
Chapter 5 (II): Easy Defeat

The children got paired up with each other and the sparring began. There was nothing really ground breaking to watch, after all, it was just watching a bunch of children fight for the first time. Some were timid while others wanted to impress, either way, it was boring for the most part. Kazi did hear some cheers and some sounds of surprise and wonder coming from different groups, but his was still quiet so far.

Soon, his turn came and he stepped into the circle that had been drawn on the ground using what seemed to be white chalk, though it didn't erase that easily. The field itself was hard ground.

"Divara Kazi, Da Machi, step into the circle." Even the teacher seemed bored to death. He was not Kazi's homeroom teacher, so Kazi didn't know his name, but he was clearly less stoic than Sinko was. 

'Can't blame the guy.' From the teachers' perspective, the kids were all moving normally, and there was nothing special, they could read all the moves they made that it was boring. But from the perspective of the kids themselves, some of them even moved as blurs. Of course, Kazi could follow every move the children made and it even seemed like they were a little slow sometimes, but only for short moments.

"Make the bow." The teacher said, to which Kazi and Machi both responded to with a slight bow to each other.


The moment Kazi heard the teacher say begin, he rushed towards his opponent and just in an instant, appeared before him. Kazi meant to throw a powerful punch, but then again, that might just hurt the poor guy he was up against. Stopping in front of Machi, Kazi stretch out an arm until his palm hit Machi in the centre of his chest. It was a soft movement that wouldn't hurt, so Machi only fell backwards to his ass. He had fallen mostly because of the shock and surprise than the push.

The entire place fell silent for a bit, then the teacher announced Kazi's victory. Machi stood close to the outline of the circle, so when he fell on his ass, he crossed the line and had stepped outside, giving Kazi the win.

To all the kids standing around the circle, the movements of Kazi were extremely fast, that they could barely keep up, but for the teachers, they could follow every movement, even though it was a bit of a surprise to see a kid move like that. 

'This kid...' The teacher supervising Kazi's group was surprised for sure.

After that day, Kazi got paired up with better and more talented kids. They were impressive, but nothing special as Kazi saw it. He wasn't the only one, the teachers saw the same. 

After Kazi returned home that day in the evening around 4pm, a sutori dropped by their house to deliver a message. It was for Kazi, telling him that he had been summoned to one of the clan's training ground in an hour.

An hour later, Kazi left for the training ground. On getting there, he spotted a man in one of the clothes he recognised. It was one of the uniforms worn by sutori. 

"Good, you arrived on time. I will be your teacher, Jiko. I will be overseeing your training from now on."

Jiko explained to Kazi how the training sessions would be like while they moved to a different location within the forests near the clan. After finding a good spot, they stopped.

"Your so called bloodline is not exactly that, it is more of a technique. It is those who possess a purer bloodline of our Divara people that can bring out the full strength of the technique." Jiko explained. It made more sense now that jiko explained it. 

It initially sounded as though they were born with some kind of ability or something. But since it was like this, it meant that others could also learn this technique, if they met the conditions.

"First off, you need a strong body and an unshakable mind to practice this technique. To test your ability, run around the perimeters for as long as you can, and do so at your top speed, no slacking. GO!"

As Jiko's last word fell on Kazi's ears, he took off towards the perimeter of the clearing and began running. The clearing itself was about the size of two tennis courts. It was wide, but just the right size.

Kazi went on his full speed from the get go. As additional limitation, Jika made Kazi not to use his ora, which meant that he was running fully based of his natural strength. Even then, he was still fast. Just the bodies alone of people who could use ora were far more capable than those of a normal human on earth. A third class sutori without using any ora would still easily break all world records in the Olympic without trying much.

After a few hours of running, Kazi finally collapsed on the ground. He was tired beyond anything he could think of. Not to mention, running in such a small place over and over again was more tiring than the run itself. 

Even without being told, he began circulating his ora again, which helped with the fatigue he was feeling. Jiko on the other hand, was blown out of his mind. 

'Even after I became a third class, I still couldn't achieve something like this... This kid...'

To begin with, Kazi's speed was much faster than normal children, and he was able to keep similar speeds for at least 70% of the run.

"You did excellent, now rest a little, and you will face the test of the mind."

After ten minutes, Kazi was told to stand in place, in the middle of the clearing, while Jiko stood opposite him. Kazi's eyes were closed, and in a short moment, he felt a great force hit him after he heard a scream, more like a roar come from Jiko, and before he knew it, it disappeared again. Following that feeling of being blasted by high pressured air, the feeling of his head exploding rose and he felt like cracking open his skull to stop the feeling. There was no way to describe it except that it made him want to run out of his own skin.