

One day y/n went to a mall with her friends and the mafia is already there y/n goes shopping with her friends and After doing some shopping, y/n and her friend went to a place and sat down and suddenly Mafia passed by and his eyes read on

y/n So he walked over to y/n and said "Hello" y/n don't remember who he was but the mafia well Y/n said yes who are you mafia said I stabbed you at uni when your car's tire was punctured....

Y/n remembered everything and said well you mafia said you were in a hurry that day so I couldn't ask you your name will you tell me your name y/n said why should i tell you my name mafia said because we are friends....

Y/n said when did you become a friend mafia said that same day then y/n said sorry I don't make any stranger as my friend then mafia gave his card to y/n and said take my number text me if you need it So the mafia left and y/n also started to go with her friends, the mafia was leaving, when he heard y/n's scream and looked back, some boys were misbehaving with y/n, the mafia was running away y/n,went to those boys and started beating those boys the mafia saves y/n from those bad guys and then asks y/n if you are tech they did something to you no Y/n said no nothing happened to me and thanks for saving me and mafia said no problem it was my duty. And y/n is happy with mafia's attitude and she said to mafia can we be friends mafia said yes yes of course then they both shook hands Then they both left from there when y/n was on her way her car got hit by a man's car so y/n got out of the car and that man also got out y/n started asking this man, are you ok? Yes but that man was talking very dirty talking to y/n and suddenly someone stalked y/n from behind and that man was a mafia's man, then they take y/n unconscious and take her to their factory y/n is still unconscious. When the mafia comes there, y/n's head is covered. The mafia asks who is this girl, so his men tell the mafia everything the mafia went to the girl and seeing her face, he got worried and started beating his servants and said to them why did you touch her, if anything happens to her, I will make you so scared that even your body will not be found, He got very worried because