


I laughed happily, shoving my face full of the snacks until my mother took them away. "Zephyr. Stop snacking. It's dinner time."

I whined, "But I need snacks for the show…"

"There's no more show." My mother called out, "Lene. Rose. Zephyr set you both up."

My mouth fell, "Betrayer!"

She gave me a shrug and then went to put the snacks away. As I grumbled, Lene bounced over to me and flicked my forehead, "Mean!"

Rose called out, "Atta. Little brother Zephyr wants to train with you."

My face paled, "N-No I don't!"

Like a true demon, Atta appeared in front of me, her eyes shining as her nostrils flared in excitement. I let out a high-pitched scream and started running away from her to escape.

Lene went over to Lovi and pointed, "Did Sissy get fat?"

Lovi forced a smile, "No, Lene. I have a baby in there."

Lene's expression lit up, "A baby!? Sissy is going to have a baby!?!"

Lovi nodded, "I am. That makes you an aunt."

"I'm going to be an aunt!?"

Lovi nodded.

Lene suddenly screamed and ran around the courtyard, her long silver hair dragging behind her. "I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT! AN AUNT!"

Mama smiled apologetically, "Sorry that you have to keep explaining."

"It's okay. I find it rather cute that she gets this excited every time I see her." Lovi rubbed her stomach, "I just wish she'd stop asking me if I was fat."

I broke free from Atta and bounced over to Lovi to hide by her for protection, "Sissy Hephie! Will the baby call me Uncle?"

She flicked my forehead playfully, "Only if you act like an adult. Do you think you can do that?"

I puffed out my chest proudly, "DUH! I'm the great and powerful demon Zephyr! I'm an adult as an adult can be! I'm almost 11!"

"Ohh!" Lovi rubbed her stomach, "I think the baby heard you. It started moving."

My face lit up in excitement, "The baby hears me?!"

"Yup. Want to feel it?"

I giggled happily and put my hands where she directed. My eyes lit up, "I feel it!!!"

She laughed, "Amazing, isn't it?"

I nodded quickly, "I can't wait to get pregnant!"

Her face twitched, "Suuure."

I put my ear to her stomach and listened. I could hear it moving around, but it didn't speak.

Maybe the baby is shy?

I spoke, "Baby! It's Uncle Zephyr! Just so you know, I'm a powerful and great demon. You're lucky to know me!"


"When you break free, I will teach you everything you need to know about becoming a powerful demon."


I looked at her in confusion, "Why won't the baby talk to me?"

She laughed, "The baby can't talk yet, silly."


My mother grabbed fruit from the kitchen and started peeling it. She handed it to Lovi, "You know, I really think you two should stay at the village. You're getting closer to the birth. What if you go into labor and there's no one around to help!?"

Lovi glanced towards the kitchen, "Hm. I'm not worried. I'm sure someone will be watching out for me."

Big brother walked out of the kitchen with his usual smile as he put down the food, "I agree with Master. You should be in the village where there are doctors. Your house is too far away from them."

She brought a large mouthful of food and started chewing, "I'm not going. They are all so annoying."

Bale rubbed her back, "It's because you're too beautiful. They can't leave you alone."

Her cheeks flushed, "...Shut up."

Everyone sat down at the table in their usual seat. I shoved food into my mouth, barely chewing until my mother chastised me, "Zephyr! Chew your food properly. It's not like it's going anywhere."

I blinked my eyes at her innocently while my cheeks were full of food.

Astra tugged on Mama's shirt, "Mama! I can't cut it! Astra needs help!"

"Okay, I will help you."

I felt my chest stinging in jealousy and started pulling on my mother, "No! I need help!"

She groaned, "With what? You don't have anything on your plate."

I glanced at the plate and then back at her. I replied innocently, "I need help cutting my plate."

My big brother put down a chicken leg, "Want this?"

My mouth started to salivate, "CHICKEN!"

I started devouring it, my chin dribbling with grease.

My mother panicked, "B-But-"

He smiled at her, "It's okay, Master. I can handle it."

I didn't notice the nervous looks on my older siblings' faces as he passed out the chicken to everyone. Then he suddenly turned around and returned to the kitchen without another word. 

Everyone looked to my Mother to see what they should do. She shrugged and then they started eating it. Once we were finished, my Mother started cleaning up the plates. We all played well into the night, our Mother allowed us to stay up since Lovi was visiting.

Astra started to wobble and was caught by Rose, "Sleepy one fell asleep."

Lovi stood up with a yawn, "I guess that's my sign to return home."

Koale grabbed Mama's arm to get her attention, "Can I go with Sister Lovi? I want to look for shells again!!!"

Mama looked at Bale and Lovi who nodded in approval. She reached up to rub his head, "Yeah you can go. Just make sure you wear your bracelet."


Mama turned to Rose, "Do you want to go?"

She shook her head quickly, "No."

Lovi gave us a wave, "I will bring him back in a few days."

I watched my Mama's face as the three of them left. The blinding light was covering her face, so I couldn't see what expression she was making. But, the more I stared, the more I realized Mama wasn't okay.

Every time someone leaves the mountain, Mama just stands there and watches.

I walked over to her and tugged on her skirt, "Mama…"

She looked down at me, "Yes, Zephyr?"

"Is outside scary?"

She picked me up, "Why do you ask?"

"You never seem to want anyone to leave."

She gave me a kiss on my forehead, "That's just because I'm overprotective…. Just like my father."



I wonder what Grandpa is like…

"Mama… Can I meet Grandpa?"

Her chuckles gave me a warm feeling, "Yes. You will in the future."

"Future huh…" I thought about it, "When in the future?"

"Oh… I'd say a thousand years or so?"

My mouth dropped, "That far?!"

"Yup. Now come on, it's time for bedtime."

I squirmed out of her grip, "Noooo! I don't want to sleep."

"Zephyr…" She let out an exhausted sigh, "How about a story first?"

My fox ears pricked up in excitement, "A story!?"

All my siblings suddenly diverged onto the story circle, waiting for our Mother. She put me down in my spot and started the campfire behind me with her magic. Astra felt the fire and woke up, startled at the fact she had fallen asleep again.

Mama looked at all of us, "What do you want to hear?"

"Oh! OH! I know!" Lene waved her hand, "The story about the killer clown!!!"

The blood drained from my face, "NO! I don't want to hear that story!!!"

Astra snickered at me, "Scardy cat."

My face flushed red, "I-I'm not scared! I just hate it! That's all!"

She leaned toward me snickering, "Hehe. Watch out, Zepphy. I heard squeaking outside my window last night."

I cried out, "SQUEAKING!?"

"Yup. It sounded like his shoes."


"I'm not lying." She looked over my shoulder, "You can ask him now."

I flipped around in horror, only to see nothing behind me. My face turned bright red as she burst into laughter. 

She tricked me!

She rolled on the ground, "You're such a baby! You should see your face!!!"

I turned back to her and shouted, "I'm not a baby! I wasn't scared!"

"Was so!"

I growled in frustration then crossed my arms with a smirk, "If anyone is a baby, it's you. You still look like you're 8."

Her face flinched before turning red with anger. She screamed and pounced on me, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

I screamed out as I protected my face, "MAAAAAMAAA!"

My mother quickly pulled us apart, "Stop it. Both of you."

I jumped into her arms crying, "Mama…"

Astra puffed her cheeks, "He started it."

My mother sat back, rubbing my back, "There's going to be no scary stories… I don't want Zephyr to wet the bed again."

I mumbled in a low voice, "That was years ago…"

"Any other suggestions?"

Rose twisted her hair between her fingers, "Um… What about Master's father? I… I want to know more about Master's parents."

Mama paused for a moment, "You… You do?"

We all stared up at her with twinkling eyes and nodded.

"Then… Okay. I will tell you about my father… One of the greatest magicians to ever live."

As she recounted his stories about all his battles, I felt myself dozing off. 

I suddenly woke up in my bed and jumped up in surprise. I looked around in a panic, and upon realizing I was alone, I grabbed my baby blanket and opened my bedroom door. I walked past Lene who was comforting my sick older brother and into my mother's room. I closed the door behind me and strolled over to her bed.

"Mama…" I whispered, "I'm scared…"

"Ughh." She moved over and lifted the blanket, "Can't you ever sleep alone?"

I crawled under the sheets and snuggled up to her. My fox tail curled around my legs as I closed my eyes, breathing in her scent. I mumbled as I drifted off to sleep, "...Nope."

That's it for this week~

Just so you know... There are only 89 chapters, meaning 10 left for the main story...

If you know, you know.

Nekorucreators' thoughts