
Soon Encounter

It seems like life was against me. One would think that meeting my long lost mother would at least make me happy, but it felt like my worst nightmare. This didn't make me the least bit better…

I can't bear the thought of talking about what happened in the hospital that day. It was just too much for me to bear as a kid. In the end, Roana, my mother, took me into her home where I met my soon to be step father…..Joel Yu. This just wasn't my day it seems. Joel Yu is a nice guy from what I can tell so far.

But he is nothing compared to my father. It's been days since then and my mother had been preparing for his funeral, which is going to be tomorrow. I still can't get over it. My tears still continue to flow every day without stop. Is this it? Would my life always be like this?

It was already the day of his funeral. I didn't even have enough strength or courage to attend. Just seeing his casket in front of me was enough for an emotional breakdown. I had to stay strong, for him at least. I did my best not to cry or at least hold back. Seeing everyone wearing black and white, with glooming expressions made my mouth arch upwards. Were funerals always this sad? I couldn't understand why I was smiling nor did I know why I was trying my best not to force it.

[I'm sure he wouldn't want his little princess to be crying now does he?] With those words in my head, I continued to keep smiling during the whole ceremony…even when tears were flowing down my face.

For about a week, no words could comfort me. No comfort was enough to ease the pain in my heart. I would lock myself in my room, well, the room that was given to me by my mother in her new house. Her house was next to a park so it was quite quiet.

In my room, there was only one window. I would usually keep it shut and the curtains closed even in the day time. The darkness would ease my pain even by a little.

That is until one day, my mom came in the room to drop off my food on the table. She saw me on the bed, still in a gloomy state. "Uh…There's a park across the street, it's very peaceful there, and you could go there if you want…" She said, suggesting. "….." I said no reply. She sighed and left the room. As soon as she left, I got out of the bed and walked towards the table. I can honestly say her cooking skill is amazing; I just can't full enjoy it. I noticed at the side of the plate was a yellow sticky note.


Eat more so you can grow big and strong!

It was cute. She'd always write different notes like this on every meal. It was like my only one sided conversation every day. It was what kept me smiling at least 2 times a day.

I finished eating and sat back down on the bed. It was so quiet in the room. It was like this every day. I'd sometimes just read a book to help me forget or just lay in bed for the entire day. [I think I need some fresh air] I remembered the park my mom had mentioned. I was still hesitant but I talked myself into at least checking it out. I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth before I headed out. I slowly went down the stairs and out of the house. I opened the door as if it was a doorway to a whole new world.

I covered my eyes with my arm. The light was blinding my eyes. I carefully crossed the street even though there were no cars in sight since this was a quiet neighbourhood. My eyes were starting to adjust to the brightness and when I entered the park gate. [Beautiful…..]

The trees and grass were green. The refreshing smell of the flowers nearby filled my noise. The small pretty butterflies flying around. The peaceful and quiet park gave me a new feeling. It made me feel calm and safe. I sat underneath a tree with a lot of shade to protect me form the heat. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. [So relaxing…] I thought. I started reading a book I had brought with me. And that's how my daily routine of going to the park started….

Three days later

"Bye mom." I said, happily going down the stairs. My mom looked at me smiling. She was happy I had something to take my mind off my father's death. She had no idea what to do during the first few days. She knew she had no right act like she knows me; she wasn't there for my early childhood. The least she could ever do was support me on and hope I'll be okay.

"Stay safe Alice…." She said, smiling brightly.

Meanwhile, underneath Alice's special tree (the tree she reads under everyday), there was a shady situation going on….

"Hi there little girl…"

A little girl named Rain had gotten lost in the park ( the park is huge and Alice only stays near the gate, that's why she doesn't get lost) because it was huge and mostly covered with trees and multiple paths so it is almost impossible for a little girl to navigate. She had walking around tirelessly and finally ended up resting for a while under Alice's special tree. She had been resting peacefully until a shady looking man approached her.

"Hello!" She responded, happily. The man was tall and was a bit on the fat side. He wore shaggy clothes and on his right foot, it was clear he was not wearing socks.

"What are you doing here all alone?" He said slowly, close to a whisper.

It seemed like Rain was not aware of the danger she was in. What a naïve girl is seems! "Uh..I got lost and um, mister, my mommy and daddy said that I should not talk to strangers…." She said, innocently.

"Your mommy and daddy is totally wrong, it's very okay to talk with strangers!" He said, in disagreement. He stayed silent for a bit before saying, "What's your name by the way little girl?" He asked curiously.

"My name is Rain." She said, proudly. "Rain Violette Yeen.."

The guy smile. "Such a pretty name! Hmmm…" He thought, "You can just call me Luke, okay?" Rain smiled brightly. "Okay mister Luke!"

Luke reached out his hand and extended it to Rain. "Come with me Rain, I can take you somewhere fun." He smiled mischievously. "Uhhh…." said Rain, hesitant. He could see it in her eyes, the hesitation. "Don't worry, I promise it'll be fun.."

He gripped Rain's arm and started to drag her forward, not caring about her opinion. "Hey wait, Mister Luke, I still need to find mommy and daddy!" She shouted, shaking. At this point of time, she was starting to realise the danger she was in. "I-I don't want to go with you…"

"Shut up and do as I say or else!" Now the so called "Mister Luke" was getting more and more aggressive.

"Help!!!" screamed Rain, with tears rushing down her eyes.


[Is this how it's gonna end? What if I really don't want to go with him? Will I be able to see mommy and daddy? NO! I wanna see them… I really do want to see them again…*sob sob* Can no-one hear me!?Mommy! Daddy! Please save me!] Her thoughts were racing and so was her heart. She had no power left to scream. She was still a weak and tiny little girl.

All she had left to do was pray….pray someone would save her!

She gathered her energy to let out another scream.


A click sound was heard.

"Freeze you're under arrest!"

[What…I'm saved?]