
A Life Time Of Promises: I Will Protect You Each Lifetimes

Born with a mysterious bloodline ever since Ashtria was a kid her family background is a mystery for her.  She grew up without a father, only her beloved mother and grandfather were by her side. But one eventful day, one of the most terrible experiences happened to her that changed her view of the world. Her mother lying on the cold hard floor of the streets wet and soaked in her blood. Since then she had no one but her grandfather, and since then her view of the world has become different than before. Ashtria matured at a very young age, she become aware of many things that a kid her age shouldn't even be aware of. Years passed she grew up with her grandfather's care, she became an extremely intelligent youth with many talents and skills. She used these capabilities to strive, to reach her dreams along with her grandfather. But it seems like destiny has something reserved for her, many unexpected things happened, then just like her mother, her beloved grandfather died in a tragic death and it became the turning point of her life. This made her realize many things, this made her view of the world broader than ever before. Since then she started her journey of revenge to seek justice for her loved ones. During her journey she met many people, people who changed her, people who stand up with her in every moment of her life. And during her journey she stumbled upon mystery after mystery, particularly about her bloodline. She came to the realization that there may be a connected reason why these things happened to here because of her mysterious background. As she went deeper on her journey, she never gave up, she held her head high, and no matter what obstacle she faced, she continued her every step without fear. ... Maximillian is a man that every woman's dreams, he got both looks and power, he is also both intelligent and passionate man. But despite that he was still betrayed by his very own beloved woman, because of that her mother even died in a tragic accident. Since then he has become cold and distance towards women. Dreams, it all started with vivid dreams. These dreams are so realistic, that it become a mystery that bothers Maximillian. That's because no matter how vivid and realistic the dreams he can't see the face of the particular woman in his dreams. He became confused that it drove him crazy. But, he stumbled upon a certain girl, he unconsciously became attracted to her. He doesn't know why but that became another mystery to him. Despite being young, the woman is an extremely intelligent and capable person, and maybe that is one of the reasons why he slowly fell for her. At first he was full of denial, but slowly he saw himself always thinking about her, always wondering about her. It even added the strange feelings he will feel every time he looks at her. And another thing is this woman had the same features as the woman in his dreams, especially her eyes.

Elle_Tsukki · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter 11 "Quiz Bee" (5)

Ashtria pressed the button as fast as she could on every question, right after the host read it completely. The three-minute countdown ends, and she got all the questions from one to five giving her a total of five points.

The game continued, and all of the crowd were surprised by how aggressive she is.

But not just because of that, because as the game continues, some questions were starting to get harder. Even though some of her opponents were still thinking, Ashtria already pressed the button ready to answer. Giving her opponents a shocked expression and tense feeling because Ashtria keep raking up points, giving them a hard time.

Ten minutes already passed, and there are now another ten minutes remaining until the game ended, they are already in question number twenty-five.

The current countdown ended, and again Ashtria quickly pressed the button.

She answered in front of all the crowds, she answers every question confidently, without stammering on her words.


Every student, teacher, and even her opponents can already feel the strong aura Famonte Ashtria emits.

Her actions, her performance is shouting that she will be the winner of this competition.

This made all of the people there realize how determined she is.

Now Ashtria has a total of ten points, Raile has eight, the third student had four points, and the last one which is fifth student had three points.

The game continues, and Ashtria continues her pace determined to win.

To make that "person" see that no matter what effort that "person" makes to pull her down, that "person" will never win. This is Ashtria's true nature, the more someone wants to bring her down the more she will become determined to fight.

She doesn't want her enemy to think that she's an easy person to deal with, she doesn't want her enemy to win and get what she/he wants. Now the game is already five minutes near its end, and now all of the people here already can feel who will be the winners.

The host reads the fiftieth question, the last question for today.

For umpteen times, Ashtria Quickly presses the button.

She got the chance to answer.

This question is the hardest one of all, this question is truly tricky and a bit confusing, but Ashtria knew the answer. How? Well of course it is all thanks to her beloved grandfather.

Ashtria starts to speak in front of the whole crowd, explaining the answer to the question. She explains it with a whole definition and an understandable explanation. She speaks each word without a pause, she pronounces all of the words even the hard ones with ease.

The crowd went silent.

The school's dean suddenly claps his hands, and smiled, "There's no doubt, you are her granddaughter." the dean said shaking his head while having a wide grin on his face.

The crowd starts to cheer, "I'm ashamed, I'm already a third year but I can't fully understand that question like you do, even if I'm given a chance to answer I wouldn't be able to explain my answer as fluently as you did." Raile said sincerely while clapping his hands.

"It is not that I'm a genius, but someone took a great effort to teach me, and that's one of the reasons why I want to win. I don't want to disappoint "him", instead I want to make him proud."


In the crowd, the students are mixed with some of the participant's families, because it's a big event the family of the students are allowed to enter. Among the crowds, Grandpa Famonte, Ashtria's Grandfather is clapping his hands, smiling proudly while looking towards his granddaughter's direction.

He had a wide grin on his face and you can see how happy he is just by looking at his eyes. Ashtria smiled back at him, her heart feels warmth because of her grandpa's proud gaze.


The Quiz Bee Competition ends there.

Ashtria is the first-place winner, she got the highest score of twenty-six points, and she got the highest score among them all. The second placer is none other than Raile, Raign's brother, who got fourteen points.

The two of them will be the representative for the upcoming All-High School Competition.

Among the crowds of students, who watched the competition from the start till it ends. A certain someone clench its fist till it bruised, this person hates to watch "her" on that stage fighting so confidently with "her" opponents, with such confidence and intelligence.

That's the reason why this person did "that" to stop her because this person doesn't want to see "her" in the limelight.

Yet there "she" is, standing on the stage getting applauded by everyone.

This "person" was extremely jealous of "her", this person wants to surpass "her". It hates it, it hates it when this person watches "her" always get to the top, it hates it when this person can't keep up at all. But here "she" is, walking way too fast and this person can't keep up at all.

"Why must she get everything? I want it all, I want it all to be mine!"

That's the reason why this person swears to itself.

That this "person" will be the one who will bring "her" down.


When Ashtria tried to get down from the stage after the competition ends she felt a sudden sharp pain in her ankle. Ashtria stumbles and almost fall off her feet, fortunately, someone catches her wrist.

"Wait are you hurt?" it was Raile.

"I sprained my ankle when I jump from the tree."

"Wait? what? You...jump from a tree? Why and when?"

"Someone locked me inside the bathroom," Ashtria said bluntly, her eyes and tone of voice both sharp.

"Those bullies are getting more and more bold," he said feeling quite angry. After all, he is the current Student Council's President. Well as the president he has the responsibility to discipline those bullied students who do bad deeds inside their school vicinity.

"You don't have to worry, "that" person isn't going to reveal "itself" because that person is a "coward," she said bluntly without emotions in her eyes.

Ashtria tried to walk again, but because her sprain already worsened, it hurts so much to the point she can't use her sprained feet to walk.

"Let me just help you go to the infirmary to check your sprain," Raile said, he squatted down facing his back to Ashtria.

"I can walk by myself." she refuses politely.

"Nope, you can't," Raile said, looking toward Ashtria's sprained ankle.

Ashtria tried to walk again but because of her sprain, she nearly fall off her feet again. Raign suddenly arrives, seeing Ashtria she immediately catches her right before she falls.

"Ashy! Ashy? Are you okay? When you go to the stage earlier I noticed you walking unsteadily, did you hurt your foot? Why? When? And where did you hurt your foot???" Raign rants feeling worried.

"It's nothing, don't worry." Seeing her worried friend, Ashtria smiled at her softly, she find her funny because she worries about her just like a mother hen.

"We have to go to the infirmary to check it, Ashy~"

"That's what I keep saying." Raile suddenly said he still had his iconic soft smile on his face.

"Y-yeah Ashtria, let me and Raign help you," Jane said timidly, Ashtria look at her and just smiled. "It's nothing." she refuses again, but Raign was insistent.

"Brother! Hurry use your useless muscle to carry Ashy at your back so we can go to the infirmary!!!" Raign scolds her brother.

"Stop scolding me okay, that's what I intended to do earlier while you're not here." Raile just smiled at his sister's habit of scolding him.

"Ashy just let brother carry you to the infirmary so we can go immediately."

In the end, Ashtria just complied with them, Raile then carries Ashtria on his back towards the infirmary.

And just as Ashtria expected, she can feel someone glare at her back, but of course not only that "person" but all of the girls who have a crush here on this infamous President.


I clench my hands into a fist tightly, here she is again getting all of the people's attention and concern, "One day I will get your position!!! I will be all of the people's center of attention and all of their eyes will set only on my way. Ever since you came into my life you made me a side character, always waiting at the side and making a spot for the female lead!!! One day I will snatch your position as the female lead!!! All of the people's attention will only be set on me and all of the male leads will fall in love with me!!! I am a rich daughter of a well-known businessman!!! And you? You're nothing!!! I always got what I want ever since I was a kid!!! And even up till now!!! I will get what I want and I will do all to get it no matter what happens and no matter what it takes...I will bring you down..."

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Were now have eleven chapters!!! More Chapters to go!

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