
"In response to that will be"

My dear, do not sell yourself short,

Beauty is not just skin deep;

It's the way you shine from within.

That makes your worth so steep,

Do not compare yourself to her;

For you are unique and rare.

You have a heart that's pure and true

And a spirit that can bear

The weight of any challenge

That life may throw your way

For you are strong and resilient

And that's what makes you sway

So do not fret about her looks

Or the attention that she gains

For you have qualities far greater

Any guy would crave to gain

You are a diamond in the rough

And your radiance will shine keep being your fabulous self

And the world will be all thine

"I aim to capture a moment in time, to freeze it in words and make it immortal. If you love meaningful, heartfelt poetry that speaks to your soul, then I invite you to join me on this journey. Come and explore my work, and let my words take you on a journey of self-discovery and healing. I posted 2 notes of my poetry today, so I will be back very soon with another set of poetry again till then... Au revoir and please Tc of yourself my readers!!! :))"

Dreamerdivscreators' thoughts