

"Khalie, my daughter where are you?"

"Mom, I'm here." I cried as I said it to my mom. I am now in my room. Did not come out because of the fear of war between the Akkadian and Amorite kingdoms.

"Emily, you and Khalie run away. You are no longer safe here." Dad shouted.

"You, how are you George? We can't leave you here. What happened? Why did the Amorite Kingdom suddenly invade this kingdom?"

"I don't know, Emily. There's only one thing for sure that you should run away right now. Let's meet at the stream at the far end of the forest. You wait there. I'll follow you."

"But, George...."

"You ran away, there’s no time left. Hurry up because they are coming. I promise I will follow you when I have lost the enemies."

We heard the horses' footsteps. Mom immediately took me out of the room. He carried me out of the house.

"Mom, let's not leave dad." I said to mom while she was running and carrying me.

"Don't worry baby, your dad will be fine."

I just cried and cried. I don't understand what happened. I am only five years old and I have many questions about why this happened.

We met auntie Lydia, mom's sister while running away. She was also surprised to meet us.

"Sister, Kuya George, why aren't with you?"

"He'll just follow. He sent us ahead because he'll mislead the enemy. He said we'll wait by the stream at the far end of the forest."

"Then let's go there."

Mom nodded. We immediately went to the stream that dad was talking about. Luckily we found it quickly. Mom put me on the short grass near the stream. I sat and looked up at the beauty of the surroundings, especially the stream. The water is beautiful. It is crystal clear. I just saw such a beautiful sight. The kingdom is beautiful but this landscape is even more beautiful because it feels like you are drowning and being absorbed by it. Very mysterious.

"Lydia, mom and dad? Where are they? I wonder why you're not with them?" I immediately looked at mom at her question.

Auntie took a long time to answer. Later we heard her sobbing. "They are gone sister. They are dead."

I was lost for words from what I heard. I thought I wouldn't cry because of fear but now I cried more because my grandfather and grandmother are gone.

"When we ran away, the Amorite Kingdom men followed us. Unfortunately, mom and dad died. Even if I wanted to save them, dad told me to save myself. There was nothing I could do, sister. I thought I took that moment to go to you because I couldn't think of a way to be safe. I don't know if this is right, but I think I'm the only one who survived in our town."

Mom shouted. She wailed. Aunt Lydia hugged her.

"Why does this have to happen? Why?"

"Mom, what are we going to do?" I asked mom while crying. She didn't answer me. She just hugged me tightly. "Baby, be brave and strong. You must be strong. You must not be a coward but fight as hard as you can."

"Yes mom, you can count on me to do that."

"Stop. Don't cry."

"You and auntie Lydia don't cry either so I won't cry anymore."

Mom smiled. "We will not cry anymore."

She wiped her tears and so did auntie Lydia.

I nodded and smiled at them both.

We quietly watched the stream. It was so quiet that I didn't realize I fell asleep.

"Auntie, where is mom?"

"You're awake."

"Followed your dad because my sister was worried why brother George took so long to follow."

"Is that so. I hope they can come back."

"I'm worried Khalie too because they haven't come back in five hours."

"Huh? It's been a long time since I slept like that. I slept for five hours."

"Yes Khalie."

"What if they haven't come back auntie? What are we going to do?"

"No choice. We have to go back to your house and see what happened."

"That's good auntie and that we don't have to worry about what happened to mom and dad."

"Let's wait for an hour and if they don't come we'll go back to your house."

"Okay auntie."

"Khalie, come here, let's eat. I know you're hungry so when you were sleeping I cooked so that when you wake up we can eat together."

"Thank you auntie."

He served me a fish and bread.

"It's good auntie that we have food because without it we will die of hunger."

"I took this fish from that stream. I brought this bread from the escape as well as this water."

"Thank you auntie. We are lucky now because we are safe. Mom and dad are they okay auntie? are they safe? Are there others like us who survived?"

"The Akkadian kingdom is big, I'm sure there are still many survivors like those who live in the palace. They all went through training so I'm sure they're safe. I'm sure the other parts of the kingdom are at a disadvantage because they don't know this would happen, We were surprised by the invasion of the Amorite Kingdom."

"You're right there auntie. Let's just pray that this war ends soon."

"You know, Khalie, you're surprising. Are you really five years young? If you can talk, it's like you're older than me."

"Auntie, it's probably a gift to me."

Auntie just shrugged her shoulders. We continued eating.

"It's delicious auntie. I'm full."

She nodded. "Get some rest. I'll just tell you when we're leaving if sister and brother really can't come back here."

"Alright auntie."

Auntie put away what we ate after we ate. I was busy dipping my feet in the water. It's comforting. Get rid of the problem. I realized auntie was lying on the grass. He covered his face with a hat. Maybe it will sleep first because the time is still far away.

How are mom and dad? Are they okay? The stream is still good, no sadness, no problem. It moves freely. What could be the reason of the Amorite Kingdom why they attacked here? I still don't understand why? Many people died in this war. Many livelihoods, properties were destroyed. It will not be easy for us. I hope this war ends soon.

"Khalie, let's go see your parents."

"Okay auntie."

"We'll leave our things here. It's unlikely anyone will steal them."

"Alright aunty."

I held auntie's hand. We are walking back to our home. Both of us were also careful because we might encounter an enemy. It's hard, you've prepared well.

We also walked for about an hour when we got home. I immediately went inside and called my parents.

"Mom, dad! Where are you?" I said. I'm nervous because I've been calling them for a while but they don't answer me.

I ransacked the house but couldn't find them.

"Khalie, sister and brother are here behind your house." Aunty Lydia called me crying.

I immediately left the house when I heard what aunty Lydia said.

I saw my parents lying on the ground. Bloody and lifeless.

"Mom, Dad!" I burst into tears. "You told me you wouldn't leave me. But why did you leave me?" I sobbed. Mom and dad are gone. I lost my parents when I was young. I wish I was also taken so that we could be together and not separate.

"Khalie, let's get out of here. We're not safe here. An enemy might come."

"Auntie, I won't leave mom and dad. I'll go with them here."

"No! We have to go now. Listen to me Khalie, I know what happened hurt us. We both lost. We lost family. But we shouldn't stop just because of this, we will continue the fight because all of this has reason. Do you understand Khalie?"

I just cried at what aunty Lydia said. I don't want to leave mom and dad but she is right everything has a reason. Even though I was still young, I understood what she wanted to convey to me. Even though it's hard inside me, we have to leave.

"Mom, dad! Till we meet again." I said before aunty Lydia and I left.