
A Loners Creations

"Y-Y-You can see me". Said the mysterious gothic-lolita Aarick nods at her statement. "But how is that possible". I'm the pillar of existence how can y-y-you". Sniff, Sniff finally some-ones is able to comprehend my existence. Aarick looks at the crying girl with confusion so to cheer her up he pats her head. For the first time since the dawn of all creation, the pillar of existent has finally felt the touch of one of her creations. What is your name the gothic-lolita asks Aarick with a beautiful smile? Then the Pillar of existence watch as the first living being to comprehend her existence took out a notebook and began writing something "Hi, I am Aarick". "Cant, you talk". The beautiful grey-blackish hair gothic-lolita asks in concern to the human who now holds a special place in her heart. Aarick then began to write again but this time he removes his black face mask. And what the Pillar of existence saw shock her. Both the page and inside his mouth. "I bite off my own tongue". The pillar of existence didn't need to ask why he did it she could see it in the child's dead eyes one devoid of all life she knew the person who she has now officially considered an equal was suicidal she was shaking at the very fact. I have decided I shall make you my... ***PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY ANIME COMIC OR GAMES THAT WILL OCCURS DURING THE STORY I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND ABILITIES THAT I MIGHT CREATE DURING THE STORY P.S THIS IS MY STORY SO I WILL DO WHATEVER THE HELL I PLEASED SO IF DON'T LIKE WELL BE ALL MEANS THE EXIST IS TO YOUR LEFT***

Retro_Senpai · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

He is back Yall!!! Shirou News

"Testing, testing, Oy is this shit even working, Fucking bitch ass, well fuck me I guess the CEO of Amazon is about to get smoke for selling me crap after this quick announcement chapter."

"Well fuck it, I don't need no microphone to spread happiness, joy, and excitement to the readers, cough cough."

"Ok everyone good morning to you all and welcome to the first episode of Shirou news, the place where we disgust many questions about the series, the place where we released important announcements, and also the place where we vote on something."

"It's my first time doing Webtube but im sure we will have a lot of fun come on don't believe me would it sound more reassuring if fun was my major in school."

"But the good news is, we're back in this bitch, I know I had a good word with the Author himself, this nigga Retro_Senpai be playing with my existent, I can't believe this asshole went on a four months break, talk about audacity, don't worry I got you, my fan base is too important after all, and you know I still haven't become friends with Aarick yet, and you all know me very well, I'm a strong believer of joy, and everyone deserves happiness even the mentally depress and suicidal....except Nazi traps and annoying thots their unsavable."

"Ok so I have something special here for you all, so you either love it or you hate it, but come we know you love it, "This is loner creation" after all, a fan favorite, a highly requested series that many want the lazy author to continue.

"But egh... whatever, you see last night at boobies I met Retro_Senpai he asks me to pick up a package and yes I did pick up a very special package for myself hehehe... Im going to get high tonight, what I'm secretly legal so it's fine fight me."

"But apart from that I got another package but this time it is for you guys, so let me tell you what it is, and it's a letter from the lazy author... Booo you disgust me you pitiful disappointment, you had one job and you failed it, im only doing this for the readers."

"So let's get straight to it and open this bitch up shall we?"

Cough cough.

-- Dear readers, I know you all hate me, yes I'm also aware that I take too long on this bitch, but I'm back and I'm going to concentrate on this, if anything it's loner season whole summer baby, and I was also practicing my writing so the writing quality is going to be different and more organized hopefully.

But anyway let me just come clean with you all, so tomorrow during different times of day, or maybe night, for you all I'm going to drop two chapters tomorrow, and one or maybe even two the other day.

So you got something to look forward to, if you forgot the story no problem just do a reread and get through the first six chapters of unspeakable torture, or just start the story from here it's regular fanfic so who cares as long as it's entertaining to read.

But yeah once again I apologize for these unforgivable sins, and injustice to you all, it will be paid with my precious sleep to release more chapters ASAP and to make you all happy so be expecting more Aarick, more Atlas, more Shirou, more Pandora, more Pandora, and well, of course, more Pandora, she is the best girl, after all, fight me.

But I'm a head out now these chapters ain't going to write themselves.

By yours truly: Retro_Senpai

"Well guys you heard the lazy author I hope he can redeem himself by meeting all your expectations I know he will, even If I have to use good old violence, and sufficient and expandable amount as well...what there can never be too much violence, it's the quickest easiest way to solve all your problem in a flash, trust me I use violence all the time."

"Anyways though it saddens me to say that we're coming to the end of our stream for the day, but I have one last thing to show you all, and it's a voting poll, ohhhh what voting on."

"Bitches son, we can't have a good loner classic much less fanfic without the waifus, we got to catch them all, but anyway I talk to the author and I said to him we need more Kuudere in this bitch, and of course more Yandere, what they can never be too much Yandere, and look at my boi Aarick the guy is becoming a fine Psychopath."

"But yeah I'm just going to leave this voting poll hereof which Waifu we shall be getting next, vote matters loner creation cant be loner platinum without the voice and opinion of the readers."

"So you all vote it up, and decide among yourselves, I'm out don't forget to subscribe, like, comment your thought about the stream, and yeah peace out my amazing fans... Well time to go to boobies and get high with El Luchador."

"Peace Yall... I salute my fellow culture men and women, apart from that I'm out."

[Waifue voting poll]

. Rory Mercury

. Shinobu Kocho

. Yor

. Ophis

. Kurumi

. Herscher of the end Kiana

. Android 18

. Komi

. Monika

. Moka

. Eulcidwood Hellscythe

.Kyouko Kirigiri