
A lover with a secret .

A forced relationship with the man she truly despised. Locked up in his mansion, Lexia felt her live fade away. Hurting her like she wasn't human without any sense of guilt he had hidden her from the world. Until he found out something she was hiding ...... When she woke up again, he was still next to her. " Finally awake," he said. She blinked glancing back at him. She felt his hand softly touch her bruised lips. " Does it still hurt ?" he asked, but pulled away when she flinched ." am sorry "he found himself saying. Lexia slowly moved back and William followed getting up. "Something wrong ?" he asked noticing the tears form in her eyes. " Why are you so...so.." she bit her lip, "different "Lexia got off the bed," I thought it was a dream, but it was real "he heard her add. "Don't move too much or you will hurt yourself more "he said getting off the bed. "Am fine, just tell me why you are here and acting different....are you going to finally kill me? she cried. "Lexia, calm down," he said moving to where she was, "am not going to hurt you " "And why not when it's all you ever do, hurting me like am a punching bag? Did you finally get tired of hitting me and decided to hurt me differently" she was yelling now. He stopped as his eyes portrayed his confusion. "Please ...leave me alone William. I can't take it anymore..." she cried, "my b...body can't take it anymore" Her legs gave away sliding down to the floor. "I know you're pregnant," he said and Lexia's cry stopped as her eyes moved to where he was ."

jandralitto · Fantasie
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8 Chs


"Where is she?" shouted William.

His men moved back frightened by his anger, he looked with cold eyes, "If you don't find her in the next ten minutes count yourselves dead" he added.

They all scattered.

His assistant leaned closer to him, "Boss, why don't we give her some space for now. She has been locked up for weeks now".

William turned to him glaring, "If you have nothing sensible to say, shut up"

The assistant gulped and moved back.

"My apologies, boss" he mouthed.

Two of his men returned, "We found her" he reported.

William was up in seconds, "Led the way".


Lexia had got a chance when the maid came in to bring her found and escaped. She had been planning it for days now. Having learnt the schedule of the guards outside her room, she knew when to run out.

But to her dismay, the whole mansion was filled with guards. Deciding to hide until a chance presented itself, Lexia hid inside the backyard store. But unlucky for her the gardener locked her inside without knowing.

After hours of screaming and calling she had given up on asking for help. Having dozed off she heard noise outside and soon the door opened.

He stood there like a shadow, but even in the darkness of the night, she could see his cold angry face.

She knew what he was going to do to her. Her body instantly shivered filling with goosebumps.

"Am sorry" she whispered finding her voice.

"Leave," he said to his men. Who obeyed and disappeared in seconds.

Slowly he approached her and Lexia moved back hitting the chilly wall behind her.

"Am sorry, I didn't mean to run away... I just wanted some air" she cried.

He got down on his knee and stared at her.

"Come here" he gestured but she shook her head and coached back. He got in and closed the door.

His men standing a distance heard the screams of Lexia and sighed.