
A Love Made Of Blood

Before her eyes the place she called home was destroyed. In mere seconds her life seemed meaningless and Alice was left with nothing. She swore to find him, the one who took everything from her and to kill him but when that moment came Alice found herself torn between her destiny and her hate. "I know I shouldn't love him but my heart aches for him in ways I can't explain." Will she go against her nature and avenge her family?

Yaminoyosei · Fantasie
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30 Chs

A Spec of Happiness

She wore a red dress, golden jewels on her neck, glistening underneath the trembling candlelight. It revealed too much, its neckline going deep into her chest in a sharp v but he loved it, every part of her, the secret and the shown. Her steps were elegant as she went down the central stairs, her name announced, an honorary guest of the Fae Court, lady Alice, the announcer said and everyone clapped.

Her wrists had golden cuffs, forged to look like vines with carefully crafted leaves, going all the way up to her arms. Her chestnut hair was braided elegantly at the top of her head, the same matching gold as her arms, creating a diadem on her head. 

When she stepped down, getting off the last step the music started playing again, glorious violins crafted by pure magic, every tune, every note making you want to dance. The ball room was filled with otherworldly creatures in celebration of the treaty of the century this time held in one of the Fae palaces. Shapeshifters, vampires, witches, fae, pixies and many more had gathered all together for one night to celebrate their fragile peace. 

While everyone's feet danced Damian's eyes did the same. They were following her, enchanted by her beauty. She was laughing, her head falling back with joy as she spoke to one of her fae friends. It was peculiar, to see a shape-shifter friends with the fae but somehow she could do it all, deem the impossible possible.

Damian moved past a few people, overlooked the nasty stares. The skillful assassin of the crazy Queen, everybody knew him by his name but no one wished to meet him in person. 

"Well hello ladies." He said, a charming smile on his face and the two ladies turned towards him. Alice and her friend, Iona, the princess of the Fae Court. "Your majesty" the vampire told her and bowed playfully, his charm dripping from his words.

"Oh if it isn't Damian, it is lovely to see you here tonight. Thought the queen kept her locked in her castle, little toy"

"Toy?" Alice asked and Damian chuckled, feeling nervous.

"Come on, why spread such nasty rumors? I assure you I am as free as a bird" He told her. 

"And what does this bird want from us this evening?" Iona asked.

"I want…" He said and grinned, his eyes landing on the beautiful Alice. "I want you" He stated and Alice's eyes widened, shock on her face. "To dance with me" He continued and Iona giggled, her golden eyes shining with interest.

"Your offer flatters me, but I will have to kindly deny." Alice replied without a second thought, grounding him, and Iona's laughter echoed in the room. 

Damian woke up by falling on his chest, his eyes widening, and a cough escaped his lips as he turned to his side, trying to understand what had just happened.

"Taking a nap, I see." The queen's voice reached his ears, and he immediately stood up, alarmed.

"How did you get in here?" He asked her.

"How did I get into one of my palace's rooms? I wonder." She answered him, irony woven into her words. "You Failed" She told Damian, taking a step closer to him. "You didn't kill that shapeshifter, the werewolf. "

"I couldn't. I tried to get to him but he was well trained. It was a mistake, it won't happen again" 

"My spies told me there was someone else with him. Who was it?" She asked and Damian felt a punch in his stomach. He took a deep breath, rubbing his face as he pretended to just wake up, but in reality, he was trying to gain his composure. He had been woken up from such a beautiful dream to find himself in his wretched reality again.

"I don't know. I only battled him for a bit before he escaped." He told her, hiding the fact that Alice was with him. She was supposed to be dead after all.

"You've become sloppy. Do you understand what will happen if they trace you? They will get to me, and this little treaty we have will crumble. I do not want to go to war because…"

"Because you have an obsession with a werewolf girl…" Damian continued her sentence. The queen stared at him, jaw tensed, hand in the air before she slapped him.

"This is all your fault. From the start." She stated.

"How is it my fault that you are…" He stopped. He knew better than that and usually he wouldn't have said anything but the dream, it upset him, it gave him a glimpse of happiness and for a second he had remembered how to fight, how to be disobedient again just to forget right after. "I am sorry." He told her, and she grinned, feeling victorious.

"Good. Go find that man. He is heading to the Fae Court. We can't go in there, kill him before he reaches them. Understand?" 

"Yes, my queen." He agreed, dreading that he had to kill one more person that Alice cared about. 


Hello everyone! Hope you are enjoying the story so far. If you are, please leave a nice comment, a nice review and a vote to encourage me to keep writing!

Also, do you have any ideas what might happen next? If you do, let's see if you're right!