
A life with the Author

{Hey, you better get up and do some introduction to the readers who want to try the story.} the author said. I woke up groggily and looked at the time, "Dude, it's four in the morning." I said and went back to sleep. {I don't care. I need a sypnosis now.} the author demanded. "Bro, please, five more hours." I said {Wake up right now or else.} 'Or else what?' I challenged. {If you don't wake up I will reincarnate you in Boku no Pico, I swear.} Oh please, like that's a bad world to reincarnate to. I will just leave Japan and everything would be fine. {Then how about Attack on Titan?} That's great!! It means I would be able to change the story and prevent the sad ending. I could make Mikasa fall for me and maybe even invent some stuff with my future knowledge. It would be amazing. {This is final. I will reincarnate you in Kuroinu...} Oh!! The hentai where men can use any female for sexual pleasure? Reincarnate me there right now!! It is a little fucked up but I certainly wouldn't mind- {...as the elf queen Celestine.} .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Well hello, My name is Yuito Fujita and I am a reincarnated person who reincarnate into a new world similar to my old world but with some fictional stories mixed into it. I though I was going to live a fullfilling and peaceful life until when I was 15 years old, the author spoke to me. From then on my life became full of ups and downs with different challenges every corner. Watch me as I make a harem and fight my way to become the UFC champion of this world. But as any story, mine will be full of challenges as I found out just what fictional stories are mixed into my world My story will be full of romance, action, drama and friendship with the author. Read my life with the author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________ This is a mash up between different worlds Worlds known so far : 1. Komi-san can't communicate 2. My dress up darling. 3. Seiso Kanojo, Ochiru || The Pure Girlfriend's Fall (NTR Doujin) 4. The real world (Yes, the one you are living in. Not any anime.) 5. Wolf Children (Movie) 6. Viral Hit/How to fight (Manhwa) 7. ??? -------------------- Warning : There is NTR element. It is not exactly NTR(no kissing nor sex) but many readers felt it was. So I am here to warn you. And there's incest too. Hopefully I don't waste your time. ..... If you like my story, join my p@treon : p@treon.com/emmanuel_capricorn. (change @ = a). [Link : https://patreon.com/Emmanue_Capricorn] Get 15 early chapters and premium pics of characters while also supporting me

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Anime und Comics
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295 Chs

Slices of life

"How did you learn everything so fast though?!" Marin whined as she flopped face first on the table.

"It's not fair being the dumbest one in the friend group~" She complained as she flipped through the notes with horror in her eyes.

She had been complaining none stop since the moment she knew how far I had already covered in my studies. She also said something about making sure my good brain gets passed on to the next generation or some things.

I, on the other hand was more pre occupied with other things. I looked at Komi with scrutinized eyes and I did not know if it was an illusion but her lips were slightly curved.

It would be unnoticeable for the ordinary eyes but it couldn't escape my trained, observant eyes.

After staring long enough to be labelled as a creep, I finally concluded it was real.

'She is slowly changing.' I thought with a smile.

I guess it makes sense that Marin's contagious smile would break that doll-like face of her's sooner or later. Her mother was more than capable of expressing herself.

She could too, She just needed to learn.

One step at a time.

"Mou~" I felt Marin's hand on mine. She tugged on it. "Are you even listening to me?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and pulled my eyes away from the blushing Komi who had realized I was staring.

"Sorry, I had something on my mind." I said, "I heard something about our son taking after my smarts and being a nerd who avoid every girls while staying momma's boy?"

Okay now that I said it out loud, that was wild.

"You were clearly not listening!!" She pouted and won't look at me. Her focus fell on my once injured hand which was healed now.

But there was a fresh scar running across my palm now. And Marin was gently trailing the scar with her small fingers.

She said it was her favorite part of my body. The reason was pretty obvious.

"I'm sorry." I apologized again, "Talk and I will listen this time."

"Maybe I don't want to speak to you anymore." She said, her pout ever growing as she lovingly paid her attention to my hand.

....was it weird to feel jealous of your own hand.

"You know, I always wonder why Emilia was not the most popular girl in Re:Zero." I started and even though Marin acted like she was ignoring me, I knew she was listening,

"Rem is kind of mid." I said and Marin's head snapped to me in absolute horror.

Her whole focus was on me again but as a price I had to listen to why a short oni maid with inferiority complex who was also ready to die for you anytime was the greatest waifu ever made.

Absolutely better than the typical elf princess with political issues. She quoted.

If only she knew she was also one of the best waifu ever created.

She was sitting opposite to me and share my table while she sat on a spare chair in the classroom. Komi was also at the side, seemingly reading a small book but she was listening in on our coversation.

When I asked her to participate in the conversation and share her opinion, this was what she said.

(I like Ram. I think she was the best.)



Marin and I both screamed at her in shock, spooking out Komi who immediately apologized for her opinion.

I laughed and told her it was fine and to stand with her opinion. Then Marin and I began trying to convince her that Rem/Emilia was the best waifu.

But unfortunately, before either of us can convince her to our sides, the bell rang and Marin had to leave for her own class.

I also spread out my notes and study materials and began studying at my own pace while the teacher revised the lessons with the rest of the class.

The days soon past by again and we even stopped any club activities to focus on the upcoming exams. 

After school the three of us went to Komi's house again where I was introduced to her perfect brother.

Seriously, perfect beauty seem to be running in the family genes. Though he was not as handsome as yours truly.

No seriously, no matter how perfect your face was, you just can't compete with an incubus who also had high charm stats.

His brother went to his room and didn't come out the whole time we were in the house. Maybe he was feeling insecure with me around. I don't know.

We had yet another productive studies before we all went home again. Another day passed and the days lessened until the inevitable end.

The exams.


Author : Sorry for the pathetic chapter. Got some timgs going on.

You know what's not pathetic though? My new sick novel!!! Whoo!! Check it out.

Thanks for reading you amazing motherfuckers - and not to be left out - fatherfuckers.

I seriously has the best reader in the whole site.🥰







Surely they will give me powerstone and also check out my new book.