
A Loners Creations

"Y-Y-You can see me". Said the mysterious gothic-lolita Aarick nods at her statement. "But how is that possible". I'm the pillar of existence how can y-y-you". Sniff, Sniff finally some-ones is able to comprehend my existence. Aarick looks at the crying girl with confusion so to cheer her up he pats her head. For the first time since the dawn of all creation, the pillar of existent has finally felt the touch of one of her creations. What is your name the gothic-lolita asks Aarick with a beautiful smile? Then the Pillar of existence watch as the first living being to comprehend her existence took out a notebook and began writing something "Hi, I am Aarick". "Cant, you talk". The beautiful grey-blackish hair gothic-lolita asks in concern to the human who now holds a special place in her heart. Aarick then began to write again but this time he removes his black face mask. And what the Pillar of existence saw shock her. Both the page and inside his mouth. "I bite off my own tongue". The pillar of existence didn't need to ask why he did it she could see it in the child's dead eyes one devoid of all life she knew the person who she has now officially considered an equal was suicidal she was shaking at the very fact. I have decided I shall make you my... ***PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY ANIME COMIC OR GAMES THAT WILL OCCURS DURING THE STORY I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND ABILITIES THAT I MIGHT CREATE DURING THE STORY P.S THIS IS MY STORY SO I WILL DO WHATEVER THE HELL I PLEASED SO IF DON'T LIKE WELL BE ALL MEANS THE EXIST IS TO YOUR LEFT***

Retro_Senpai · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

The Pillar of Lonliness

So someone gave me really good advice I will be honest I'm not the best writer I know my flaws and I appreciate the help honestly English ain't my first language but I try my best the grammar, in my opinion, is horrible yes but I still love my story regardless so here how it is.

"When someone is talking".


[Atlas, Machines, and name of ability]

With this confusion should deteriorate even if it is a little thank you and enjoy the chapter.

(A/N): Should we make Aarick current form remain androgynous or masculine or we can get freaky with it and pull off an Insouke where me boy is muscular but just fucking beautiful asf


Both Pandora and Aarick were inside their home as it was raining extremely hard outside like really hard if anything it was a storm.

Aarick was looking up at the blackish-grey hair girl she had huge j-cup boobs at least the same size as Robin from One piece, beautiful amethyst eyes above her head was a white halo of many crosses going around the entire halo floating above her head.

She was still dressed in a gothic dress, to be honest, she looks like the type that you will never see dress in white.

Aarick really admires her beauty, to be honest, the most beautiful woman in the world according to most would be Ishtar who was said to be married to Gilgamesh in the age of the gods but if were realistically talking here Aarick would give Ishtar an A+ at best but Pandora was a solid X in his eyes.

He could only think in his mind.

'Such a beautiful girl is giving me a lap pillow could this be all my Karma came into one to bring fort such miracle into my life'. Nothing can ruin this moment for Arick except himself till he heard Atlas's voice.

[Oh great the king of loneliness fell in love at first sight]

'Just shut the fuck up me you are just jealous'.

[Do you even hear yourself *sigh* you know what have your fun I will be retiring for the night if you want to check your status or the status of others just say appraised]

'Bye don't come back any time soon'.

But sadly Aarick didn't get any answer back signifying that Atlas was gone so it was just him and Pandora now he wanted to start a conversation with her but honestly he has never been with a girl before so he didn't know what to say.

But thanks to Aarick and Pandora's soul fusion Pandora can understand his emotion almost perfectly as she said.

"You know darling your futile attempts of trying to come up with a perfect word to start a conversation with me is rather cute". Said, Pandora as she gave Aarick a beautiful smile.

Aarick saw this and couldn't help but think as he said. while rubbing his head.

"Hehehe so you saw right through me were you reading my mind or something". Aarick said with a playful smile.

"Well reading your mind would be as easy as saying hello to someone but no I didn't read your mind if anything I felt your intention you see our souls are now one and the same but yet were are 2 different individuals if you die I die, and If I die you die it as simple as that".

"Not that I am complaining or anything but doesn't that mean you created a weakness by fusing our soul I know your powerful by Atlas statement so why would you go so far for me".

Pandora simply said.

"Does a girl in love need a reason to save the man she loves by giving myself such a weakness to save your current self was a small sacrifice on my part after all if you die I have no reason to live on anyways but killing you is practically impossible although you are not nearly as strong as me your immortality is absolute"?

Aarick was shocked at these words he was so shocked he was left speechless he literally truly only met this woman about a minute ago for the first time and she has already given him more than what he can repay her with this stranger already gave him a second chance at life he would just be a dick if he wastes it.

Aarick felt obliged he had to give her something back so he smiled at her and said.


"Yes, darling".

"Thank you for everything so far like really".

"Darling doesn't need to thank me I simply brought you back against your will so in a sense I am keeping your existence hostage permanently".

'Haha, she yandere alright'. Said Aarick in his mind but he wanted to tell her something important so he took all of his courage to try to ask her as he said.

"Pandora if you had one wish what would it be"?

Pandora already knew what he was going to ask her but she wasn't prepared for the question.

But she really wanted this it was alright to be selfish she has waited for many eons for even the slightest bit of attention she has always been alone even before creation came to be.

So it was alright to be selfish for once in her long life right she places her head down as her long hair began covering her face she then asks Aarick in a rather soft voice.

"Can I really ask you for anything I want"?

Pandora said with immense hope in her heart that her lifelong dream might actually come true tonight.

Aarick just smiles as he said.

"I'm not strong at all I'm extremely weak, to be honest, this current me was only possible because of you, this air that I breathe, the chilly feeling on my skin, the beating sound of my heart, and the warmth that my body is producing are all evidence that I am alive in the truest sense I was supposed to be dead long before I met you but maybe that life was prolong so that I can meet you today, but then and again I truly lost my life last week so in a sense, this air that I breath is not mine, the chill on my skin isn't mine either, the same goes for the beating sound of my heart and warmth of my body if anything it yours you did bring me back to life".

"So in sense, this life is yours I have long discard it anyway might as well give it somebody who would appreciate it, after all, its life you sacrifice to save and you didn't have to do it but you did it anyways I honestly don't know what you see in me, but as a man who had nothing to live for to find someone who sole reason of living is because this life still exists really made me happy, so happy I could cry right now in pure happiness but I won't because what I want doesn't matter at this moment and time".

"I don't think I am worthy of the life I see no self-value in so you can have it all this life is not mine but yours but even so I feel really guilty I can't give you anything in return that is equivalent to everything you have given me so my life and a wish is all I can give you".

Pandora heard all of Aarick extremely sad words of both love and appreciation towards her and his immense self-hate towards himself she hates how little he valued his own life, she hates how easily he just gave it away with such little self-regard as if it was nothing but a disposable item.

She knows even if their soul were now fused Aarick practically gave his portion of existence to her she felt happy and sad at the same time.

She is happy that she now has him forever but saddens at how little he thinks of himself.

She needed something that will give him the will to live his life to the fullest so she said while still hiding her face under her hair.

Aarick I decided on my wish.

"And what might that be Pandora". Aarick said with his eye closed just enjoying the lap pillow he was given as he smiled brightly

"Make a family with me".

Aarick looks at this and couldn't help but say.

"So you want children ha".

"Yes and No".

"I don't understand what you mean by Yes and No please elaborate".

"Let face it darling it's too early to have children your emotion are screaming that like crazy I want to make children with you but I also want to see you grow and why should we stop there let's make a big family of not many children but many wives as well you already have your first and main wife which is obviously me and me alone".

"But I also want you to be happy and also no more of that I am a loser who can't do anything, and also no more taking shit from people fight back will you".

"I can't bear to see you been taken advantage of your so much more than what you give yourself credit for my existence is living proof that you are so much more and you don't even know it".

"When you are been pick on I want you to fight back, When you are in a corner I want you to create a way out. So please treat yourself and your own self-worth with more respect as everything you do or will do I want to see it with my own eyes and believe when I tell you this world alone has some powerhouses".

Pandora requested all of this from Aarick as he began to feel something wet dripping on his head till eventually, he felt river forming on his head he then takes his left hand and slowly places her hair behind her shoulder revealing her face filled with tears and agony as if she was saddened.

Aarick couldn't help but think.

'She barely knows anything about me and she crying for my sake'. Aarick was not very confident nor was he strong by his-self but he at least wanted to prove that he wasn't weak he wanted to be strong not for his-self but at least for her although she is without a doubt the strongest person in all of creation he didn't want to be dependent on Pandora he didn't want to use her like she is some kind of tool for his convenience.

So he finally made up his mind and said.

"Is that all you want".

"That is all I could ever dream of wanting".

"Fine then I promise I shall grant your wish and make a family with you but it doesn't end there I also promise I shall become a man worthy of your tears so please just stop crying".

Pandora just smile and said.

"Ok, darling, And I will be watching you every step of the way".

As she continued.

"But enough of that you are probably confused about what you are and what I am so please do ask your question I shall answer with the best of my abilities".

Aarick had many questions, but the one puzzling his mind the most was this as he asks.

"What are you really Pandora"?

Pandora figured that Aarick would ask this question the very question that not even she could answer from the begging of the birth "what am I", "what is my purpose", "Why do I exist"?

It was only after she created everything did she reach enlightenment and was capable of answering that question.

So she looks at Aarick and simply said 3 words that describe her entire existence in a whole.

"I am nothing".

At her reply, Aarick became really confused and had to ask.

"What do you mean you are nothing"?

"Good question for as long as I had known myself that was an answered that not even I could comprehend nor understand completely, to be honest, I still don't understand my existent at all myself you see you could say I am the Alpha and the Omega as all thing originates from me and all thing shall end with me let me tell you a story of when I was born".

"In the begging when nothing existed even time itself was not created as yet they have only existed two absolute beings the unknown and nothingness do you know which one is me".

Aarick simply replied with the most logical answer.

"The nothingness".

Pandora simply smiled flick his forehead gently as she said.

"No stupid I am not nothingness I am the unknown".

Aarick was really confused so he said.

"But didn't you say you were nothing why do consider yourself as the unknown"?

"I am getting to that darling". Pandora then continued as she said

"Well you see the nothingness is the one true omnipotent one as it is the reason why all things exist, it is the reason why life starts an end but the truth of the fact is it wasn't the nothingness that created everything in existent it was me".

"Ok I am very confused so you are basically the one true God".

"I am far more than a minor god darling you see I considered the nothingness as the one true one because I was created from nothing I had no parent to conceived me, I just one day start existing in a sense I am trying to say I am the physical embodiment of all things and nothing at the same time, I created everything because I was born from nothing and I wanted company, I wanted attention, I just wanted to be loved, you know at first I didn't understand anything".

"Because when I was born I was a simple dot without a humanoid body; but eventually I evolved into what I am now but even so I wasn't happy with nothing I created everything lost its color in my eyes the world, the universe, and everything else in a whole do you know why I wan not happy with not one of my creation because, in the end, they all failed me do you know why they failed me"?

Aarick listened to Pandora who was crying just a minute ago and now she had an emotionless look, a look of absolute disappointment he couldn't help but think how her eyes were just like his before he met her it was like her eyes were telling him that life was a bother and the only reason I live it through because I am forced to live it.

So he asks.

"Why were you disappointed in your creations and how did they fail you"? Ask Aarick in great interest

Pandora then said.

"You know darling I hate when people say things like they were born perfect you know why I hate it well it's simple it because I wasn't born perfect if anything I was created with the intention of been perfect but I failed at doing so, even with all the power I had I wasn't capable of smiling it quite Ironic actually pfft".

Pandora said all this while laughing at herself if anything it just looks really sad from Aarick POV but he still continues to hear her out honestly he know she was laughing at herself which was kind of sad.

"I was born with the power to have every and anything I could ever dream of but the price for such power is that I cant interact with anything I have created. Yes, I could create things with the purpose of destroying what I want but I couldn't create a single life form with the ability to comprehend true nothingness via me and the reason why I couldn't interact with anything I make because no one could truly understand the nothingness there are some beings in the multiverse capable of controlling some aspect of it".

"I believed you otaku call them ROB according to your memory honestly most of them are full of themselves only reason they exist is that I created them out of impulse for my desire to be noticed I created so much the number is practically immeasurable so I had to create things call verses to contain them the multiverse are for theses ROB and an outer-verse is for some rather fuck up thing I created in anger that you would not want to meet these are beings of pure chaos and madness and after I created them I yeet there fucks across infinite timeline".

"Times continue to go on till eventually, I was starting to lose all hope I see many universes met its end I saw many universes been created from the ground up once more, I see many nations from different realities rise in glory to eventually meet their inventable demise in time I'm confident when I say there is nothing I haven't seen till now I guess".

Pandora says the last bits of her life speech as she looks at Aarick who was so shocked to the point his face would look really funny looking if you take off the shadow mask he still had on from this morning

He whispers slowly to himself as he said softly.

"She so powerful but she calls herself imperfect and flawed is this really the mindset of a god-like being as far as I know because these so call gods have immense power to the point that they are full of themselves".

"Could it be because none of her creation could comprehend her existence she considered all of them a failure to thin she been alone for so long"?

Aarick said all of this softly till he realizes something as he said out loud.

"W-Wait if none of her creation could understand nor comprehend her why can I see her".

Aarick then looks up to Pandora as she smiled and said.

"You want to know why you are exception from the rest right".

"Y-Yes how can I see you"?

"Let me explain to you why you are so special".

From there Pandora began to explain to Aarick how powerful his ability is and how he was oblivious to the fact that long awakened but the reason it was a worthless power to him was that it demands a tremendous amount of energy to use preferable life force or raw cosmic energy he could use mana but he would need a shit ton of it to pull something out and it all depends on what he pulled out as well, for example, living God would need a huge amount of energy to pull off.

Aarick listing to all of this with a shocked expression he then said.

"So you telling me that I have been an awaken all this while".

"That right darling you don't even know your own greatness that why it pains me seeing how little you care for yourself".

"So I wasn't worthless"?

"No, you were simply a victim of imperfection as well".

"I see".

"So I have the ability to comprehend the incomprehensible"

"Pretty much yeah"

"Oh, that nice I guess well you can't win them all".

"Is that really all you have to say you literally just found out you have a power surpassing the Gods of this world if you had a huge amount of energy you could have done anything".

"It like you say babe nothing was born perfect that ability might be extremely powerful to the point it has the right to give every aspect of common sense the finger but it would still be useless to me so what is the point of having it without acquiring a tremendous amount of energy it likes having access to wifi but you don't have any sort of technology to utilize it for all it uses.

Pandora listing to Aarick reason but all she heard was the word babe as she asks.

"D-Did you just call me babe". Pandora said excitedly

"Yea you constantly calling me darling so I'm returning the lovely gesture and referring to you as babe after all we are a couple now and also part of my family I did promise you that I will give you a family you can be happy with".

"Ahh, I love you so much, darling". Said Pandora who removes Aarick shadow mask and gave Aarick a surprise french kiss as he was still enjoying the lap pillow.


After about 30 seconds Pandora detaches himself from the now blushing Aarick who just replied back with.

"I love you too babe".

Pandora then looks at Aarick as her face instantly went from all lovey-dovey to complete seriousness it was such a drastic change of facial expression that Aarick had to ask.

"What up with the serious look".

"Darling I have to explain what you truly are as your power wasn't given to you by Terra at all".

When Aarick heard this he was shocked as he said.

"So this power wasn't given to me Terra if it wasn't given to me by her then who".

"Well, darling there is no way Terra has the ability to gift you an ability that should not be allowed to exist if anything it is so strong it is on par with my authority of creation if anything it is definitely rank as Pillar level".

"W-Wait what who is strong enough to give me such power then".

Pandora just smiles as she said in a calm voice.

"Aarick what I am about to explain to you is very important what you might hear tonight might answer all your life questions it would explain why you are the way you are, and why you behave the way you behave, and why your life was living hell up to this point and time".

Aarick had a serious face as he said.

"Go on".

"Aarick I think your birth was a mistake".

"Wait what do you mean by that".

"I am trying to say you were not meant to be a human".

"I still don't understand please elaborate".


"Ok let me explain to you in detail darling you see your power is definitely rank with mines that is a fact for sure or more like it's not a supernatural ability and more like a birthright basically an authority over the aspect of something for example my birthright is called all of creation as I can create anything even concepts, universal laws, and order, and much more to be honest my authority over the aspect of creation is absolute if it was created for a purpose then it will fulfill its purpose no matter what as that is the absolute law of my birthright".

"But like I said before the price been that I cant be comprehended by anything that price is absolute no matter what that was until I met you basically I am the daughter of the nothingness as my birthright was born and was given to me by the nothingness as well and since your power rival mine authority wise that is the only thing strong enough to give a human such power is the nothingness itself".

"So you are basically saying I was given this ability by the nothingness"? Said Arick great surprise in his voice".

"Yes, but there is more to it than that you see this only a theory but it made sense why I exist up to this point so I can meet you if anything our meeting was already in stone if I didn't meet you now I would definitely meet you in the future".

"Ok, I'm totally lost now".

"What I'm saying is that I created all of existence but there is a law that the nothingness created that not even I can alter nor interfere with it".

"And what is that".

"The law of balance meaning that all anomalies will be corrected over time and the greatest anomaly is something weak having the power to rival the nothingness or an extremely high being and how the nothingness fix this is called the law of balance meaning horrible misfortune and death will always follow that person till they are reborn into what was originally meant to be meaning a higher existence basically you have probably been reincarnated million of times and your past live you were cursed with misfortune and died because of it then and again this could be your first life as well".

"I think the nothingness made you for the sole purpose of meeting me and you would have constantly been reborn with misfortune plaguing you till the law of balance eventually caught up to you till you were eventually reborn into a Pillar like myself eventually putting existence back on track".

When Aarick heard this he was in a state of shock, disbelief, and surprise as he said.

"So all my misfortune was because my birth was just one huge mistake".

"Yes, that right".

"So the reason I was cursed with misfortune was that the law of balance correcting an anomaly which was me so will it still chased after me will I forever be cursed by that thing".

"The good news is it won't chase after you anymore because when I fused with you everything was fixed and you achieve the end goal as you been reborn as the Pillar of Loneliness if my birthright is all of creation then your birthright is the eyes of the non-existence If I create thing with literally no energy at all but at the price of both been comprehended then you are basically me but reverse you could create things but you need a tremendous amount of energy to do so as the cost of your power".

"But the bright side is your creation or the non-existent thing you could pull out can comprehend your existence since you bringing things fort that doesn't exist into reality it like me I still can't be comprehended if I am not close to you at all times at least 50 meters then no one will be able to see me that why I originally think your birth was a mistake on the nothingness part as you were originally created to be my counter or that what I think you were created for as it is evident your power derives from the nothingness for a fact now".

"For example, if light exists then darkness most exist in a sense those two things are one and the same as well just like how you and I are one and the same you see you cant see in the darkness so don't know what lies inside it in short that how I work while you are the light you bring light to the darkness revealing what inside of it for all to see that how you work if you catch my drift".

"I see all of this answer everything indeed".

"But you know what I just notice after all that".

"What is it, darling"?

"It's the fact that in a twisted sense I am now in a relationship with my sister".

"You do make a valid point darling since both I and you were created directly from the nothingness making you the son of the nothiness but ehh isn't all humans brother and sister in a sense I will have you know Adam and Eve is a thing you know".

"I guess your right honestly I don't really care but are you alright you know having children with your younger brother".

"If anything it just make our bond even stronger".

"Amen to complicated incest I guess".

"As long as I have darling in my life I care not for such trivial thing about a been sibling".

"Well as long as you are happy I could care less either".

"But darling there is still one more issue we need to fix".

"And what might that be"? Asked Aarick with great curiosity.

"Your powers still have that restriction although both of us are Pillars by right I am more powerful than you as I have lived longer than you and learn a lot about myself and capabilities while also creating countless things as well while you are like a newborn with a lot of restriction place on you so to make you have some control over your birthright I am going to realter it and create a back door for say".

"You will still have to figure out a way to solve the energy problem your self but with the gift, I am going to give you I am confident you have a solution for yourself in no time".

"And what might that be babe".

"Here you can have it now".

From there Aarick heard Atlas's voice in his head as he said.

[Due to Pandora re-editing non-existent vision it now has a second function called the tablet of creation in order to activate it please touch your drawing tablet]

Aarick then got off his wife lap and went to touch his most expensive drawing tablet and when he did his hand literally absorb it and spit it back out it now looks way more advanced with a lot of ancient writing he can somehow understand it the color was full dark purple and the outer frame was crystal-like.

When he saw this he said

"What the hell is this"?

Atlas then said.

[Your birthright has evolved and has absorbed a huge amount of the essence of true creation within it self creating the function of your authority over the non-existance]

[The authority tablet of creation has been gained]

[The tablet of creation allows you to edit yourself and others around you you can now draw anything and bring it into reality as Pandora utilized your life energy as the payment to do so meaning you will have to use your blood as an inc and depending on its quality you can create semi god-level things if you want to make stronger things then you will have to rely on quantity but fear not your still a young pillar so you are still undeveloped as a pillar grow stronger as they age or you can kill to strengthen yourself as this will also strengthen your blood]

[Please be aware that you can create things and bring them forth because of your blood but you will still need the energy to pull things into a reality that is not from the tablet Pandora only count as an exception because she now fuses with you but 50 meters is the limit or anything pass that she will become non-existent again]

"Holy shit isn't this an extremely power artifact".

"Yes it is darling but it is more of an extension of your authority with this you can create anything you imagine with your blood been the price".

"I have to say Pandora you truly have given me a lot really and truly thank you".

"So will you use it now or will you use it later".

"For now I just want to spend time with you so I will use it tomorrow I also want to take a shower and make something to eat I am hungry do you want anything.

"Sure I have never eaten anything except for ice cream so I will love to try something new".

From there Aarick went to take a shower and make some Ramen for both of them.


20 minutes later



"It raining extremely hard isn't it darling". Said Pandora as she notices that the weather is slowly getting worse by the minute.

"Yes, it is babe".

As she was now inside Aarick room laying on her belly on Aarick bed as she was watching how the water was rising, many garbage was blowing, hell some cars were moving because of the powerful winds outside, she watches all this through Aarick security camera system that was practically all over the place if anything this almost looks like a storm turning into a hurricane.

Aarick came from the Kitchen with a huge cola and two cups of noodles he then gave one to Pandora.

Pandora looks at the thing in front of her as she said.

"What is that"?

"Well, this is one of the best quicks make home food there is I wanted to order a pizza but seeing how bad the weather is I don't see that happening".

Pandora then went toward the cup of noodles with a single fork as she began smelling it.

"What is the magnificent smell".

"Well since you can't interact with anything without my help I at least want to make you try the creation of humanity's vast cuisine one been roast beef cup noodles".

"Roast beef cup noodles".

"That right roast beef cup noodles".

Pandora gave it one more look as she said.

"Look delicious".

From there Pandora takes the roast beef noodles and the fork and stabs it like she is killing it and a couple of strawn of noodles were skewered on the fork as she takes them and places them in her mouth and began eating.

"This is just as good as dark chocolate flavored ice cream".

Aarick watches the massacre of the noodles and her reaction to the taste as she continues stabbing it he could help but laugh.


Pandora was really enjoying the noodles it was an entirely new experience for her till she began to hear Aarick start to laugh.

"Pffft hahah haha haha hahaha".

She then asks.

"Why are you laughing darling". Said Pandora extremely confused about why Aarick was laughing till Aaric then said.

"I'm laughing at you silly". Said Aarick who was still laughing.

"Why are laughing at me, darling".

"It's because of the way you are eating your noodles it's like your angry at it and wants to end the things life".

"Is that so"?

Pandora then look at her not noodles, her murder weapon, and a laughing Aarick as she said

"How do you use the silver pitchfork I have seen many humans use it to feed themself but never really paid keen attention as I don't require food to survive if anything this is just out of pleasure".

Said Pandora who was finally experiencing her surrounding while been near Aarick.


Aarick then took the soup away from her and began taking a bite of it as he said.

"It like so just copy what I do".

Aarick then showed her the normal way of using a fork he then hands her back her food.

"I see so that how you use the silver pitchfork".

"It calls a fork by the way".


Aarick began eating his ramen while pouring both him and Pandora some cola.


"What this"? Asked Pandora watching the bubbly drink

"Cola tries it I know you will love it".

Pandora wasted no time and began to take a sip from the glass of cola Aarick poured for her.

"Ughh It soooo good was I really missing out on all this". Said Pandora hugging the huge bottle of cola as she began drinking till the whole thing was finish and when it was done she looked at Aarick with teary eyes saying.

"Do you have more"?

"Yea it's in the ref...


Before Aarick could finish what he wanted to say she ran so fast into the kitchen she even left an afterimage

"Hehe look like she really loves the cola".

After Pandora went to raid Aarick refrigerator Aarick decided that It was time to at least relax in bed so he undid his shadow manipulation leaving him shirtless he then said.

"Damn I really did change a lot my body doesn't look pathetic as it was before but men it's really chilly tonight *Sigh* at least I could sleep peacefully tonight".

From there Aarick then hops up on his bed take a blanket wrap it around him he then take the remote on the wall to put on the television on the news station honestly he needed to know what's up with this weather he never heard about a storm lasting at least four days straight as he remembers the news report this morning from the store.

After the television came on and was on news he got the shock of his life as it said.

[Good night everyone my name is Tricia Takanawa it has come to our attention that the weather sudden drastic formation is not caused by natural means but by a mystic beast but not a regular one but transcendent one with extreme hostility for everything around it well if you are thinking it attack from the demon king himself our some other power then you are wrong so today we have an important guess that will further explain the situation to you in full]

[Good-night mortal it a pleasure to meet you all I will keep the introduction short the name Shu the God of weather as you all know the weather is experience great change due to a divine beast I won't lie it from the heaven and before you flip out the God arent you human you see this is beast that falls from grace after it betrayed it creator and stealing her authority luckily though it was lesser God so by humans standard it shouldn't be any more power than tier-7 peak even so since we gods are forbidden from descending the heaven with or original bodies the best is a pain in the as to deal with]

[But that is not even the bad news if we don't subdue it the weather will worsen over time eventually reaching catastrophe-level I say week give or take. You see this divine beast was originally called the Kami no kurage (Divine-Jellyfish) but by some unknown mean it turns on it creator eventually killing her and taking her authority over minimal control of the weather and has now taken a grotesque appearance of a giant octopus floating in the sky destroying many islands along the way here is a live stream of the beast location now]

From there Aarick began to see a huge fucking floating red octopus floating high in the sky releasing many aspects of nature on the sea lightning hard rains many tornadoes tsunamis the full works. It had so many eyes it was practically uncountable all yellow with black slits in it, whatever was video casting it and flying close to it was then shot down by a huge wave of red lighting as a scream was heard in the background then silence meanwhile on the news.

[Wait what you lost connection air force 1, I see all pronounced dead oh my god we're all going to die if that thing heads towards us]. Said Tricia but then Shu came in and said.

[Fear, not a thing mortal's that why we of the Shu familia will be working along with two other familia been the Hestia familia and Hermes familia will be taking our children to kill the fallen divine beat]

[We shall also be taking a child love by the Gods for a serious threat such as this, please come fort Rein...



Before Shu could say anything a huge lighting came all over the city and knocked all the power out causing a state-wide power outage.

When Aarick heard the news he flips he then said.

"What the hell first undead lords invaded the city now we have a fallen divine beast just great well the familia are really powerful since they are literally gods leading elite humans especially the Hestia familia I have no doubt that they will bring that white hair monster what was his name again the argonaut Bell Cranel he was a descendant of the hero-king Gilgamesh I also thinks he goes by the name Wannabe Rabit, hmm well whatever it there a problem now".

Aarick then looks around and found it amazing he could still see even in the dark after the power outage.

"It appears that I am truly not a human anymore".


"It's a relief I don't have to worry about bumping into things when things like this happen".


From there Aarick heard the sound of a fork dropping off the table and when he looked he saw Pandora by the room door with an empty bottle of giant Cola in her hand as she says.

"It seems that a rather annoying thing is about to enter my nest".

Said Pandora using x-ray vision merges with her normal perception ability to look all the way to the middle of the ocean high above the sky a giant red octopus sleeping in the lighting and storm as the havoc it causes in the middle of the sea was still ongoing.

Aarick simply said.

"Don't worry about it the Familia will deal with that thing, for now, come I'm about to take a nap so come and sleep with me". Said Aarick who was wrapped up in a Rem blanket as he opens it gesturing Pandora to cuddle with him.

Pandora saw this and smile as she jumps all the way in hugging position, luckily for Aarick though his reflexes were beyond normal human capabilities so he simply catches the fallen Pandora into his arms and wraps the blanket around the both of them while Pandora snuggles her way to she felt comfortable lying on Aarick chest as she said.

"Ahh, darling is so warm".

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it".

"I enjoyed anything that smell, taste, sound, or look like darling".

"That was oddly terrifying and lovely to hear at the same time".

"So darling what are you going to do tomorrow are you going to test out the new version and properly awaken non-existent vision well I guess it's called the tablet of creation now I hope you enjoy it since you love drawing although you will have to use your blood as an inc since everything we pillar create well I create a fabric of my self to create it".

When Aarick heard this he was still shocked at the fact of his insane ability he wasn't really aware of.

The tablet of creation: The ability to bring all forms of nonexistent into reality things that should not be comprehended will be forced to be comprehended and be brought into reality, this ability doesn't stop there either he can literally bring dreams and nightmares into reality, he can literally pull things from the television into the real world, But the most favorite part of his ability is that his drawing tablet practically became the most powerful artifact in the creation category, after all, it just an extension to his authority as the Pillar of Loneliness.

He can edit his own body infinitely in any way he pleases, he can change the properties of any living creature alive, hell he could draw and create anything with any form of power as long as he uses blood as an inc it weird his drawing tablet actually need his blood as an inc it very weird there goes common sense in a nutshell.

Aarick then began to hear Pandora's voice but it was really soft.

"Darling I don't feel so well".

When Aarick heard this he was shocked how can the strongest being get sick as he said.

"What why though what are you feeling describe it".

"I feel lightheaded, my consciousness is slowly but peacefully drifting away, but strangely I feel so peaceful".

Pandora's eyes began to close from there she fell asleep in Aarick hands as he said.

"She thinks sleeping is a sickness how cute". But Aarick heard Atlas's voice as he said.

[That because she isn't fusing with a normal soul you are a Pillar that was born into a human by mistake of the non-existent or the nothingness and since Pandora forcefully corrected your destiny or your fate by using herself she for the second time simple fell into a light hibernation state she will wake up in about an 8 hours give or take]

"I see so she just tired because is still proceeding so we can be stable".


"I really need to become stronger".

[You can always use the tablet of creation to make yourself stronger]

"I do plan on using it but even if I infinitely edit my self I still need fighting experience so you can use them properly".

[That is true]

"Atlas can you show me my status and appraised the ability that I don't know there is no need to explain then manipulation ability I already know what they are capable of".

[Affirmative now showing stats]


[Aarick Sicilian Dawn]

Race: Pillar of Loneliness

Subrace: Origin Fallen Monarcha

Power level: 150,000,000

Wives: 1

Occupation: Emperor of Sorrow and Sloth, The non-existent

Class: Avenger, Saber, and Caster

Tier-Level: Tier-10

Strength: Tier-8

Speed: Tier-7

Stamina: Tier-8

Vitality: ∞

Intelligence: Tier- 8

Magic: Class-X

Total Ki points open: 999

New ki points: 1001 (Locked)

Physic force type: Unique

Physic force ability: Telekinesis and Isolation of the stars

[All skills]

[Body editing, Eyes of fate, minion creation, Race control, and Progenitor control, Flight, Chaos manipulation, Omnipotent senses, Cold-blooded, Respawn, Soul regeneration, Pandora, Eternal loneliness, Umbrakinesis, Emotion manipulation, Density manipulation, Genetic manipulation, Misfortune manipulation, Manifestation, Technology manipulation, Pain Manipulation, Tablet of creation]

[Martial arts]

[ ]


[The Breath of Sekhmet, Mana control]

[Body Edit Log]

[Chaos veins, Cosmic wings, liquefy non-existent blood]


[Now appraising abilities]

Cold-blooded: By killing your enemies a fraction of their power will be absorbed into you gaining a fraction of their stats 12% chance of stealing an ability.

Body editing: You can change and edit your body how you please

Eyes of fate: With this ability to see the strings of fate you can even re altering the simple aspects of fate such as lifting any curse and prolonging life but that all the main ability is to see the value of things meaning you can see the aura of truth a person or object holds.

Manifestation: The law of Attraction is on your side.

Eternal loneliness: The second authority as your right as the pillar of loneliness with this ability you can make yourself nonexistent from the world erasing your present when you do this you become non-existent if you want you can even erase the memories of your existent from your enemies and anyone else but after de-activating this ability all memories shall return if the have been taken an away from the first place.

Physic force: Isolation of the star: you can borrow cosmic energy from the stars to greatly increase your physical abilities.

Pandora: Pandora possess your body and shit gets real.


after Aarick saw this he smiles as he said.

"These ability stock up together are insane extremely insane if I utilize them well I can become extremely powerful".

[Indeed if you learn to control your omnipotent senses you be unstoppable and extremely unpredictable you have infinite potential for martial arts and all forms of it as well]

"I really need to learn how to control it, after all, If I want to become strong if not for myself at least for her I did promise her that much".

[Why not just go to the academy it seems like a really good deal if you ask me]

Aarick understood where Atlas was coming from but even so, he doesn't want to depend on others.

"I am not a tool for anyone convenience I refuse to go to a school that trains you simply because they need super-soldier for the war against the demon I will fight by my own terms I rather fight demons simply because I want to kill them instead of fighting them because I am been told to do so. Pandora gave me this opportunity to better myself I will not waste her generosity I owe her too much already the least I could do is live up to her expectations".

[Well if you are not joining the academy what will you be doing]

"Well, I need fighting experience so I have been thinking about it ever since I came home and I have decided what I want to do to further myself".

[And that is]

Aarick smile at Atlas's question as he said with great excitement.

"I will join the demon slayer corps and aim to become the Pillar of loneliness a mysterious person with a mysterious breathing style no one has ever seen before this way I will have access to fight extremely strong demons, in the end, it a win-win demon will die I will get fighting experiences plus with cold-blooded a portion of their original power shall be added mines".