
A Light Within Darkness

It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. Now since the golden dick bag can't get out of his wheelchair, I am going to fix this literally God forsaken universe even if I have to smash it together in a new Big Bang if I have too.

Azazyel · Videospiele
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91 Chs

Chapter XXVII

Now that we were in space and already chugging along heading away from the planet, I could only relax into my seat with the comforting knowledge that we had accomplished the hardest part of the plan by exceeding the nominal range of planetary defenses.

'Alright let's get going to hell.' I thought wryly as I began inputting the relative coordinates to the ship's systems so it would automatically know which direction it needed to go without me needing to hover over it.

"So now we merely wait?" Elesmere asked as she unbuckled the seat belt system holding her to the chair. Looking at the map in which we charted a sort of course I nodded speaking softly. "Considering how my ship is tearing through space via arrays along with it being on a low-powered setting due to my own power and its own power being insufficient after tearing open a spatial tunnel so we could avoid getting gunned down while leaving the planet. Yes, this trip is probably going to take a couple weeks."

Granted in the grand scheme of things a couple weeks to travel like a tenth of the 40k galaxy was nothing but bear in mind how my ship was a ship made to traverse cultivation universes.

This ship was made to instantly bypass mountain ranges the size of galaxies themselves and in turn, not be bogged down in such travel.

But I was frankly too weak to power the ship, and nor did I have the materials like spirit stones from cultivation universes to burn as fuel, so we were traveling at the slowest speed possible for now.

"Very well," Elesmere said as she stood up and stretched showing off her tight yoga-style outfit, she was wearing that clung to her form before she walked to the exit of the control room and looked back to me. "Well, aren't you coming? If we are to spend the next few weeks together, we might as well continue our joining

Already less than five minutes into the flight I was already well and bored of staring at the dull stars and if my beautiful elf wants me to take her into bed in the name of training so she can save face then I certainly won't complain or question her.


The next week plus was another building session where other than some mediation to consolidate my eighth level of the Nascent Realm I spent all the rest of the time either tuning up the ship for it to run optimally and getting our rooms and my demonic all you can eat buffet kiln, set up in the loading bay basically as far as possible from Elesmere for her comfort.

But while I was busy with Elesmere one session I heard clear as fucking day some guttural voice yelling at us from... somewhere I had no fucking clue.

But once the shock of my attempts to breed my slutty elf being stopped wore off, my lizard brain retreated, and my monkey brain took over as I realized from the dumb as hell words the voice was speaking very well indicated who was screaming at us.

"OIZ! YOU GITZ OVER DERE! COME FIGHT ME!" The clear as day Ork was screaming at me with a fucking microphone as he stuck his head out of a window on his ship...

You may have heard about Ork stupidity literally being so dense it warped reality around them, and it was honestly true as no other sentient race was so monumentally stupid that they could use their latent psychic abilities to make themselves impervious to the vacuum of space as well as make sounds carry through it. Which it shouldn't!

"Do Eldar and Humans even bother to banter with Ork's?" I asked conversationally as I took in the massive asteroid the Orks called a ship, and it was truly... A marvel of Ork engineering as it had what seemed to be thousands of guns literally duck-taped and glued to the side of the asteroid they had hollowed out into a ship.

Elesmere slapped my arm as we settled into the control room in response to my question. "No... One should only banter with those they consider an intellectual rival or at least someone that can count past twelve and those damned Greenskins can only count the teeth they collect as currency and thus are unworthy of banter." Elesmere said snootily.

"IS THAT A PANZEE KNIFE EAR SHIP!" The Ork screamed before the large green Ork's face scrunched up as the Shouta Ork quieted down to probably talk to someone close to him. "You git that's gotta be a hummie ship! I mean look at dat! It's got all da Dhakka on its sides like them hummie ships do!" He roared as he pointed at my ship and the large protruding solar cannons, I had set up on its sides.

"Should I just shoot?" I asked Elesmere as I was already getting a headache from the Shouta Ork's screams for us to fly closer so the Orks could board us, and we could have a 'Propa Fight!'

Elesmere in response just moved from her seat to sit in my throne-like seat behind me and she wrapped her hands around my own close to the controls as she breathily whispered into my ear obviously feeling my discomfort at how loud and obnoxious the Ork's were being. "My dear the only response to shooting an Ork is why haven't you already done it." Then as I shrugged in response, she gently bit upon my ear lobe as the solar stream batteries on the ship hummed to life creating a large ball of blinding light on the end of the barrel.

That right there was some wise knowledge to remember so I pushed my Yang attributed spiritual energy into the systems and the guns balls of light visibly grew and changed from a bright white light to a darker red and then with a flourish the cannon barrel shot the orbs of light towards the Ork ship.

"WE GOTTA FIGHT BOYZ!" The Shouta Ork roared but then he was engulfed in the all-consuming flames of a star's flames washing over his little cockpit. As despite Ork reality being as bullshit as it was. Rolling up a window can't protect you when a tiny sun decides to go supernova against it.

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