
A letter to the World

kiaraAnnika · Geschichte
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Author's note: (*/) means change narrator. Please correct me if there is something wrong with my grammar or there are misspellings.

Disclaimer:This is only a work of fiction. Places are only used for fiction not in real happening. Names and Characters are all a work of fiction.

My name is Phoebe Cadbury.

In my room I'm just casually reading a random book that is on our bookshelf. Our house has shelves of books because both of my parents fancy books. The book contained various story lines. There was no actual main character so the story was all over the place, but it's really nice.

"Phoebe!" I heard my mom calling me. I get up from my bed where I was reading and went downstairs. "Yes mom?". Mom was cooking and she didn't have anyone to help her and I think I know why she called me. "Can you go cut some spring onions outside?" Mom says while she was busy in cooking.

I have two older siblings and a little brother. My dad is a judge at the high court in our country, so he's always home late. My mom used to be an attorney, but, she quit when she had my eldest brother. To this day I don't know the main reason why she had to quit. I thought to myself, 'maybe because mom became a mom and she had to take care of us'. But she's working in a large company in the city now.

Our garden is very neat it has different varieties of vegetables and fruits. But we don't grow all kinds of vegetables and fruits here. Just some that we know that'll live in our soil, as I cut some spring onions only its leaves I hear my little brother's little footsteps.

"Phoebe!" He shouts as he hugs me while I was crouching on the ground. I struggle to stand because of his weight on me. "What is it Asher?" I ask him while focusing on cutting the spring onions. "I want to help!" I flinched as he shouted close to my ear. "Alright, alright. Go get a plate from mom so we can wash the spring onions." He agreed and went on his way back inside.

You might be thinking why we still grow our own vegetables and fruits even when my parents both have decent jobs. When we all have free time, we plant and we harvest and clean our garden together. But these days mom calls a plant specialist to check out our garden. I help out to harvest everytime I go home from school and my two older brothers helps carrying the baskets and helps washing what we harvested.

This is like our after-school-routine. "Phoebe!" Asher said running and carrying a plate. "Here it is!" He presents me a clean plate, I was really impressed that he didn't get it dirty this time. I lay pat on his head "Good job Asher." He smiled at me with his fangy smile. I chuckled at his face. We headed back in to wash the spring onions and gave it to mom. Not long after our eldest brother arrived.

"What's for dinner mom?" He said enthusiastically as he puts down his bag. His name is Caleb, he's in college taking law. He's in his 2nd year now. "Caleb!" Asher runs to Caleb. Asher is 6 years old. Caleb is 20 years old. The second child named 'Andrew' is 19 years old. And I'm 15 years old. Our age are really far away from each other, I didn't even expect to have a kittle brother because I was already 8 at the time when mom was expecting Asher. We're a big family.